Execute bash command on multiple servers at once
run "uname -a" on 3 hosts, one by one
multissh.sh host1,host2,host3 "uname -a"
run "uname -a" on 3 hosts, all at the same time
multissh.sh -b host1,host2,host3 "uname -a"
run "uname -a" on 3 hosts, using username 'admin'
multissh.sh -u admin host1,host2,host3 "uname -a"
run a number of commands on several hosts
cat commands.sh | multissh.sh admin@host1,root@host2 -
multissh.sh [options] [host1,host2,host3] [command]
runs [command] on all specified hosts via ssh
[host] can be ip address, hostname or user@hostname
-b : start in background (so +- simultaneously on all servers)
-i : do SSH initialisation (copy SSH pub key to remote host if necessary)
-u [user] : use this username for shh login (default: peter)
* bash
* sed/tr/grep (should be present in your OS if sh/bash is there)
* ssh
* gawk (optional)