May 08, 2024
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A MATLAB toolbox to compute optimal regression designs.
Consider a general regression model,
Currently, this toolbox is under development. I will update it whenever I have leisure time.
From a command line:
git clone
From a MATLAB command window:
addpath( genpath('AbsolutePathToToolbox') )
where AbsolutePathToToolbox
is the name of the absolute path where you cloned this toolbox.
Adding this command to your MATLAB startup.m
file will make sure these tools are available every time you
The information matrix of a design
where vector
[optval, opt_design] = opt_OLS("D", 1001, [0, 4], [1,1]', @mm)
Results are as follows:
Optimal value (cvx_optval): +2.74887
opt_val =
opt_design =
0.6680 4.0000
0.5000 0.5000
Second order least-squares estimator is defined as
Note that
[opt_val, opt_design, error] = opt_SLSE("D", 101, 0, [0.05, 0.5]', [0,180]',@peleg)
Results are as follows:
opt_val =
opt_design =
1.8000 180.0000
0.5000 0.5000
error =
- Second-order least squares estimator with A-, D- and c-criteria
- Optimal approximate design for various regression models, including the following:
- Michaelis-Menton
- Gompertz
- EMax
- Compartment
- Peleg
- Arrhenius equation
- Second-order regression
- Various optimalities including A-, D-, c-, K- and E-.
- Implementation of the equivalence theorem under ordinary least-squares estimator
- Optimal exact design -- CVXSADes paper
- Berger, M.P.F. and Wong, W.K. (2009). An Introduction to Optimal Designs for Social and Biomedical Research.
- Wang, L. and Leblac, A. (2008). Second-order nonlinear least squares estimation. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 60, 883-900.
- Wong, W.K. and Zhou, J. (2019). CVX‐based algorithms for constructing various optimal regression designs. Canadian Journal of Statistics, 47, 374-391.
- Yeh, C.-K. (2018). Optimal Regression Design under Second-order Least Squares Estimator: Theory, Algorithm and Applications. Masters Thesis, University of Victoria.
- Yeh, C.-K. and Zhou, J. (2024+). CVXSADes: a stochastic algorithm for constructing optimal exact regression designs with single or multiple objectives, arXiv preprint.
- Yeh, C.-K. and Zhou, J. (2021). Properties of optimal regression designs under the second-order least squares estimator. Statistical Papers, 62, 75-92.
Please contact me (Chi-Kuang Yeh) at