You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 5
This documentation is outdated for plugin version >= The new documentation is available here (api) and here (websockets)
Returns the version of the V2 API, V1 and V2 version numbers are independent of one another
Note: Due to limitations in the api provided by NINA, it is not (yet?) possible to specify which device to connect to / switch devices
This endpoint provides the following required route parameter:
- action:
- connect: performs a rescan before connecting to the previously connected camera, if not already connected
- disconnect: disconnects the camera
- abort-exposure: aborts a currently running exposure if there is one
- capture: Captures (and solves if requested) and image
- info: returns information about the camera
Optional URL parameters (only needed for capture):
- solve (bool): determines if the image should be solved or not
- duration (double): specifies the exposure time
- getResult (bool): This returns the image (and if solved, the platesolve result) when the capture (and solving) task is finished
- resize (bool), used together with size to resize an image
- size, specifies the new image dimensions (requires resize to be true) in the following format:
- quality, specifies the jpg quality of the returned image (-1 returns a png)
These can have the following responses (provided they are successful)
action | Response |
connect | Camera connected |
disconnect | Camera disconnected |
abort-exposure |
Exposure aborted or Camera not exposing or Camera not connected as Error with StatusCode 409 |
capture | The capture result (see below) or Capture started or Capture already in progress or Camera not connected as Error with StatusCode 409 or Camera currently exposing as Error with StatusCode 409 or No capture processed as Error with StatusCode 409 |
unknown |
Unknown action in Error, with StatusCode 400 |
Note: If the image wasn't solved, the "Platesolve" field is missing.
"Response": {
"Platesolve": {
"SolveTime": "2024-08-15T18:27:19.5702457+02:00",
"Orientation": 89.92822656826866,
"PositionAngle": 270.07177343173134,
"Pixscale": 6.891310190786149,
"Radius": 3.903996512523301,
"Coordinates": {
"RA": 0.7201166013695368,
"RAString": "00:43:12",
"RADegrees": 10.801749020543053,
"Dec": 41.2062853500786,
"DecString": "41° 12' 23\"",
"Epoch": 2,
"DateTime": {
"Now": "2024-08-15T18:27:51.2030373+02:00",
"UtcNow": "2024-08-15T16:27:51.2030394Z",
"MinValue": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"MaxValue": "9999-12-31T23:59:59.9999999"
"Flipped": false,
"Success": true,
"RaErrorString": "--",
"RaPixError": "NaN",
"DecPixError": "NaN",
"DecErrorString": "--",
"Separation": null
"Image": "<Your image>"
"Error": "",
"StatusCode": 200,
"Success": true,
"Type": "API"
Camera info
"Response": {
"DewHeaterOn": false,
"SubSampleX": 0,
"DefaultOffset": 0,
"GainMax": 10000,
"CameraState": -1,
"XSize": 640,
"LiveViewEnabled": false,
"CanSubSample": false,
"SubSampleY": 0,
"DisplayName": "N.I.N.A. Simulator Camera",
"ElectronsPerADU": "NaN",
"GainMin": 0,
"CoolerOn": false,
"Gain": 0,
"Gains": [],
"OffsetMin": 0,
"BinX": 1,
"HasShutter": false,
"CanSetTemperature": false,
"ReadoutModes": [
"Battery": -1,
"OffsetMax": 1000,
"ReadoutModeForNormalImages": 0,
"DriverVersion": null,
"CoolerPower": "NaN",
"PixelSize": 3.8,
"USBLimit": 0,
"YSize": 480,
"DeviceId": "4C0BBF74-0D95-41F6-AAD8-D6D58668CF2C",
"USBLimitMin": 0,
"BayerOffsetX": 0,
"ExposureEndTime": "2024-08-06T12:13:03.2513401+02:00",
"CanGetGain": true,
"CanSetUSBLimit": true,
"SensorType": 0,
"USBLimitMax": 100,
"SubSampleWidth": 0,
"TemperatureSetPoint": "NaN",
"BinningModes": [
"X": 1,
"Y": 1
"SupportedActions": [],
"ReadoutMode": 0,
"ExposureMax": 1.7976931348623157e+308,
"Offset": 0,
"BayerOffsetY": 0,
"Connected": true,
"ExposureMin": 0,
