LiveKit Client SDK for React Native. (beta)
This library depends on react-native-webrtc's unreleased Transceiver support. Currently present in our fork.
yarn add
yarn add
We've included an example app that you can try out.
In your index.js
import { registerGlobals } from "livekit-react-native";
// ...
This sets up the required WebRTC libraries for use in Javascript, and is needed for LiveKit to work.
import { Participant, Room, Track } from 'livekit-client';
import { useRoom, VideoView } from 'livekit-react-native';
const [room,] = useState(() => new Room());
const { participants } = useRoom(room);
useEffect(() => {
room.connect(url, token, {})
return () => {
}, [url, token, room]);
const videoView = participants.length > 0 && (
<VideoView style={{flex:1, width:"100%"}} videoTrack={participants[0].getTrack(Track.Source.Camera)?.videoTrack} />
Enabling screenshare requires extra installation steps:
Android screenshare requires a foreground service with type mediaProjection
to be present.
The example app uses @voximplant/react-native-foreground-service for this.
Ensure that the service is labelled a mediaProjection
service like so:
<service android:name="com.voximplant.foregroundservice.VIForegroundService"
android:foregroundServiceType="mediaProjection" />
Once setup, start the foreground service prior to using screenshare.
iOS screenshare requires adding a Broadcast Extension to your iOS project. Follow the integration instructions here:
It involves copying the files found in this sample project to your iOS project, and registering a Broadcast Extension in Xcode.
It's also recommended to use CallKeep,
to register a call with CallKit (as well as turning on the voip
background mode).
Due to background app processing limitations, screen recording may be interrupted if the app is restricted
in the background. Registering with CallKit allows the app to continue processing for the duration of the call.
Once setup, iOS screenshare can be initiated like so:
const screenCaptureRef = React.useRef(null);
const screenCapturePickerView = Platform.OS === "ios" && (
<ScreenCapturePickerView ref={screenCaptureRef} />
const startBroadcast = async () => {
if(Platform.OS === "ios") {
const reactTag = findNodeHandle(screenCaptureRef.current);
else {
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
// Make sure the ScreenCapturePickerView exists in the view tree.
Currently it does not run on iOS Simulator on M1 Macs.
See the contributing guide to learn how to contribute to the repository and the development workflow.
Apache License 2.0