Redis and make
must be installed to run the tests. make test
will run a get/set example and a pub-sub one.
Redis is an in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache and message broker.
The comsat-redis
module is compatible with JDK 8 and higher; it uses Lettuce's async API, which is based on JDK8's CompletableStage, to offer a synchronous fiber-blocking Jedis API. At present it supports most basic commands and Redis pub-sub.
The co.paralleluniverse.fibers.redis.BinaryJedis
, Jedis
, BinaryJedisPubSub
and JedisPubSub
classes extend the corresponding Jedis' ones so in most cases using the integration is as simple as including the module as a compile-time dependency, enabling Quasar instrumentation and replacing references to the redis.clients.jedis
package with co.paralleluniverse.fibers.redis
There are some difference between comsat-redis
and Jedis:
- When invoked from fibers
will block fibers while from threads it will block threads; this means it's generally better to use it inside fibers in order to get maximum concurrency and efficiency but it can also be used as a traditional Jedis driver from Java threads. - When using pub-sub, the callback handlers have to extend Comsat's
rather than Jedis' (but usually it's just a matter of switching package). Also, each callback method will run in a fiber and will have to be annotated as@Suspendable
if it calls fiber-blocking methods. - Lettuce's driver is thread-safe for basic commands so there's usually no need to use pooling: a single
instance will suffice and will yield better performance.
Here's a complete list of features that are currently supported:
- Pub-sub
- All basic commands and operations except geo commands,
with count,zincrby
with count, scan commands with parameters, bit operations with parameters, zstore operations with parameters and Jedis-deprecated calls.
Clustering, sharding, replication, transaction/multi, pipelining, scripting, monitoring and all other features not explicitly listed above are not yet supported.