- June 2023
- This project is in development and is buggy - it is not a finished product!
- I have completely re-written
after stumbling upon Ole Ivar Rudi’s CRT scanline hack. - There are a tonne of breaking changes - nothing will work as before!
- The return image is still a ggplot render, but the parametrisation is very different
- Please log any bugs you find!
- I have always loved the aesthetic feel of David Fincher’s Alien 3 film. From the cavernous, brutal and liminal environments, to the desolate and isolated nature of the story. In fact, I have always really loved the aesthetic of the Alien films in general, and more recently the incredible Alien Isolation game.
- At the start of Alien 3, several ‘retro-futuristic’ scanline portrait images are seen (shown below), and I was keen to see if I could recreate this scanline style for any given image with R.
- This project has been on the back-burner for a long time, but the
rough code I initially wrote years ago has now turned into this
package. This package is super niche and is just for fun.
can be installed from github
- Add
to the search path
- The default arguments try to replicate the overall feel of the original scanline images shown above. However, custom parameters can be chosen to significantly change the look of the output
i <- 'https://www.looper.com/img/gallery/why-alien-3-almost-never-got-released/intro-1632832833.jpg'
magick::image_read(i) |> magick::image_ggplot()
scanline(i, n_scanlines = 50)
- Apparently he likes R
i <-
'https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTM0OTI2MTg0MV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNjg3ODEyMw@@._V1_.jpg' |>
magick::image_read() |>
i |>
magick::image_extent(geometry = "x600" ,color = "black", gravity = "north") |>
magick::image_annotate("I like R", size = 80, color = "white", gravity = "south", font = "Alien3") |>
scanline(n_scanlines = 100)
i <- 'https://i.pinimg.com/originals/35/3c/40/353c40acae809215af994c06ea10d86d.jpg'
magick::image_read(i) |> magick::image_ggplot()
i <- 'https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/alienanthology/images/3/3b/Alien_3_Danny_Webb1.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20210320141122'
magick::image_read(i) |> magick::image_ggplot()
- Noise can also be added to achieve a certain aesthetic
scanline(i, n_scanlines = 100, add_noise = TRUE)
- Gif from here
is an experimental function for creation of gifs
scanline_gif('data-raw/alien-1979.gif', width = 762, height = 456, add_noise = TRUE)
- Not recommended!! - but you absolutely could make your plots
look like they are being viewed on a terminal onboard the Nostromo!
Using the
graphics device to create an image of the plot which is then passed toscanline()
#> Warning: package 'ggplot2' was built under R version 4.2.2
fig <- magick::image_device(1800, 1000, res = 450)
diamonds |>
ggplot() +
geom_density(aes(price, after_stat(scaled)), fill = "grey70")+
theme(panel.grid = element_blank())+
title = "Diamond price distribution",
x = "Price",
y = "Scaled density")
#> png
#> 2
fig |> magick::image_negate() |> scanline(n_scanlines = 160, border_size = 0, frame_size = 0)