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Sharing and networking components for rapid prototyping in Unity for building shared experiences.

Ensure you have the following capabilities set:

  1. Enable the "SpatialPerception" capability in Player Settings -> Windows Store -> Publishing Settings -> Capabilities.
  2. For using Sharing components, you will also need to set the InternetClientServer, PrivateNetworkClientServer, and Microphone capabilities.

Enables the HoloToolkit menu option in the Unity top tool bar.

Contains compiled architecture specific binaries for SharingClient.dll which are required by the Unity application for accessing sharing APIs. Binaries are compiled from the native HoloToolkit\Sharing.

Prefabs related to the sharing and networking features.


  1. Enables sharing and networking in your Unity application.
  2. Allows you to communicate between a Windows and non-Windows device.

SharingStage.cs allows you to be a Primary Client (typical case). Server Address is the IP address of the machine running the HoloToolkit -> Launch Sharing Service. Server Port displays the port being used for communicating.

SharingSessionTracker.cs keeps track of the players joining and leaving a shared session.

AutoJoinSession.cs creates a shared session with Session Name 'Default' which is customizable. Joins a player to that session if once already exists.

Scripts related to the sharing and networking features.


Contains scripts compiled from the native HoloToolkit\Sharing repository and using the SWIG tool to generate different language bindings.


Utility scripts for the Sharing.prefab. Also scripts for logging, launching processes, math utilities.

Tests related to the sharing features. To use the scene:

  1. Navigate to the Tests folder.
  2. Double click on the test scene you wish to explore.
  3. Either click "Play" in the unity editor or File -> Build Settings.
  4. Add Open Scenes, Platform -> Windows Store, SDK -> Universal 10, Build Type -> D3D, Check 'Unity C# Projects'.
  5. Click 'Build' and create an App folder. When compile is done, open the solution and deploy to device.


Sharing scene demonstrates how to use the Sharing prefabs for networking and sharing custom messages with clients. It also demonstrates how to share world anchors between clients to establish a shared space.

  1. Ensure to launch the sharing service using: HoloToolkit -> Launch Sharing service
  2. Enter the IP address displayed in the console window into the Server Address of the Sharing object.
  3. CustomMessages.cs shows how to communicate specific information across clients.
  4. ImportExportAnchorManager.cs shows how to create anchors and share them with other clients using the sharing service.
  5. RemoteHeadManager.cs draw cubes on remote heads of users joining the session.