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Mostly Free Resources for Almost Everyone

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Table of Contents

Computer Science and Related

Resources related to technology; programming, tools, etc.

Learn to Code

Website Description Learn to code at home. Build projects. Earn certifications. Certifications in responsive web design, JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures, Front End Libraries and more. (Free)
Sololearn Anytime, anywhere learning-to-code platform with courses in Python, C++, Java, JavaScript, Web Fundamentals and more. (Free)
Codecademy Courses in Python, web development, JavaScript, Data Science, and more. (Free basic courses. $240/year for projects, guidance, certificates, and more.)
Learn Code the Hard Way Courses in Python, Ruby, C, SQL, and Regular Expressions, with courses in JavaScript, Unix, and Design on the way. (Free samples. Each course is $29.99 and includes a DRM-free, PDF book, video courses, support, and updates.)
Automate the Boring Stuff with Python Learn how to use Python for automation. For beginners. A Udemy compansion course is available, as well as a options to buy the physical or electronic copies of the book. Available to read online for free, including all files and related resources.
SQLCourse "Interactive Online SQL Training." "This unique introductory SQL tutorial not only provides easy-to-understand SQL instructions, but it allows you to practice what you learn using the on-line SQL interpreter. You will receive immediate results after submitting your SQL commands. You will be able to create your own unique tables as well as perform selects, inserts, updates, deletes, and drops on your tables."
Open Source Society University Open-source, community-driven university offering free, self-taught education in computer science, bioinformatics, and data science.



Website Description
Python "Python is a programming language that lets you work quickly and integrate systems more effectively." Great for scripting backends , learning code, and building personal projects.
Automate the Boring Stuff with Python Learn how to use Python for automation. For beginners. A Udemy compansion course is available, as well as a options to buy the physical or electronic copies of the book. Available to read online for free, including all files and related resources.
Corey Schafer "A Python God, guru, and wizard." Excellent tutorials on Python and development-related topics.

JavaScript and TypeScript

Website Description
JavaScript "A lightweight, interpreted, or just-in-time compiled programming language with first-class functions." Built right into web browsers to augment web pages, so it's accessible to (pretty much) everyone. Indispensable to web developers, and also available in non-browser environments through Node.js and Deno, among others.
TypeScript "Typed JavaScript at Any Scale." Extends JavaScript through static typing and enforcing strict syntax, avoiding errors and producing cleaner code at runtime. Since it compiles to JavaScript, it can be used for any project and in any environment JavaScript is used. Developed and maintained by Microsoft. Learn to code at home. Build projects. Earn certifications. Certifications in responsive web design, JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures, Front End Libraries and more. (Free) "The Modern JavaScript Tutorial." An in-depth and extensive guide to writing JavaScript, covering the basic to advanced topics as well as related topics in CSS, browsers, components, and regular expressions.
MDN Web Docs Web docs, references, and guides for (web) developers. Documentation for JavaScript, APIs, CSS, and more. By Mozilla, authors of Firefox.
Head First JavaScript Programming A great, easy introductory book on JavaScript programming. While it may not cover the latest features, it covers the essentials well and is worth a look from beginners. Published in 2014 by O'Reilly.
You Don't Know JS series A book series that dives into the details behind the mechanisms of JavaScript. The code and extras are available on GitHub, while the books are available for purchase (or pirating). Written by Kyle Simpson, published by O'Reilly, and sponsored by Frontend Masters.
Rediscovering JavaScript A book that covers the latest features in JavaScript, from the ES6, ES7, and ES8 releases. Topics covered includes the rest operator, generators, destructing, object literals, arrow functions, promises, and more. Written by Venkat Subramaniam and published in 2018 by The Pragmatic Programmers.
Eloquent JavaScript Dives into JavaScript with an emphasis on writing "eloquent, effective" code. Begins with the fundamentals and ends in object-oriented programming and regular expressions. Also covers features from the latest ES releases. Available for free online, or for purchase (to support the writer). Written by Marijn Haverbeke. Third edition released in 2018.
TypeScript Deep Dive An online, free book that introduces and explores the TypeScript language.
Programming TypeScript An introductory book on programming in the TypeScript language. Covers the reasoning behind its existence, the static typing system, etc. Written by Boris Cherny and published by O'Reilly.
Effective TypeScript "62 specific ways to improve your TypeScript." Covers the most common problems and questions developers have when writing TypeScript. Code snippets available on GitHub. Written by Dan Vanderkam and published by O'Reilly.
Essential TypeScript Describes the benefits of TypeScript, uses, and necessary in-depth knowledge. Covers fundamentals and advanced and sophisticated features of TypeScript, and applications in frameworks. Written by Adam Freeman and published by Apress in 2019.
Brad Traversy / Traversy Media High-quality tutorials on web development and related technologies. His Vanilla JavaScript series on YouTube is an excellent starting point, and his Udemy courses are highly recommended.

