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Team Workflow

fancyaction edited this page Mar 5, 2018 · 3 revisions


  • Standups and team text chat in Slack.
  • Voice communication for meetings and peer-programing in Google Hangouts.
  • Links are shared and stored in Toby collection.


  • MVP features (needs) and connected refactors & bugs are added to Waffle inbox.
  • Members add "wants" to a Google doc in the format: Want name: description - posted by [member_name].
  • Once MVP is complete, each team member can pick and move two "wants" from the Google doc to Waffle inbox. These become the week's focus. This will keep Waffle clean and team motivated as we focus on a limited amount of tasks each week!


  • When issues are added to Waffle, they automatically appear on GH issues.
  1. Use appropriate labels in Waffle:"Feature/Refactor/Style/Bug" and "Scope: Need/Scope: Wanted"
  2. Claim an issue with the assignee button in the top-right corner of the issue.
  3. Next, create a new local branch in the format: "tag/#Issue-This-Fixes-thing" (e.g. "feature/#16-format-numbers")
  4. Push the new branch to GitHub, before making any commits. Waffle will auto-move the issue to "In Progress"
  5. When finished, commit and push again. In the Pull Request title or description, write "closes #issueNumber". Waffle will move the issue to Review.
  6. After another member has looked over the Pull Request, they will merge into development and delete remote branch. Waffle will move issue to Done.
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