gcloud app deploy
On a new major Dota version, update constants.js
- add tooltips to explain mu, sigma
- add estimated WL + Role stats to the heroes page
- currently the prior is Beta(75, 75), evaluate alternatives that have solid mathematical rationale. User feedback states the current value seems high.
add win/loss statistics
- autocorrelation
- runs a 2^-n overlay, autocorrelation
- run sequence horizon charts? {mark: line, x: idx, y: saturating windowed sum}
add team comp by total role graphs
- {mark: line, row: role, x: value, y: count, color: win}
- {mark: point, row: role, x: value, y: est. w/l} + curve fit?
replace vega-embed with vue-vega when it works
add graphs conceptually similar to K+A vs. D
- GPM, XPM, dmg?
add interactivity
- input to limit date range or patch versions (done for matches, maybe generalize to all pages?)
- alternative facet dimensions, e.g. "str/agi/int" instead of "win/loss" (done for matches, maybe generalize to all pages?)
- filtering games by hero role / player position (GPM as proxy for 1-5?)
add timeseries of windowed estimates
- estimated W/L ratio per hero or per role?
- user-configurable window size, either #games or #days?
- possibly show via cubism.js or by adding spark lines to vega-lite?
- add webpack