Other languages

Website Description
Go "An open source programming language that makes it easy to build simple, reliable, and efficient software." Developed and maintained by a team at Google and contributers from their community.
Rust "A language empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software." Rust is fast and efficient, with a rich type system and ownership model. It has great documentation, which makes it friendly for beginners and very productive as a language. It's been voted the "most loved language" by developers in Stack Overflow's yearly Developer Survey since 2016.
Kotlin "A modern programming language that makes developers happier. Open source forever." Developed and maintained by JetBrains, Kotlin is good for mobile development, data science, server-side scripting, web development, and more.


Website Description
Git "Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency."
VSCode Free, streamlined code editor with development tools like extensions, run and debug, and Git integration. Built and maintained by Microsoft. Similarly, VSCodium is the completely open-source, telemetry-disabled distribution of VSCode.
Notepad++ A free source code editor and Notepad replacement that supports several languages. Runs on Windows.

Web Development and Design

Resources related to web development and design


Website Description
JavaScript, TypeScript see section Programming / JavaScript and TypeScript above.
Publish Something Online By Jake Dow-Smith. A little library (22 items) on online publishing, broken down into sections and topics. It's small, but well curated and a good resource to explore. It also has a neat color-switching feature, and uses websafe type rather than an external or premium typeface.
Brad Traversy / Traversy Media High-quality tutorials on web development and related technologies.
MDN Web Docs Web docs, references, and guides for (web) developers. Documentation for JavaScript, APIs, CSS, and more. By Mozilla, authors of Firefox. Their docs on HTML and CSS, and their general web guides.
w3schools "The world's largest web developer site." Tutorials, references, examples, and more on just about every feature, asset, and topic in web development.
Developer Roadmaps "Step by step guides and paths to learn different tools or technologies," covering frontend, backend, devOps, and react disciplines, with more on the way. A good reference for learning these technologies, but not necessarily a standard to follow. You don't need to know everything they list. Developers don't often know everything that falls under their domain. So, take these roadmaps with a grain of salt. Learn to code at home. Build projects. Earn certifications. Certifications in responsive web design, JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures, Front End Libraries and more. (Free)
Web Development in 2020 - A Practical Guide A video guide from Brad Traversy. "In this complete and practical guide, we will look at just about every technology in web development."
Minify A JavaScript and CSS code minifier, making websites faster and smaller.
Temper "Create your personal onepager website in a few clicks."


Website Description
Learn to Code HTML and CSS By Shay Howe, for free. Topics covered include the very basics of HTML to advanced CSS topics and jQuery uses. "Learn to Code HTML & CSS has one goal — to teach people how to build beautiful and intuitive websites by way of clear and organized lessons. The guide covers a variety of web design and development topics, ranging from beginner to advanced skill levels."
CSS: The Definitive Guide A comprehensive and in-depth guide of Cascading Style Sheets. Written by Eric Meyer and Estelle Weyl, and published by O'Reilly. Topics covered include the basics of selectors to the advanced topics of media queries.
Picnic CSS A lightweight and beautiful CSS library.
Bulma CSS "Bulma is a free, open source CSS framework based on Flexbox and used by more than 200,000 developers."

