Neocomplete filters that allow to complete multi-dimensional PHP arrays from a variable name.
$checkout_pages['shipping']['weight'] = -9;
$checkout_pages['shipping']['prev_page'] = 'checkout';
$checkout_pages['shipping']['next_page'] = 'addons';
When the variable name is typed $checkout_pages will suggest for autocompletion the associative keys of the array on the autocomplete popup.
Note that in order to properly work you will need to tweak the neocomplete keywork patterns to:
let g:neocomplete#keyword_patterns['php'] = '\h[0-9A-Za-z_\-]*\%\([\[\{][0-9A-Za-z_''"\-\$/% ]*[\]\}]\)*'
You also need to configure the filter for buffer candidates source on your vimrc:
call neocomplete#custom#source('buffer', 'converters', ['converter_multi_array_parts', 'converter_remove_lead_trail_quotes', 'converter_remove_last_paren', 'converter_remove_overlap'])