A library of modules for scaling your javascript code
$dd, by itself, comes with a collection of handy tools for normalizing repetitive javascript tasks.
typeof is, at best, tedious. When you pass a variable into the $dd.type function, a string is returned that lets you know exactly which type of object you're dealing with. Optionally, you can pass in a space delineated string as the second parameter to determine if variable is one of those types.
var a = $dd.type([]),
b = $dd.type(window),
c = $dd.type('hello world','array'),
d = $dd.type('hello world','array string');
// variable values
// a: 'array'
// b: 'node'
// c: false
// d: true
When you need to smash two objects together, only adding variables from the right side that aren't available in the left side, this is the function to use. I use it a lot for objects that have options with default values. You can smash as many objects together as you like.
var fun = function(options){
this.options = $dd.extend({
id: 0,
name: 'guest',
has_key: false
var fun1 = new fun({ name: 'Theodore' });
// fun1.options
// {
// id: 0,
// name: 'Theodore',
// has_key: false
// }
Keeping as many variables out of global namespace as possible is a good idea, but sometimes you need to access that one problematic function hidden deep inside of an iife. This function explicitly links a variable to the global scope, no matter where you are. If you have too many of these running around your code, try using the inversion of control module instead.
var state_machine = { on: false };
window.state_machine.on = true;
If you need to wait until the document is ready for manipulation, you can pass a callback function into $dd.init. The callbacks are called in the order they were passed to the namespace. If the document is already ready, the function is called immediately, so it's a good idea to wrap your dom manipulation calls in this function no matter where they are in your stack.
//this one gives an error
document.getElementById('.not-ready').className = 'ready';
//this one doesn't!
document.getElementById('.not-ready').className = 'ready';
This is how the namespace extends itself. If you check the modules directory, you'll see how this function is used. In essence, it just prevents collisions on the namespace.
istouch: !!('ontouchend' in document),
browser: function(){}
While $dd is fine and all, it's really just a variable to put stuff. Here's where it gets interesting. You can check out the modules directory to find all of the modules and poke around to get a better understanding of how they work, this is just a brief usage overview.
hash based router for doing single paged applications
//on enter hash
//on exit
A DOM maninipulation library that's mean and lean. Like 7KB lean.
$dd.dom('#start-page .button.active')
.css({ opacity: '0.5' })
Publish/Subscribe module for multi-casting events and loose coupling of your data structures. Declaring a channel is now required in an attempt to retain documentation of the different events.
$dd.channel('/chat/:status','Fired whenever a chat object is created or destroyed. Takes the chat object as the first parameter');
var self = {
if(status === 'new'){
var self = {
chat_count: 0
if(status === 'new'){
} else {
var self = {
element: $dd.dom('button');
user: 'Bob',
message: 'Hello World!'
Inversion of control is the answer to singletons. Useful for creating a decoupled service layer in your application (settings, user authentication, etc).
var settings = {
language: 'en_US',
currency: 'BTC'
return settings;
var current_currency = $dd.ioc.get('settings').currency;
Drop in crazy keyboard combinations as quickly as hooking up a mousedown event binding
'[ctrl][a + e + y]': function(){ alert('finger stretch completed'); },
'[shift][up + up + down + down + left + right + left + right + b + a + enter]': function(){ alert('KONAMI CODE'); }
Data driven inheritance patterns, the core of any large web application. There are some cool functions that make models easier to connect to.
$dd.model({ fieldname: default_value })
defines a model
fills the model with a basic javascript object
define a function to operate on the incoming data, before and after it is loaded into the model
returns a clean javascript object from your model
define a function to operate on the outgoing data, before and after it is returned from out
.map({ fieldname: 'outside_fieldname' })
when your data source uses nonsensical variable names, use this to clean it up
.type({ fieldname: fun })
define a constructor for fields. usefull for setting up model hierarchies. handles arrays automatically if defined as such in the model.
extends the definition of a model for inheritance
save youself from typing self over and over. just tacks things onto the object.
.validate({ fieldname: fun })
defines a validation function for fields. the function returns an array of strings on error pending change
runs the validation functions. if it returns false, check .errors pending change
var Bean = function(data){
var self = $dd.model({
name: '',
flavor: 0
var _name = _data.name.toLowerCase();
_data.name = _name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + _name.slice(1);
_data.flavor = Math.min(0,Math.max(_data.flavor||0,10));
self.enhance = function(){ self.fill({ flavor: self.flavor + 1 }); };
return self.fill(data);
var Burrito = function(data){
var self = $dd.model({
name: '',
items: []
items: 'stuff'
items: Bean
self.clone = function(){
return Burrito(self.out());
return self;
var BeanBurrito = Burrito({
name: 'Bean Burrito',
stuff: [{
name: 'pinto',
flavor: 12
name: 'KIDNEY',
flavor: 2
console.log(BeanBurrito.items[0].name + ' [' + BeanBurrito.items[0].flavor + '/10]');
// outputs:
// Pinto [10/10]