Backend and DevOps

Website Description
Node.JS A asynchronous event-driven JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. For backends, non-browser environments. Extended by community-driven packages, available package managers (npm).
npm.JS Node Package Manager. Get access to open-source packages for Node, with free package register and worldwide availability. A GitHub company.
Deno A new JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 engine and in Rust, emphasizing security, and supporting TypeScript out the box. Ships only a single executable file, has built-in utilities and code formatter, and has reviewed standards for modules. Made by the same guy behind Node.
SQLite "SQLite is a C-language library that implements a small, fast, self-contained, high-reliability, full-featured, SQL database engine. SQLite is the most used database engine in the world."
Google Firebase "Build apps fast, without managing infrastructure. Firebase gives you functionality like analytics, databases, messaging and crash reporting so you can move quickly and focus on your users. Backed by Google, trusted by top apps. Firebase is built on Google infrastructure and scales automatically, for even the largest apps."
Redis "Redis is an open source (BSD licensed), in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache and message broker. It supports data structures such as strings, hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets with range queries, bitmaps, hyperloglogs, geospatial indexes with radius queries and streams. Redis has built-in replication, Lua scripting, LRU eviction, transactions and different levels of on-disk persistence, and provides high availability via Redis Sentinel and automatic partitioning with Redis Cluster."
AWS Amazon Web Services. "Whether you're looking for compute power, database storage, content delivery, or other functionality, AWS has the services to help you build sophisticated applications with increased flexibility, scalability, and reliability."
Express JS Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for NodeJS, providing a robust set of features for web and mobile applications.

Hosting and Deployment

Website Description
JAMstack JAM stands for "JavaScript, APIs, and Markup." "Fast and secure sites and apps delivered by pre-rendering files and serving them directly from a CDN, removing the requirement to manage or run web servers." The JAMstack framework results in better performance, higher security, cheaper scaling, and better developer experience. Additional website: Netlify Jamstack.
Modern Web Development on the Jamstack An ebook that covers that basics of the JAMstack, presented by Netlify, and published for free by O'Reilly. A "comprehensive guide to Jamstack best practices."
WTF is JAMstack? A website guide that helps you to understand what JAMstack is, why it is exists, and how to use it. "JAMstack is revolutionising the way we think about workflow by providing a simpler developer experience, better performance, lower cost and greater scalability." Very helpful for those confused by the framework.
JAMstack Themes "A list of themes and starters for JAMstack sites. We're the largest gallery of user submitted, open source themes for static site generators." Over 600 themes in the catalog.
JAMstack Themes from Netlify "Find the perfect place to begin a new Jamstack site. Deploy a template site to Netlify with just one click. The site’s code will automatically populate as a new folder in your Git repository so you can explore, edit, and update so it works for you. All for free."
Netlify "Run sites globally. Changes deploy automatically. Publish modern web projects right from your git repos. There’s nothing to set up & no servers to maintain." Deliver your static websites through CDNs, increasing speed and efficiency for your visitors. Free tier available, as well as powerful add-ons including (serverless) functions, identity (register and login), forms, and large media support. Over 1,000,000 developers and business have joined Netlify.
Vercel Competitor to Netlify, with an emphasis on websites built with Next.js, among other frameworks. Deploys from git repos through CLI. Free for personal and hobby use. "All plans include unlimited resources (Bandwidth, Builds, and Serverless Function Execution) subject to our fair use policy. Additionally, different hard limits apply for each plan."


