An alfred workflow written in Ruby to interact with Mite Time Tracking Tool
- Alfred Powerpack License
- Ruby Version > 2.1.0
- Nokogiri
For the installation of ruby i recommend using rvm
The following installation Guide can help
- Install Nokogiri rubygem
gem install nokogiri
- Download the mite.workflow file from the worklog directory
- Enable API Access to your account on
- After adding the workflow to Alfred run:
mt setup <mite-url> <api-key>
edit the config.yml file
- mt setup # setup your mite account
- mt user # show information about your Mite account
- mt daily # show current worklogs of today
- mt projects # show available projects
- mt services # show available services
- mt create # create a new worklog entry
- mt delete # delete a worklog entry
- mt customers # List Customers
- mt entries # search for worklogs by keyword or date
- mt tracker # show running time trackers
- mt modify # modify a specific time entry