"SubSampleHeight": 0,
"CanSetGain": true,
"DefaultGain": 0,
"IsSubSampleEnabled": false,
"Temperature": "NaN",
"LastDownloadTime": 0.0059787,
"ReadoutModeForSnapImages": 0,
"Description": null,
"HasDewHeater": true,
"CanSetOffset": true,
"BitDepth": 16,
"DriverInfo": null,
"Name": "N.I.N.A. Simulator Camera",
"IsExposing": false,
"CanShowLiveView": true,
"BinY": 1
"Error": "",
"StatusCode": 200,
"Success": true,
"Type": "API"
This endpoint provides the following required route parameter:
- action:
- connect: performs a rescan before connecting to the previously connected mount, if not already connected
- disconnect: disconnects the mount
- park: orders the mount to park, returns when the park is successfully issued
- unpark: orders the mount to unpark, returns when the unpark is successfully issued
- info: returns information about the mount
These can have the following responses (provided they are successful)
action | Response |
connect | Mount connected |
disconnect | Mount disconnected |
park |
Mount already parked or Parking or Mount not connected as Error with StatusCode 409 |
unpark |
Mount not parked or Unparking or Mount not connected as Error with StatusCode 409 |
unknown |
Unknown action in Error, with StatusCode 400 |
Mount info
"Response": {
"TrackingRate": {
"TrackingMode": 5,
"CustomRightAscensionRate": null,
"CustomDeclinationRate": null
"IsPulseGuiding": false,
"SiteLatitude": 4.482748294,
"Declination": 1.9445019937538122,
"GuideRateRightAscensionArcsecPerSec": 15.041068619585433,
"Description": null,
"DisplayName": "Simulator",
"TrackingModes": [
"AzimuthString": "256° 57' 31\"",
"HoursToMeridianString": "24:00:00",
"PrimaryAxisRates": [
"Item1": 0,
"Item2": 8
"SideOfPier": -1,
"DriverInfo": null,
"CanSetPark": true,
"TargetSideOfPier": null,
"UTCDate": "2024-08-06T10:18:48.717",
"Connected": true,
"CanMovePrimaryAxis": true,
"AltitudeString": "13° 26' 08\"",
"GuideRateDeclinationArcsecPerSec": 15.041068619585433,
"TargetCoordinates": null,
"CanFindHome": true,
"Azimuth": 256.958651496096,
"CanMoveSecondaryAxis": true,
"SiteLongitude": 8.48283837461,
"RightAscensionString": "03:07:27",
"Slewing": false,
"SupportedActions": [],
"CanPulseGuide": true,
"Coordinates": {
"RA": 3.1240425363796707,
"RAString": "03:07:27",
"RADegrees": 46.86063804569506,
"Dec": 1.9445019937538122,
"DecString": "01° 56' 40\"",
"Epoch": 0,
"DateTime": {
"Now": "2024-08-06T12:18:48.5531348+02:00",
"UtcNow": "2024-08-06T10:18:48.553233Z",
"MinValue": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"MaxValue": "9999-12-31T23:59:59.9999999"
"SiteElevation": 110,
"SecondaryAxisRates": [
"Item1": 0,
"Item2": 8
"TimeToMeridianFlip": 24,
"CanPark": true,
"SiderealTimeString": "07:53:17",
"CanSetPierSide": false,
"EquatorialSystem": 0,
"CanSetRightAscensionRate": true,
"HasUnknownEpoch": false,
"AtPark": false,
"AlignmentMode": 1,
"SiderealTime": 7.887960053767035,
"RightAscension": 3.1240425363796707,
"TimeToMeridianFlipString": "24:00:00",
"DriverVersion": null,
"CanSetDeclinationRate": true,
"CanSlew": true,
"Altitude": 13.4356807384605,
"CanSetTrackingEnabled": true,
"AtHome": false,
"TrackingEnabled": false,
"DeclinationString": "01° 56' 40\"",
"DeviceId": "ScopeSim.Telescope",
"Name": "Simulator"
"Error": "",
"StatusCode": 200,
"Success": true,
"Type": "API"
This endpoint provides the following required route parameter:
- action:
- connect: performs a rescan before connecting to the previously connected focuser, if not already connected
- disconnect: disconnects the focuser
- move (releases with moves the focuser to the specified (absolute) position
- auto-focus: issues an autofocus run with the current filter
- info: returns information about the focuser
These can have the following responses (provided they are successful)
action | Response |
