These example tests are currently pointed at the MockApp, which is hosted in Docker.
To target another URI remove the mock
service and set the APP_DOMAIN
environmental variable within the docker-compose file.
docker run -i --rm -v ${PWD}/:/app node:16.5-alpine npm run build --prefix /app
- The below command will;
- Start a target mock api
- Execute the tests via k6
docker-compose run --rm k6-runner && docker-compose stop
Tags are used to separate results from one another as documented here.
headers.tags = { tag: "getuser" };
Thresholds are set on a per tag basis as documented here.
- p(95)<2000 95% of requests to run in 5 seconds or less.
- rate<=0.01 99% of requests successful.
export let options = {
thresholds: {
"http_req_duration{tag:getuser}": ['p(95)<10000'],
"http_req_failed{tag:getuser}": ['rate<=0.01'],
"http_req_duration{tag:createuser}": ['p(95)<2000'],
"http_req_failed{tag:createuser}": ['rate<=0.01'],
no matching manifest for linux/arm64/v8 in the manifest list entries
- FIX: add
platform: linux/x86_64
to docker-compose