Website Description
API List A collective list of APIs.
Algolia Search API "Algolia is the search-as-a-service platform that enables companies of all sizes to deliver fast and relevant digital experiences that drive real results. With Algolia, consumers are able to easily find and discover what they want across web, mobile, and voice. Algolia allows developers and business teams to build and optimize delightful Search and Discovery experiences that increase online engagement, conversion rates and revenue." Free up to 10,000 searches per month.
Font Awesome Catalog of icons with various styles, built into an API. Free tier gains access to over 1500 icons of a single style; pro version has over 7000 icons in four styles, among other features.
Unsplash API "Create with the largest open collection of high-quality photos. For free." Free image placeholder service.
Privacy API for issuing site-specific, virtual credit cards.
RoughJS "A small (<9kB gzipped) graphics library that lets you draw in a sketchy, hand-drawn-like, style. The library defines primitives to draw lines, curves, arcs, polygons, circles, and ellipses. It also supports drawing SVG paths."
SheetJS "Read, edit, and export spreadsheets. Works in web browsers and servers"


Website Description
ReactJS The most popular web framework. "A JavaScript library for building user interfaces."
VueJS The second most popular web framework. Arguably easier to learn than React, Vue is approachable, versatile, and performant.
Overreacted A blog by Dan Abramov, the co-creator of Redux. Very useful articles for ReactJS developers, among others.
AngularJS "One framework. Mobile and desktop." Used by big corporations like Google. Has speed and performance in mind, and "incredible tooling." Popular, useful, though arguably the hardest to learn of all the frameworks.
Redux "A predictable state container for JS Apps." "Predictable, centralized, debuggable, and flexible."
Next.js "The React Framework for Production. Next.js gives you the best developer experience with all the features you need for production: hybrid static & server rendering, TypeScript support, smart bundling, route pre-fetching, and more. No config needed." By Vercel.
Nuxtjs "The Intuitive Vue Framework. Build your next Vue.js application with confidence using NuxtJS. An open source framework making web development simple and powerful." "Modular, performant, enjoyable." Server-side rendered, statistical generated, single page applications.


Website Description
Design Resources for Developers. "Curated list of design and UI resources from stock photos, web templates, CSS frameworks, UI libraries, tools and much more." From Brad Traversy and available on GitHub.
Don't Make Me Think, Revisited By Steven Krug, a classic book on web design and usability. An essential read for all web-people: developers, designers, users.
Better Web Typography By Matej Latin. An excellent book and course on web typography, an essential skill for all web developers and designers. Worth it's price in gold. There is also a lot of useful web typography resources on the website, including quizzes, games, guides, and more.
Practical Typography A free, open, online book on typography by Matthew Butterick. Covers a lot of material found in Better Web Typography, but also goes into non-web applications like documents and papers.
Atomic Design By Brad Frost. Online, free book that covers the principles of interface design. "Atomic Design details all that goes into creating and maintaining robust design systems, allowing you to roll out higher quality, more consistent UIs faster than ever before. This book introduces a methodology for thinking of our UIs as thoughtful hierarchies, discusses the qualities of effective pattern libraries, and showcases techniques to transform your team's design and development workflow."
Laws of UX A collection of the maxims and principles that designers can consider when building user interfaces. Created by Jon Yablonski.
A List Apart A publication that "explores the design, development, and meaning of web content, with a special focus on web standards and best practices." Articles written by industry-leading professionals.
Gutenberg "A meaningful web typography starter kit." "Gutenberg is a flexible and simple-to-use web typography starter kit for web designers and developers." "Gutenberg sets the baseline grid to establish a proper vertical rhythm and makes sure all elements fit into it. It sets up the macro typography so you can focus on the micro–typographic details."
WebAIM Contrast Checker Check the contrast between two colors and how they evaluate on the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).
WCAG Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. Standards, resources, and guidelines for developers and designers to ensure their web content is accessible to everyone.
Paletton An advanced tool to generator color combinations and palettes. "Built on a classical artistic color wheel, applies classical color theory and works within a specially created RYB color space. Therefore the color combinations it produces are very different from those you can get in many computer graphic applications."
The Noun Project Over 2 million royalty-free icons for just about anything. $40/yr for everyone; $20/yr for students.
Font Awesome Catalog of icons with various styles, built into an API. Free tier gains access to over 1500 icons of a single style; pro version has over 7000 icons in four styles, among other features.
TeenyIcons Free tiny, minimal icons.


