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DevOps Project (SoSe 2023)


  • 31/05/2023: Submission of Project Concept
  • 25/08/2023: Submission of Project Implementation

Steps to reproduce

In the following you can find all steps necessary to reproduce this setup.


For the deployment to work correctly, please make sure that the repository is public. Also it is assumed that you're already in possesion of a domain.

Variables & Secrets

Repository secrets

You will need to provide several values as repository secrets for this workflow to run successfully. You can add repository secrets under the following path: Settings > Secrets and variables > Actions > Secrets > New repository secret

  1. Create a GitHub token with package:read and package:write permissions here.
    • Put this token in a secret of this repository with the name GHCR_TOKEN.
  2. Get your AWS credentials aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key and aws_session_token.
    • Put these tokens in secrets of this repository with the names AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_SESSION_TOKEN respectively.
  3. Create SSH keys locally by running the script in infrastructure/
    • Copy the content of the file .ssh/ into a new secret with the name SSH_PUBLIC_KEY.
    • Copy the content of the file .ssh/operator into a new secret with the name SSH_PRIVATE_KEY.

Repository variables

You will also need to provide some repository variables. Repository variables can be created under the following path: Settings > Secrets and variables > Actions > Variables > New repository variable

  1. Create a repository variable with the name AWS_DEFAULT_REGION and enter your desired region as value (usually: us-east-1).
  2. Follow the steps in the FQDN section down below.
    • Create a repository variable with the name AWS_HOSTED_ZONE_ID and enter your hosted zone id as value.

Environment variables

Some variables differ for each environment. To create an environment variable on GitHub: Settings > Environments > [YOUR ENVIRONMENT] > Add variable. All steps must be done for both environments: Development and Production:

  1. Create an Elastic IP. To do that: Open the AWS management console and open EC2 > Network & Security > Elastic IPs. Now click on Allocate Elastic IP address, leave all settings unchanged and click on Allocate. You should now see your new elastic IP in the list. Click on it and copy the value Allocation ID.
    • Create an environment variable with the name AWS_EIP_ALLOCATION_ID and put in your copied allocation ID as the value.
    • Note: You will need two different elastic IPs: One for Development and one for Production.
  2. Setup a domain like described down below in the FQDN section. Then create an environment variable with the name DOMAIN and put in your domain as the value (e.g. for development).
    • Note: You will need two subdomains: One for Development and one for Production.

Control check

Here is the list of all variables and secrets that you will need to setup:

  • GHCR_TOKEN (Repository secret)
  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID (Repository secret)
  • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY (Repository secret)
  • AWS_SESSION_TOKEN (Repository secret)
  • SSH_PUBLIC_KEY (Repository secret)
  • SSH_PRIVATE_KEY (Repository secret)
  • AWS_DEFAULT_REGION (Repository variable)
  • AWS_HOSTED_ZONE_ID (Repository variable)
  • AWS_EIP_ALLOCATION_ID (Environment variable; one for each environment)
  • DOMAIN (Environment variable; one for each environment)


This section describes the setup of an FQDN. Unfortunately, the access to the Namecheap API has some requirements that I don't fulfill as you can read here. That means, that there is some minor manual setup necessary. All necessary steps are explained in the following.


It is assumed that you already own a domain at some domain name registrar. The next section explains the setup for Namecheap. Some of the steps may vary for you if you own a domain at a different domain name registrar.

Manual setup

  1. Open the AWS Management console
  2. Navigate to the Route 53 section and navigate then to Hosted zones
  3. Click on Create hosted zone and type in the name of your domain in the Domain name field
  4. Leave all other fields unchanged and click on Create hosted zone
  5. Now your new hosted zone should appear in the list in the Hosted zones section
  6. Click on it and select the already existing record of type NS
  7. Copy all the values (a value looks similar to this:
  8. Login into your Namecheap account and navigate to Domain list
  9. Look for your domain and click on Manage
  10. Look for the Nameservers section and make sure that Custom DNS is selected
  11. Enter your copied values from step 7 as nameservers
  12. You're done!

Values for variables & secrets

Copy the following values from the manual setup for the Variables & Secrets section:

  • DOMAIN: This is your domain you used for the manual setup (e.g. Note however, that the environment variables need your desired subdomain as prefix (e.g.
  • AWS_HOSTED_ZONE_ID: Select your hosted zone in the AWS management console and copy the Hosted zone ID under Hosted zone details

Deployment review

To have the deployment to the Production environment happen in a controlled manner, follow the next steps:

  1. Open the settings for your Production environment in GitHub under: Settings > Environments > Production
  2. Click the Required reviewers checkbox in the Deployment protection rules section and add your desired reviewers

Trigger pipeline

Push a new commit to main to trigger the pipeline. By default, each commit will be deployed to the Development environment. If you have setup Required reviewers for your Production environment, the deployment will need a manual review for that environment.