- entry + story on ldjam: https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/44/uralys-ld44
- browser playable demo: http://www.uralys.com/ld44/
- dev log: https://twitter.com/chrisdugne/status/1122041386088505344
- osx
: https://github.com/chrisdugne/ld44/raw/master/__builds/Uralys%20LD44.dmg
- developed with Corona SDK
- assets created using gimp 2.10.10
- coin edited from https://kenney.nl/assets/jumper-pack with gimp 2.10.10
- Started from cherry-starter
- and Cherry v3.0.0
- Developed with Corona simulator 2019.3476
- You have to clone Cherry v3.0.0 and symlink
in order to run this starter (please refer to Cherry documentation)
├── cherry -> ../Cherry/cherry