connect | Focuser connected |
disconnect | Focuser disconnected |
move | Move started |
auto-focus |
Autofocus started or Focuser not connected as Error with StatusCode 409 |
unknown |
Unknown action in Error, with StatusCode 400 |
Focuser info
"Response": {
"TempComp": false,
"Name": "Simulator",
"DeviceId": "FocusSim.Focuser",
"SupportedActions": [],
"DriverInfo": "",
"DriverVersion": "",
"IsSettling": false,
"IsMoving": false,
"Position": 20000,
"Temperature": 0.440000000000004,
"StepSize": 40,
"Description": "",
"TempCompAvailable": true,
"Connected": true,
"DisplayName": "Simulator"
"Error": "",
"StatusCode": 200,
"Success": true,
"Type": "API"
This endpoint provides the following required route parameter:
- action:
- connect: performs a rescan before connecting to the previously connected rotator, if not already connected
- disconnect: disconnects the rotator
- move: rotates to the specified position
- move-mechanical: rotatest to the specified mechanical position
- info: returns information about the rotator
Optional URL parameter:
- position (float), used for rotating
These can have the following responses (provided they are successful)
action | Response |
connect | Rotator connected |
disconnect | Rotator disconnected |
move |
Rotator move started or Rotator not connected as Error with StatusCode 409 |
move-mechanical |
Rotator move started or Rotator not connected as Error with StatusCode 409 |
unknown |
Unknown action in Error, with StatusCode 400 |
Rotator info
"Response": {
"DriverInfo": "ASCOM.Simulator.Rotator",
"MechanicalPosition": 5,
"Reverse": false,
"DeviceId": "ASCOM.Simulator.Rotator",
"SupportedActions": [],
"Name": "Rotator Simulator .NET",
"DriverVersion": "6.6",
"Synced": false,
"IsMoving": false,
"Position": 5,
"StepSize": 0.75,
"Description": "ASCOM Rotator Driver for RotatorSimulator",
"CanReverse": true,
"Connected": true,
"DisplayName": "Rotator Simulator .NET"
"Error": "",
"StatusCode": 200,
"Success": true,
"Type": "API"
This endpoint provides the following required route parameter:
- action:
- connect: performs a rescan before connecting to the previously connected filterwheel, if not already connected
- disconnect: disconnects the filterwheel
- info: returns information about the filterwheel
These can have the following responses (provided they are successful)
action | Response |
connect | Filterwheel connected |
disconnect | Filterwheel disconnected |
unknown |
Unknown action in Error, with StatusCode 400 |
Filterwheel info
"Response": {
"SelectedFilter": {
"_name": "Filter 1",
"_focusOffset": 0,
"_position": 1,
"_autoFocusExposureTime": -1,
"_autoFocusFilter": false,
"FlatWizardFilterSettings": {
"FlatWizardMode": 0,
"HistogramMeanTarget": 0.5,
"HistogramTolerance": 0.1,
"MaxFlatExposureTime": 30,
"MinFlatExposureTime": 0.01,
"MaxAbsoluteFlatDeviceBrightness": 1,
"MinAbsoluteFlatDeviceBrightness": 0,
"Gain": -1,
"Offset": -1,
"Binning": {
"X": 1,
"Y": 1
"_autoFocusBinning": {
"X": 1,
"Y": 1
"_autoFocusGain": -1,
"_autoFocusOffset": -1
"Name": "Simulator",
"DriverInfo": "",
"DisplayName": "Simulator",
"IsMoving": false,
"Description": "",
"SupportedActions": [],
"Connected": true,
"DriverVersion": "",
"DeviceId": "FilterWheelSim.FilterWheel"
"Error": "",
"StatusCode": 200,
"Success": true,
"Type": "API"
This endpoint provides the following required route parameter:
- action:
- connect: performs a rescan before connecting to the previously connected dome, if not already connected
- disconnect: disconnects the dome
- open: issues the dome shutter to open
- close: issues the dome shutter to close
- stop: issues the dome shutter to stop movement, only works if the movement was started using the api
- info: returns information about the dome
These can have the following responses (provided they are successful)
action | Response |
