A simple JSON file updater that will receive a filepath via argument or display the list of pre-declared files for the user to update.
Utilizing a simple UI and some recursion, the user is prompted with the ability to update information in the json with safety knowing inputs will be validated for the appropriate type, preventing any errors.
Current handled data input 'types'
- String
- Boolean
- Integer
- Float
- Object
- Array
This is a great utility for embedded systems where you want to prevent a user from making costly errors to the format of a configuration file.
1. Enter into directory.
2. Make 'build' directory.
3. Run 'cd build'
4. Run 'cmake ..'
* CMake will generate the necessary files and get make sure you have Nlohmann::json library
5. Run 'make'
6. Utilize your executible 'FileUpdater'
* extension will adjust based on platform during build time.
- exe for Windows
- out for Linux
- no extension for Mac