About: Score is a programming language designed for blind and visually impaired students as an educational tool to learn to code by building a game and music which targeted primarily on children at the age of 12 - 16 years old
Fun fact: Score (or an alternative term for "sheet music") is a handwritten or printed form of musical notation that uses musical symbols to indicate the pitches, rhythms, or chords of a song or instrumental musical piece
- Much of the CS education tools for kid relies on visual representation and are not support screen reader software such as Scratch programming language
- Text-based programming in languages with traditional syntax (e.g. C++, Java, Javascript, or Python’s whitespace rules) are difficult to understand through audio
- There were no educational programs for blind and visually impaired students to learn to code in Thailand
- Build an educational tool for teachers to teach coding based on the national computer science curriculum
- Every instruction should be readable like an English sentence
- No indentation and whitespace required
- Execution output should be human-readable and audio oriented.
- Go to The Score Programming Language Playground
- Let's start with this code and feel free to edit by yourself (and don't forget to turn audio on)
var n = 1
while n <= 14
play note n for 0.2s
set n = n + 1
- Press
shift + enter
to run, or you can also hit the "RUN CODE" button on the top-right of the screen - See the result :)
var name = "Chun Rapeepat"
var bool = true
var score = 25.25
set score = 500;
var a = -10;
var b = 10 + 20;
var c = 10 - 20;
var d = 10 * 20;
var e = 10 / 20;
var f = (5 mod 2) + 10;
var name = "Chun"
var msg = "hello " + name
var a = true and false
var b = true or false
var c = not true
var less = 10 < 20
var greater = 30 > 20
var lessThanOrEqualTo = 10 <= 10
var greaterThanOrEqualTo = 10 >= 10
var notEqual = 1 != 2
var num = 10
if num < 100
print "num is less than 100"
var num = 10
if num < 100
print "num is less than 100"
print "num is greater than or equal to 100"
var num = 10
if num < 100
print "num is less than 100"
else if num == 100
print "num is equal to 100"
print "num is greater than 100"
var a = 1
while a <= 10
print a
set a = a + 1
repeat 10 times
print "hi!"
var name = "Chun"
# the result will print to the screen
print "Hello my name is " + name
# the result will produce via audio output
say "hello"
# play note 1 in C major scale
play note 1
# play note 1 in C major scale in the next octave
play note 1 + 7
# play note 1 for 3 seconds
play note 1 for 3 secs
# or
play note 1 for 3s
var n = 1
repeat 50 times
play note n for 0.2s
set n = n + 1
print "hello"
wait 3s
print "world"
print "start program"
print "this line should not be executed"
var num = [random from 1 to 10]
print num
var name = [ask "what is your name?"]
print "My name is " + name
var age = [ask "what is your age?" as number]
print age + 1
repeat 10 times
play note [random from 1 to 14] for 0.2s
- Setting customization such as voice or musical instrument
- Array data structure
- Load and play custom audio file
- Event listener
- Function declaration
- Global variable for multiple scripts
Version: 1.0
program → statement* EOF
statement → exprStmt
| printStmt
| ifStmt
| whileStmt
| repeatStmt
| varStmt
| setStmt
| sayStmt
| waitStmt
| playStmt
| exitStmt
| breakStmt
| continueStmt
| "\n"
exprStmt → expression "\n"
printStmt → "print" expression "\n"
ifStmt → "if" expression "\n" statement* "end" "\n"
| "if" expression "\n" statement* "else" "\n" statement* "end" "\n"
| "if" expression "\n" statement* "else" ifStmt
whileStmt → "while" expression "\n" statement* "end" "\n"
repeatStmt → "repeat" expression ID["times"] "\n" statement* "end" "\n"
breakStmt → "break" "\n"
continueStmt → "continue" "\n"
varStmt → "var" ID ("=" expression)? "\n"
setStmt → "set" ID "=" expression "\n"
sayStmt → "say" expression (ID["for"] expression (ID["secs"] | ID["s"]))? "\n"
waitStmt → "wait" expression (ID["secs"] | ID["s"]) "\n"
playStmt → "play" ID["note"] expression (ID["for"] expression (ID["secs"] | ID["s"]))? "\n"
exitStmt → "exit" "\n"
expression → logic_or
logic_or → logic_and ("or" logic_and)*
logic_and → equality ("and" equality)*
equality → comparison (( "!=" | "==" ) comparison)*
comparison → term (( ">" | ">=" | "<" | "<=" ) term)*
term → factor (( "-" | "+" ) factor)*
factor → unary (( "/" | "*" | "mod" ) unary)*
unary → ( "not" | "-" | "+" ) unary | primary | functionCall
functionCall → "[" ID expression* "]"
primary → NUMBER
| "number" | "string" | "boolean"
| "true" | "false"
| "null"
| "(" expression ")"
| ID
Made with 💖 by Chun Rapeepat