Botctl consists of a pair of bash scripts that I wrote to start and auto launch my Pycryptobot crypto trading bots.
For now, this is the quick version of the Readme file what is just a duplicate of the Notes and settings variables in the top of each script file. If there is enough interest and I can find the time, I will attempt to update this file to be a little more detailed.
I provide no warranties for these scripts and they currently require SystemCtl in Linux. They will NOT work with Init.d or any other system launch apps in Linux or other operating systems. If someone would like to modify them to work with another launch app, feel free to fork this project. Conrtibutions are welcomed as well.
See file instructions below.
##- - help text and settings ###
This script is used at system boot to launch all pycryptobots with a small
delay between each one. The delay is set in the main file.
Setup and test first, before running this file. Once that is
complete, run this file once manually to create the main launch service
file that will run at boot.
Once the Systemd script has been created, this file can be editted to add
or remove exchanges and/or the script.
path to & files - folder where this file is located botctlpath="/home/{user}/bots"
default filenames for botctl and pairs
if not using pairs.txt, no bots will launch at boot
you can still launch individual pairs manually via command line defaultctl="" defaultprstxt="pairs.txt"
or set filename and pairs.txt for each exchange
if not using separately per exchange, leave empty "" binancectl="" binanceprstxt=""
coinbaseproctl="" coinbaseproprstxt=""
kucoinctl="" kucoinprstxt=""
Launch Telegram Bot? 1=yes, 0=no launchtelegrambot=1
path to SystemD scripts systemdfolder="/etc/systemd/system"
main SystemD script filename that will be created to launch this file at boot sysdbootsvcfile="pycryptobot_launch.service"
Telegram Bot Systemd script filename that will be created tgbotfile="tgbot.service"
pycryptobot path pycryptobotfolder="/home/{user}/bots/pycryptobot"
#user and group to execute script as runasuser="{user}" runasgroup="{group}"
using an evironment path? If not, leave empty quotes - environmentpath=""
Not typically needed, more for advnaced users environmentpath="" #environmentpath="PATH=/home/(folder)/.venvs/bin/python3"
Telegram execution command - will use pycryptobot path above execstartcmd="/usr/bin/python3" #execstartcmd='/home/(folder)/.venvs/bin/python3'
##- help text and settings ###
Command to launch single pair: sudo sh /{folder}/ start|stop|restart|remove|update {BASE}-{QUOTE}-{2ltExch}
Example for start: sudo sh start ADA-USDT
Command to launch multiple pairs from a text file: sudo sh /{folder}/ start|stop|restart|remove|update {pairsfilename}
Example for start: sudo sh /home/bots/ start pairs.txt
start will check files (create if needed) and launch bot, stop will stop running bot, restart will stop and start bot
remove will stop and remove SystemD file for bot, update will update start script with any changes made (eg. cli options)
This script will NOT touch your config files or anything in the pycryptobot directory.
It is only desgined to create and enable a SystemD startup script for the bot you specify
and then you can use it to start and stop a bot by just specifying the pair which
is a little less than using the SystemD commands
You can still use systemctl to start, stop, enable and disable as normal for any script created
Recommended pair filename configuration used for config and systemd: BASE-QUOTE -or- ADA-USDT
The pair filename will be used as the market started and to search for a custom config.json file (base-quote.json)
To start a single pair use the below command:
sudo sh start ADA-USDT
text file with pairs should only have 1 pair per line and any additional command line parameters.
when sharing the main config.json in pycryptobot folder, you HAVE to specify the exchange option
ADA-USDT --buymaxsize 100 --sellatloss 1
ADA-USD --exchange coinbasepro --api_key_file /path/filename
If you do not have a config file named as described, this script will use the default config.json in the path you specify
below. If no custom config.json or default file exists, it will throw an error.
##- *** NOTE *** ###
- If your OS is Ubuntu, to use this script you will need to make a change to DASH shell.
- Run this command: sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash
- When asked whether to link "sh" to "dash", choose "no"
- Edit Required variables below #################################################################
#- Pycryptobot settings ##
- specify quote currency below to launch with just the base: start ADA
- Script will append the two automatically.
- ***ONLY do this if running single exchange with or you have multiple files
- If you use multiple quote currencies, just leave quote blank: quote="" quote=""
- pause is the number of seconds to use between launch of multiple bots pause=3 - recommended
- folder for custom config files if desired cfgfolder="/home/{user}/bots/cfgs"
- base filename for custom config file - eg. enter ".json" part of this: {pair}.json cfgbasename=".json"
- pycryptobot install folder - location of main script pycryptobotfolder="/home/(user)/bots/pycryptobot"
- default config file in pycryptobot folder - can use this for any bot that does NOT have custom file above
- does NOT have to be config.json, but does have to have .json extension defaultcfg="config.json"
#- SystemD settings ##
- path to SystemD scripts systemdfolder="/etc/systemd/system"
- SystemD script filename, will add pair (base and quote) to the front.
- Can be just ".service" svcfile=".service"
- run script as user and group runasuser="{user}" runasgroup="{group}"
- using an evironment path? If not, leave empty quotes - environmentpath="" #environmentpath="PATH=/home/(folder)/.venvs/bin/python3"
- not required, more for advanced users environmentpath=""
- main execution command - can be as simple as "python3 /path/"
- config file added automatically as a command line argument.
- Additional arguments can be added when calling or in mypairs.txt file #execstartcmd="/home/(folder)/.venvs/bin/python3" execstartcmd="/usr/bin/python3"