Sometimes erlang programmer wants to apply function composition. Usually it is done by ugly combining functions, e.g.
Result = fun3(mod2:fun2(fun1(Arg1, Arg2))).
Other way to do that is creating multiple bindings:
R1 = fun1(Arg1, Arg2),
R2 = mod2:fun2(R1),
Result = fun3(R2).
This parse transform allows the user to write like this:
Result = [fun1, mod2:fun2, fun3] (Arg1, Arg2).
More complicated options are available -- see src/pipeline_demo.erl
for examples.
Add the following in your dependencies
{deps, [
{pipeline, {pkg, erl_pipeline}} %% <--- That's line to add
You want to make sure you specify it that way, with the application being called pipeline
and the package being called erl_pipeline
If you're still on rebar2 (trust me, I get it, no judgment here, I totally get it), add this to your deps:
{deps, [
{pipeline, {git, "", {branch, master}}}
To use pipeline, simply compile your modules with -compile({parse_transform, pipeline}).
module attribute.
Creator: Danil Zogoskin Maintainer: Jesse Gumm Licenced: MIT License
- Updated to work with rebar3 and hex
- Fix compilation issue on Erlang 24