connect | Dome connected |
disconnect | Dome disconnected |
open |
Shutter opening or Shutter already open or Dome not connected as Error with StatusCode 409 |
close |
Shutter closing or Shutter already closed or Dome not connected as Error with StatusCode 409 |
stop |
Movement stopped or Dome not connected as Error with StatusCode 409 |
unknown |
Unknown action in Error, with StatusCode 400 |
Dome info
"Response": {
"ShutterStatus": 0,
"AtHome": false,
"CanSetAzimuth": true,
"Azimuth": 180,
"CanPark": true,
"Name": "Simulator",
"DeviceId": "DomeSim.Dome",
"CanSyncAzimuth": true,
"CanSetPark": true,
"SupportedActions": [],
"Slewing": false,
"DriverVersion": "",
"AtPark": true,
"CanFindHome": true,
"DriverInfo": "ASCOM Dome Simulator 5.0.8\r\nDeveloped by Jon Brewster\r\nhttp://ascom-standards.org/ ",
"Description": "ASCOM Dome Simulator",
"DriverFollowing": false,
"DriverCanFollow": false,
"CanSetShutter": true,
"Connected": true,
"DisplayName": "Simulator"
"Error": "",
"StatusCode": 200,
"Success": true,
"Type": "API"
This endpoint provides the following required route parameter:
- action:
- connect: performs a rescan before connecting to the previously connected switch, if not already connected
- disconnect: disconnects the switch
- set: sets the value of a writeable switch
- info: returns information about the switch
URL parameters:
- index (int): the index of the switch that should be written
- value (double): the value to set the switch to
These can have the following responses (provided they are successful)
action | Response |
connect | Switch connected |
disconnect | Switch disconnected |
set | Switch value updated |
unknown |
Unknown action in Error, with StatusCode 400 |
Switch info
"Response": {
"SupportedActions": [
"DriverInfo": "Switch V2 Simulator, version:",
"Description": "ASCOM SwitchV2 Simulator Driver.",
"DriverVersion": "6.6",
"DisplayName": "ASCOM SwitchV2 Simulator Driver",
"Connected": true,
"WritableSwitches": [
"Maximum": 1,
"Minimum": 0,
"StepSize": 1,
"TargetValue": 0,
"Id": 9,
"Name": "Raining",
"Description": "Rain monitor, true if raining",
"Value": 0
"DeviceId": "ASCOM.Simulator.Switch",
"Name": "ASCOM SwitchV2 Simulator Driver",
"ReadonlySwitches": [
"Id": 0,
"Name": "Power1",
"Description": "Generic power switch",
"Value": 0
"Id": 1,
"Name": "Power2",
"Description": "Generic Power switch",
"Value": 0
"Id": 2,
"Name": "Light Box",
"Description": "Light box , 0 to 100%",
"Value": 0
"Id": 3,
"Name": "Flat Panel",
"Description": "Flat panel , 0 to 255",
"Value": 0
"Id": 4,
"Name": "Scope Cover",
"Description": "Scope cover control true is closed, false is open",
"Value": 0
"Id": 5,
"Name": "Scope Parked",
"Description": "Scope parked switch, true if parked",
"Value": 0
"Id": 6,
"Name": "Cloudy",
"Description": "Cloud monitor: 0=clear, 1=light cloud, 2= heavy cloud",
"Value": 0
"Id": 7,
"Name": "Temperature",
"Description": "Temperature in deg C",
"Value": 12
"Id": 8,
"Name": "Humidity",
"Description": "Relative humidity %",
"Value": 50
"Error": "",
"StatusCode": 200,
"Success": true,
"Type": "API"
This endpoint provides the following required route parameter:
- action:
- connect: performs a rescan before connecting to the previously connected guider, if not already connected
- disconnect: disconnects the guider
- start: issues the guider to start
- stop: issues the guider to stop
- info: returns information about the guider
These can have the following responses (provided they are successful)
action | Response |
connect | Guider connected |
disconnect | Guider disconnected |
start |
Guiding started or Guider not connected as Error with StatusCode 409 |
stop |
Guiding stopped or Guider not connected as Error with StatusCode 409 |
unknown |
Unknown action in Error, with StatusCode 400 |
Guider info
"Response": {
"RMSError": {
