- Oğuz Senna - 2021719240
- Kemal Caner Ertam - 2021719207
In this project we aim to build a model that detects face masks and sunglasses from live feed.
We used 2 different dataset for the project.
- Face Mask Dataset : https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/omkargurav/face-mask-dataset/
- Sunglasses Dataset : https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/amol07/sunglasses-no-sunglasses
- Deploy the project on yout computer.
- You need to read the dataset from the links above.
- Install required packages(Numpy, pandas, opencv, tensorflow keras)
- Open Terminal:
- To create a model write 'python modelCreatorMask.py' on the terminal
- To open detector(live feed) write 'python mask_detector.py' on the terminal
- You can try different masks. Wear, unwear masks to see the models prediction on the live camera feed.
- Deploy the project on yout computer.
- You need to read the dataset from the links above.
- Install required packages(Numpy, pandas, opencv, tensorflow keras)
- Open Terminal:
- To create a model write 'python modelCreatorGlasses.py' on the terminal
- to open detector(live feed) write 'python glasses_detector.py' on the terminal
- You can try different masks. Wear, unwear masks to see the models prediction on the live camera feed.
Report: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aN9uGXmGCn3Pv3N4uE6LJEeRokEy8yX5/view?usp=sharing