🔭 I’m currently working on an AI Powered Travel and Language Learning App, an app that allows users to translate any language they want, learn new languages with personalized exercises, ask a chatbot about any travel-related question they have about anywhere on earth, and generate words and phrases that are most important to know anywhere in the world.
👨💻 All of my projects are available at coltonkaiser.dev
💬 Ask me about React, TypeScript, GraphQL, Next.JS, Node.js
📫 How to reach me: kaiserc2@seattleu.edu
⚡ Fun fact Energy drinks over coffee
- How To Create A Unique Workout Planner With ReactJS
- JavaScript Under The Hood Pt. 7: IIFEs
- JWT Tokens: The What, How, and Why
- JavaScript Under The Hood Pt. 6: Asynchronous Callbacks
- JavaScript Under The Hood Pt. 5: Prototype and Prototypal Inheritance