"RA": {
"Pixel": 0,
"Arcseconds": 0
"Dec": {
"Pixel": 0,
"Arcseconds": 0
"Total": {
"Pixel": 0,
"Arcseconds": 0
"PeakRA": {
"Pixel": 0,
"Arcseconds": 0
"PeakDec": {
"Pixel": 0,
"Arcseconds": 0
"PixelScale": 0,
"Name": "PHD2",
"DeviceId": "PHD2_Single",
"SupportedActions": [],
"DriverInfo": "PHD2 Guider",
"DriverVersion": "1.0",
"CanSetShiftRate": true,
"CanGetLockPosition": true,
"Description": "PHD2 Guider",
"CanClearCalibration": true,
"Connected": true,
"DisplayName": "PHD2"
"Error": "",
"StatusCode": 200,
"Success": true,
"Type": "API"
This endpoint provides the following required route parameter:
- action:
- connect: performs a rescan before connecting to the previously connected flatdevice, if not already connected
- disconnect: disconnects the flatdevice
- info: returns information about the flatdevice
These can have the following responses (provided they are successful)
action | Response |
connect | Flatdevice connected |
disconnect | Flatdevice disconnected |
unknown |
Unknown action in Error, with StatusCode 400 |
Flatdevice info
"Response": {
"DriverInfo": "CoverCalibrator driver version:",
"Name": "ASCOM CoverCalibrator Simulator",
"CoverState": 2,
"DeviceId": "ASCOM.Simulator.CoverCalibrator",
"MaxBrightness": 100,
"SupportedActions": [],
"SupportsOnOff": true,
"DriverVersion": "6.6",
"LocalizedLightOnState": "On",
"LightOn": true,
"Brightness": 100,
"Description": "ASCOM CoverCalibrator Simulator",
"SupportsOpenClose": true,
"LocalizedCoverState": "Closed",
"Connected": true,
"MinBrightness": 0,
"DisplayName": "ASCOM CoverCalibrator Simulator"
"Error": "",
"StatusCode": 200,
"Success": true,
"Type": "API"
This endpoint provides the following required route parameter:
- action:
- connect: performs a rescan before connecting to the previously connected safetymonitor, if not already connected
- disconnect: disconnects the safetymonitor
- info: returns information about the safetymonitor
These can have the following responses (provided they are successful)
action | Response |
connect | Safetymonitor connected |
disconnect | Safetymonitor disconnected |
unknown |
Unknown action in Error, with StatusCode 400 |
Safetymonitor info
"Response": {
"Name": "N.I.N.A. Simulator Safety Device",
"DriverVersion": "",
"SupportedActions": [],
"DeviceId": "613EC0FF-87D7-4475-9352-F6F6EB1CDE75",
"DriverInfo": "",
"Connected": true,
"DisplayName": "N.I.N.A. Simulator Safety Device",
"Description": "",
"IsSafe": false
"Error": "",
"StatusCode": 200,
"Success": true,
"Type": "API"
This endpoint provides the following required route parameter:
- action:
unfortunately there isn't much we can do about the weather :(- connect: performs a rescan before connecting to the previously connected weather source, if not already connected
- disconnect: disconnects the weather source
- info: returns information about the weather
These can have the following responses (provided they are successful)
action | Response |
connect | Weather connected |
disconnect | Weather disconnected |
unknown |
Unknown action in Error, with StatusCode 400 |
Weather info
"Response": {
"Humidity": 52,
"DriverVersion": "1.0",
"DriverInfo": "NINA internal OpenWeatherMap API client",
"SupportedActions": [],
"StarFWHM": "NaN",
"SkyQuality": "NaN",
"WindGust": "NaN",
"SkyBrightness": "NaN",
"SkyTemperature": "NaN",
"WindSpeed": 1.5,
"AveragePeriod": 0,
"CloudCover": 30,
"RainRate": "NaN",
"Temperature": 25.560000000000002,
"Name": "OpenWeatherMap",
"Description": "Uses OpenWeatherMap's Current Weather API. Weather data is refreshed every 10 minutes.",
"DeviceId": "NINA.OpenWeatherMap.Client",
"DewPoint": 15.158650029965683,
"WindDirection": 136,
"Connected": true,
"DisplayName": "OpenWeatherMap",
"Pressure": 1012
"Error": "",
"Success": true,
"Type": "API"
The api only works with the advanced sequencer!