Website Description
One Page Love "One Page websites, templates and resources."
Brutalist One Curated list of brutalist-styled websites.
Land-book A collection of websites with good design.
Brutalist Websites A big collection of brutalist-styled websites, some with interviews of the developers or designers.
Typewolf A curated newsletter of tends in web typography. Offers recommendations and lists of typefaces. Lookbooks, guides, and resources are available for sale. By Jeremiah Shoaf.
Dribbble "the go-to resource for discovering and connecting with designers and creative talent around the globe." Share and discuss creative work, and find creative job opportunities.
Behance Showcase your work, discuss it, find inspiration and jobs. Like Dribbble, but from Adobe.

Operating Systems

Resources for operating systems and such.

Website Description Find resources on Linux, including tutorials and links to download.
pfSense "a free, open source customized distribution of FreeBSD specifically tailored for use as a firewall and router that is entirely managed via web interface. In addition to being a powerful, flexible firewalling and routing platform, it includes a long list of related features and a package system allowing further expandability without adding bloat and potential security vulnerabilities to the base distribution."
FreeNAS "an operating system that can be installed on virtually any hardware platform to share data over a network. FreeNAS is the simplest way to create a centralized and easily accessible place for your data. Use FreeNAS with ZFS to protect, store, and back up all of your data. FreeNAS is used everywhere, for the home, small business, and the enterprise."
Ubuntu "an open source software operating system that runs from the desktop, to the cloud, to all your internet connected things." Pretty great for beginner Linux users.
Pop!_OS "an operating system for STEM and creative professionals who use their computer as a tool to discover and create. Unleash your potential on secure, reliable open source software. Based on your exceptional curiosity, we sense you have a lot of it." Developer toolkits for deep learning, engineering, media production, and bioinformatics come pre-installed; as is software for easy Linux gaming. Installation encryption by default, and other nice features. From System 76.
Arch Linux "a lightweight and flexible Linux® distribution that tries to Keep It Simple."
Fedora "Fedora creates an innovative, free, and open source platform for hardware, clouds, and containers that enables software developers and community members to build tailored solutions for their users."
OpenBSD "The OpenBSD project produces a FREE, multi-platform 4.4BSD-based UNIX-like operating system. Our efforts emphasize portability, standardization, correctness, proactive security and integrated cryptography. As an example of the effect OpenBSD has, the popular OpenSSH software comes from OpenBSD."
elementaryOS "The fast, open, and privacy-respecting replacement for Windows and macOS."


Website Description
Beyond Compare A file and folder comparison tool, with useful commands and tools for file management.
WinDirStat "a disk usage statistics viewer and cleanup tool for various versions of Microsoft Windows." Related tools for Linux and MacOS exist.
Disk Space Fan "A fast disk space analyzer and duplicate file remover software. It helps you to free up disk space by quickly finding and deleting big files. It displays disk space usage with a eye-candy ring chart and dynamic animation. You can navigate the folders easily with the ring chart. It integrates well with Windows file explorer to open, delete and browse files and folders." Free and paid versions available.
Wireshark "The world’s foremost and widely-used network protocol analyzer."
Voidtools / Everything Advanced Windows Desktop Search Engine, letting you "locate files and folders by name instantly."
Malwarebytes Free anti-malware software for Windows, Mac, and mobile.
7-Zip Free and open-source file archiver with a high-compression ratio for Windows.
Recuva Deleted file recovery tool by CCleaner
F.lux Day and night cycle software that adjusts your monitor's color temperature and brightness to improve the monitor's effects on your eyes. May improve sleep if you use your computer too close to bedtime.
VirtualBox "a powerful x86 and AMD64/Intel64 virtualization product for enterprise as well as home use."
PuTTY "a free implementation of SSH and Telnet for Windows and Unix platforms, along with an xterm terminal emulator. It is written and maintained primarily by Simon Tatham."

