Loke, a simple bot
Install required modules into a virtualenv (python3) by using pip -r requirements.txt
To choose what modules to be used, comment/uncomment in main.py (both import-statements and the lines where they are used). Also make sure you change the name config.py-sample, as well as the the files in the data/-folder so they will be usable.
Docker appuser is running under uid 5050. Make sure uid 5050 have write access to the data folder, and map the data folder in the following way
docker run -v /home/loke/lokedata/:/app/data --restart unless-stopped -d loke:latest
Real time information from AtB (Trondheim public transportation)
.atb <stopname>
Will respond to certain words as described in data/autoresponse.json
Real time information from Avinor (Norwegian airport authorities)
.avinor <flightno> <airport> <date>
Brewbot to keep track of brews
.brew - list brews
.brew add - add new brew, will return ID
.brew <id> - Show information about brew
.brew <id> add <key> <description> - Add custom element to brew. Two special keys: name and brewdate
.brew <id> del <key> - Delete custom element from brew
.brew <id> gravity add <date> <gravity> - Add measured gravity. Date format: yyyy-mm-dd
.brew <id> gravity del <date> - Delete measured gravity. Date format: yyyy-mm-dd
Shows real time information about stations in Trondheim Bysykkel
Returning information if the mountains Mannen and Veslemannen has fallen
.seen <@user>
Returning real time information from TfL
.tfl status
.tfl <station name>
.yr <place>