This endpoint provides the following required route parameter:
- action:
- start: Starts the sequence
- stop: Stops the sequence
- json: Returns the current state of the sequence
and this optional URL parameter:
- skipValidation (bool), used when starting a sequence to determine whether validation should be skipped or not
These can have the following responses (provided they are successful)
action | Response |
start |
Sequence started or Sequence is not initialized as Error with StatusCode 409 |
stop | Sequence stopped |
json | [The sequence json] or Sequence is not initilalized as Error with StatusCode 409 or No DSO Container found as Error with StatusCode 409 |
unknown |
Unknown action in Error, with StatusCode 400 |
The action json
will return a light representation of the sequence. This will only work if there is a DSO Container present!
The returned sequence json will contain the fields Name
, Status
, Description
for each sequence item. If the item is a container, the name will habe the suffix _Container
and a field named Items
containing all items inside the container. Note that sequence start, target area and end are all containers.
Status can have the following values:
Sample Sequence
"Response": [
"Name": "Start_Container",
"Description": "",
"Status": "CREATED",
"Items": []
"Name": "Targets_Container",
"Description": "",
"Status": "CREATED",
"Items": [
"Name": "Some-Nebula_Container",
"Description": "Works like a sequential instruction set, but a deep sky object can be specified inside, which will auto populate all instructions inside it with the coordinates and rotation when necessary.",
"Status": "CREATED",
"Items": [
"Name": "Prepare_Container",
"Description": "Runs all items in a sequential order. Trigger and conditions are evaluated after each item",
"Status": "CREATED",
"Items": [
"Name": "Slew and center",
"Description": "Slews to the target and centers the telescope via plate solving for the given coordinates",
"Status": "CREATED"
"Name": "Start Guiding",
"Description": "Starts autoguiding",
"Status": "CREATED"
"Name": "Imaging_Container",
"Description": "Runs all items in a sequential order. Trigger and conditions are evaluated after each item",
"Status": "CREATED",
"Items": [
"Name": "Take Exposure",
"Description": "Takes an exposure for the given duration, gain and offset",
"Status": "CREATED"
"Name": "End_Container",
"Description": "",
"Status": "CREATED",
"Items": []
"Error": "",
"StatusCode": 200,
"Success": true,
"Type": "API"
This will return all the events that were recorded by the websocket so far.
Event History
"Response": [
"Time": "2024-08-09T14:51:35.0183716+02:00"
"Time": "2024-08-09T14:51:35.0637393+02:00"
"Time": "2024-08-09T14:51:37.7290466+02:00"
"Time": "2024-08-09T14:51:38.0681832+02:00"
"Event": "IMAGE-SAVE",
"Time": "2024-08-09T14:51:40.9181797+02:00"
"Time": "2024-08-09T14:51:40.9875917+02:00"
"Time": "2024-08-09T14:51:40.9878283+02:00"
"Error": "",
"StatusCode": 200,
"Success": true,
"Type": "API"
This endpoint can be used to get information like image statistics about previously taken images
It provides the following URL parameters:
- all (bool), if true information about all images that were taken is returned
- count (bool), if true the amount of images taken is returned
- index (int), specifies which image should should be returned
If all parameters are omitted, information about the image at index 0 is returned
Count request
"Response": 1,
"Error": "",
"StatusCode": 200,
"Success": true,
"Type": "API"
Sample image information
"Response": [
"ExposureTime": 0,
"Index": 0,
"Filter": "",
"RmsText": "Tot: 0.00 (0.00\")",
"Temperature": "NaN",
"CameraName": "N.I.N.A. Simulator Camera",
"Gain": 0,
"Offset": 0,
