Low-level utilities for interacting with APIs using JWToken authentication and transferring data in the JSON format.
- iOS 15+ as the code uses the
Say, your API returns the following JSON packet on successful authentication:
{ "token": "<some JWT token>" }
... or an error if something goes wrong:
"error": {
"statusCode": 40123,
"name": "something_went_wrong",
"message": "Some human-readable explanation"
The above can be represented by a catch
-able Swift error object:
struct ErrorResponse: Decodable {
let error: ApiError
struct ApiError: Decodable {
let statusCode: Int
let name: String
let message: String
extension ApiError: Error {}
Definition of success and failure responses in Swift:
public struct TokenResponse: Decodable {
public let token: String
extension TokenResponse {
enum CodingKeys: CodingKey {
case token
public init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
guard let container = try? decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self),
let token = try? container.decode(String.self, forKey: .token) else {
throw try ErrorResponse(from: decoder).error
self.init(token: token)
Handling the request:
let client: JsonApiCompatible = JsonApiClient()
let url = URL(string: "https://fake.api.url/users/login")
let credentials = [
"login": "joe@bloggs.com",
"password": "topS3cret"
var jwtToken = ""
do {
let result: TokenResponse = try await client.post(url!, credentials)
jwtToken = result.token
} catch let error as ApiError {
// Handle API errors
} catch {
// Handle other errors
- Define the token API endpoint response model, e.g.:
struct Token: Decodable {
let token: String
- Provide the endpoint URL and credentials, e.g.:
let url = URL(string: "https://fake.api.url/users/login")
let credentials = [
"email": "joe@bloggs.com",
"password": "topS3cret"
- Make a
request, e.g.:
let client: JsonApiCompatible = JsonApiClient()
let result: Token = try await client.post(url!, credentials)
print("My JWT token: \(result.token)")
This request is an equivalent of the following Curl command:
curl -X 'POST' \
'https://fake.api.url/users/login' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"email": "joe@bloggs.com",
"password": "topS3cret"
- Define the API endpoint response model, e.g.:
struct Book: Decodable {
let id: Int
let title: String
let author: String
- Provide the endpoint URL and token, e.g.:
let endpoint = URL(string: "https://fake.api.url/books")
let jwtToken = "my.valid.jwtoken"
- Make a
request, e.g.:
let client: JsonApiCompatible = JsonApiClient()
let books: [Book] = try await client.get(endpoint, token: jwtToken)
This request is an equivalent of the following Curl command:
curl -X 'GET' \
'https://fake.api.url/books' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer my.valid.jwtoken'
Similar to previous examples, you can use the following utility:
let client: JsonApiCompatible = JsonApiClient()
let result: <<YourTypeHere>> = try await client.post(endpoint, token: jwtToken, dictionary: data)
The package exports a protocol and a class implementating it.
public protocol JsonApiCompatible {
// Methods for handling requests that do not return anything
func put(url: URL, dictionary: [String: Any]) async throws -> URLResponse
func patch(url: URL, dictionary: [String: Any]) async throws -> URLResponse
func post(url: URL, dictionary: [String: Any]) async throws -> URLResponse
// Methods with dynamically defined types
func post<T: Decodable>(url: URL, dictionary: [String: Any]) async throws -> T
func post<T: Decodable>(url: URL, dictionary: [String: Any], token: String) async throws -> T
func get<T: Decodable>(url: URL, token: String) async throws -> T
// The methods below currently assume the response is empty
// TODO: They should be rewritten to return URLResponse like the methods above
func delete(url: URL, token: String) async throws
func patch(url: URL, dictionary: [String: Any], token: String) async throws
The class implementing the JsonApiCompatible
protocol is called JsonApiClient
The code is based on an article by Donny Wals covering concurrency in the latest version of the Swift programming language.