XCL (XMPP Client Library) is a client XMPP library implemented in Erlang.
XCL is a rebar-compatible OTP application. It depends on the following libraries:
To build run make or use rebar tool.
Create a properly list with the following configured arguments:
Args = [{username, "username"},
{password, "password1"},
{domain, "yunker.io"},
{resource, "xcl"},
{host, "yunker.io"},
{port, 5223},
{transport, socket | ws},
{auth, plain},
{tls, none | tls | starttls},
{compress, none}]
Start session:
{ok, Session} = xcl_session:start(Args)
Send a stanza:
ok = xcl_session:send_stanza(Session, Xmlel)
Receive a stanza:
{ok, Xmlel} = xcl_session:receive_stanza(Session)
Check if session is valid:
true | false = xcl_session:is_valid(Session)
Stop session:
ok = xcl_session:stop(Session)