"Date": "2024-08-09T12:26:01.5424785+02:00",
"TelescopeName": "",
"FocalLength": "NaN",
"StDev": 99.983193747121,
"Mean": 4999.483922526042,
"Median": 4999,
"Stars": 0,
"HFR": 0
"Error": "",
"StatusCode": 200,
"Success": true,
"Type": "API"
Returns a Base64 encoded image
This endpoint provides the following required route parameter:
- index: specifies the index of the image
Optional URL parameters:
- resize (bool), used together with size to resize an image
- size, specifies the new image dimensions (requires resize to be true) in the following format:
- quality, specifies the jpg quality of the returned image (-1 returns a png)
This endpoint provides the following required route parameter:
- action:
- info: returns information about the current state of the framing assitant
- set-coordinates: sets the coordinates of the framing assistant
- set-rotation: sets the rotation of the frame / camera
- slew: slews (optionally centers or rotates) to the coordinates
Optional URL parameters:
- RAangle, the RA angle, used for set-coordinates
- DECangle, the Dec angle, used for set-coordinates
- rotation, the rotation that should be set
- slew_option, either
or omitted, controls if the mount should center, rotate or just slew to the object
These can have the following responses (provided they are successful)
action | Response |
set-coordinates | Coordinates updated |
set-rotation | Rotation updated |
slew | Slew started |
unknown |
Unknown action in Error, with StatusCode 400 |
"Response": {
"BoundHeight": 832,
"BoundWidth": 1125,
"CameraHeight": 480,
"CameraWidth": 640,
"CameraPixelSize": 4.29,
"DecDegrees": 1,
"DecMinutes": 13,
"DecSeconds": 32.56392,
"RAHours": 23,
"RAMinutes": 52,
"RASeconds": 51.60835,
"FieldOfView": 5,
"FocalLength": 135,
"HorizontalPanels": 1,
"VerticalPanels": 1,
"Rectangle": {
"OriginalX": 465.5496332323772,
"OriginalY": 343.2872249242829,
"OriginalCoordinates": {
"RA": 23.881002319884626,
"RAString": "23:52:52",
"RADegrees": 358.2150347982694,
"Dec": 1.2257122006440255,
"DecString": "01° 13' 33\"",
"Epoch": 2,
"DateTime": {
"Now": "2024-11-25T14:28:02.7171109+01:00",
"UtcNow": "2024-11-25T13:28:02.7179407Z",
"MinValue": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"MaxValue": "9999-12-31T23:59:59.9999999"
"Id": 0,
"Coordinates": {
"RA": 23.881002319884626,
"RAString": "23:52:52",
"RADegrees": 358.2150347982694,
"Dec": 1.2257122006440255,
"DecString": "01° 13' 33\"",
"Epoch": 2,
"DateTime": {
"Now": "2024-11-25T14:28:02.7186583+01:00",
"UtcNow": "2024-11-25T13:28:02.7186627Z",
"MinValue": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"MaxValue": "9999-12-31T23:59:59.9999999"
"DSOPositionAngle": 0,
"OriginalOffset": 0,
"RotationOffset": 0,
"Rotation": 0.01,
"TotalRotation": 0.01,
"X": 465.5496332323772,
"Y": 343.2872249242829,
"Width": 193.90073353524568,
"Height": 145.42555015143427
"Error": "",
"StatusCode": 200,
"Success": true,
"Type": "API"
This endpoint provides the following required route parameter:
- action:
- switch: switch to a different profile using a profile ID
- change-value: changes a setting in the profile using a setting path
- show: returns a list with all profiles, recognized by NINA or the active profile
Optional URL parameters:
- profileid, used for switching to a different profile, can be obtained using show
- settingpath, used for changing a setting in the profile (use show with active = true for help)
- newValue, used for chaning a setting in the profile, this is the new value to be set
- active, used when showing profiles, determines whether the active profile should be returned or a list of all recognized profiles
settingpath has the following format: <SettingName>-<SettingName>-<SettingName>-...
