- NodeJs - Web Server.
- ReactJS - A Modern JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- ExpressJs - Backend Server framework.
- Babel - ES6 Javascript compiler.
- Eslint - Javascript code and syntax linter (Airbnb style guide was implemented on this project).
- Postgres - Relational database system.
- Mocha - Javascript Test Framework.
- JEST - Javascript Test Framework.
- Chai - Javascript Assertion Library.
- Istanbul - Javascript test coverage tool.
- NYC - Istanbul's command line interface.
- Postman - Testing API endpoints.
Front End Application were hosted using Netlify 👉 https://peaceful-goodall-f746c6.netlify.com/
API endpoints was hosted using Heroku 👉 https://questioner-andela.herokuapp.com/api/v1/
Questioner REST API is highly detailed and easy to integrate with its documentation available at 👉 https://questioner-andela.herokuapp.com/docs/