2021 Hactoberfest Repository
It's that time of year again! Welcome to my 2021 Hacktoberfest Repository.
This year we'll be creating monsters. JSON monsters! Fork this repository and make a pull request for each of your monsters.
⭐ Star This Repository! ⭐
- Register your GitHub account with the Hacktoberfest event:
- Fork this Repository.
- Create a new JSON file named after your monster.
- Example: frankenstein.json
- Write valid JSON describing your monster, and then verify it here: (https://jsonlint.com/)
- Commit your changes.
- Open a pull request to merge your monster with my repository.
- Repeat for three more monsters.
Please make names in snake_case.
Use this format for JSON monsters to be valid:
"name": "",
"stats": {
"hp": 0,
"ac": 0,
"speed": 0
"abilities": {
"strength": 0,
"dexterity": 0,
"constitution": 0,
"intelligence": 0,
"wisdom": 0,
"charisma": 0
"attack": {
"name": "",
"damage": 0
"special": {
"name": "",
"description": "",
"effect": ""
Happy Hacking!