, e.g. CameraSettings-PixelSize
These can have the following responses (provided they are successful)
action | Response |
switch |
Successfully switched profile or No profile with specified id found! as Error with StatusCode 400 |
change-value |
Updated setting or Invalid path as Error with StatusCode 400 or New value can't be null as Error with StatusCode 400 |
show | [A list of profiles or the currently active profile] |
unknown |
Unknown action in Error, with StatusCode 400 |
See here for a sample active profile response
Show profile (active = false)
"Response": [
"IsActive": true,
"Description": "",
"Location": "C:\\Users\\<username>\\AppData\\Local\\NINA\\Profiles\\7f4afdbc-ce37-43b5-98a2-d6063829dce1.profile",
"Id": "7f4afdbc-ce37-43b5-98a2-d6063829dce1",
"Name": "Default-2024-08-06T12:00:27",
"LastUsed": "2024-08-09T14:51:29.1719728+02:00"
"IsActive": false,
"Description": "",
"Location": "C:\\Users\\<username>\\AppData\\Local\\NINA\\Profiles\\3468d613-b966-4ad9-a443-23485bd64e2b.profile",
"Id": "3468d613-b966-4ad9-a443-23485bd64e2b",
"Name": "Canon 100-400mm",
"LastUsed": "2024-08-08T15:42:15.1029068+02:00"
"IsActive": false,
"Description": "",
"Location": "C:\\Users\\<username>\\AppData\\Local\\NINA\\Profiles\\4c12df08-d16a-4156-a545-4bb6cde1c237.profile",
"Id": "4c12df08-d16a-4156-a545-4bb6cde1c237",
"Name": "Samyang 135mm",
"LastUsed": "2024-08-05T14:11:43.0232093+02:00"
"IsActive": false,
"Description": "",
"Location": "C:\\Users\\<username>\\AppData\\Local\\NINA\\Profiles\\d91bdc56-b2cd-4b05-948f-e19de36f3674.profile",
"Id": "d91bdc56-b2cd-4b05-948f-e19de36f3674",
"Name": "Test",
"LastUsed": "2024-08-05T13:56:32.2099052+02:00"
"Error": "",
"StatusCode": 200,
"Success": true,
"Type": "API"
This endpoint provides the following required route parameter:
- action:
- switch-tab: switch to a different tab in the application (useful for screenshots)
- screenshot: changes a setting in the profile using a setting path
Optional URL parameters:
- tab, the application tab to switch to
- resize (bool), used together with size to resize an image
- size, specifies the new image dimensions (requires resize to be true) in the following format:
- quality, specifies the jpg quality of the returned image (-1 returns a png)
The following tabs are availiable:
- equipment
- skyatlas
- framing
- flatwizard
- sequencer
- imaging
- options
These can have the following responses (provided they are successful)
action | Response |
switch-tab |
Switched tab or Invalid application tab as Error with StatusCode 400 |
screenshot | The image, the same was as for api/image (base64-encoded) |
unknown |
Unknown action in Error, with StatusCode 400 |
The websocket is available at:
Connection and log events:
TELESCOPE-MF (Meridian Flip)
ERROR-AF (Error while running AF)
Connection events indicate a change in connection (e.g. connected -> disconnected or disconnected -> connected). All these events have the following response format
"Response": {
"Event": "<EventName>"
"Error": "",
"StatusCode": 200,
"Success": true,
"Type": "Socket"
For new images (LIGHT only), there is the IMAGE-SAVE
"Response": {
"Event": "IMAGE-SAVE",
"ImageStatistics": {
"ExposureTime": 0,
"Index": 0,
"Filter": "",
"RmsText": "Tot: 0.00 (0.00\")",
"Temperature": "NaN",
"CameraName": "N.I.N.A. Simulator Camera",
"Gain": 0,
"Offset": -1,
"Date": "2024-08-12T11:12:57.0227298+02:00",
"TelescopeName": "Canon 100-400mm",
"FocalLength": 400,
"StDev": 100.22584875024486,
"Mean": 4999.821936848958,
"Median": 5000,
"Stars": 0,
"HFR": 0
"Error": "",
"StatusCode": 200,
"Success": true,
"Type": "Socket"
The websocket for TPPA (Version >= is available at:
Once connected you can start and stop a TPPA procedure using the following messages. Send these via the websocket to the server:
These will respond with a confirmation:
"Response": "started procedure" <or> "stopped procedure",
"Error": "",
"StatusCode": 200,
"Success": true,
"Type": "Socket"
Note that these will not fail, even if the alignment process could not be started because not all necessary equipment is connected or the plugin is not installed, so make sure everything is set up properly
Once started and after the initial calibration is complete, you will receive ongoing updates about the alignment error in the following form:
"Response": {
"AzimuthError": <double>,
"AltitudeError": <double>,
"TotalError": <double>
"Error": "",
"StatusCode": 200,
"Success": true,
"Type": "Socket"