Digital Privacy

Website Description
Surveillance Self-Defense "Tips, tools, and how-tos for safer online communications," by the Electronic Frontier Foundation. Basic defense guides, tool guides, and more advanced topics covered.
PrivacyTools "You are being watched. Private and state-sponsored organizations are monitoring and recording your online activities. PrivacyTools provides services, tools and knowledge to protect your privacy against global mass surveillance." Considered the standard for finding privacy-conscious alternatives to popular software.
DeleteMyData Guides for the "simplest way to delete your online accounts". How to delete your account, from Amazon to Google to Facebook to LinkedIn.
Switching Software "Ethical, easy-to-use and privacy-conscious alternatives to well-known software." Mixed recommendations; some good, some bad, but overall an OK reference.
dnscrypt-proxy A flexible DNS proxy, with support for modern encrypted DNS protocols such as DNSCrypt v2, DNS-over-HTTPS and Anonymized DNSCrypt. "an independent publication covering internet privacy, online security, the VPN software industry, the blockchain, and emerging internet technology." VPN guides, reviews, and comparisons, and resources for Internet privacy.
Security In-A-Box Tools and tactics (guides) for digital security on Linux, Windows, Mac, Mobile, and Web.
r/degoogle Tips, resources, guides, and more for "expelling Google from your life." Why You Should DeGoogle & Intro DeGoogling Techniques. Huge list of alternatives to Google products and services. [r/Privacy's wiki on deGoogling is also helpful.](r/Privacy's wiki on deGoogling is also helpful.)
r/privacy Reddit community dedicated to digital privacy and freedom. Resources, news, guides, and more for securing your digital lives. Their wiki is an indispensable source anyone interested in digital privacy.
They Track You "A website to raise awareness of online privacy." Information on corporate and government tracking, defense of surveillance, and more. Very good for beginners.
Richard Stallman Reasons for not using products and services from the biggest technology companies, by the man behind the GNU Project and the Free Software Foundation.
Google Data Collection A report on Google's Data Collection from the FTC by Professor Douglas Schmidt of Vanderbilt University. (From August 2018.)
Pi-hole "Network-wide Ad blocking" software.
CryptoPaper An article detailing "Privacy, Security, and Anonymity For Every Internet User."
Njalla A privacy-aware domain service, starting at 15 € / year.
OpenStreetMaps Free and open-source map data. Explore "a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license."


Website Description
Arduino "An open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software. It's intended for anyone making interactive projects."
RaspberryPi A tiny computer kit loaded with features, for desktop computing, robots, smart hubs, media centers, and more.


Resources for education, including courses, student services, etc.

Open Courses & MOOC Providers

Website Description
MIT OpenCourseWare A web-based publication of virtually all MIT course content; open and available to the world and is a permanent MIT activity. 2400+ courses in business, science, math, and humanities. (Free)
Open Yale Courses Free and open access to a selection of intro courses from Yale University. (Free)
Harvard Online Learning (HarvardX) Catalog of Harvard's online courses offered through MOOC providers like edX. (Free courses, paid certificates.)
The Open University An online, accredited university from the UK offering (paid) degrees and (some free) courses.
Berkeley Courses 20,000 videos of Berkeley lectures available on LBRY. (Free) 2500+ online courses from 140 institutions. Courses in computer and data sciences, language, business, science, and humanities. (Free courses, paid certificates.)
Coursera Offering 4300+ online courses (some free), 320+ projects, 440+ specializations, 30+ certificates, and 20 degrees from accredited universities. (Paid courses start at $49.)
Udemy 150,000+ courses from professionals and institutions in business, technology, and more. Courses starts at $9.99.
Skillshare Courses in creativity, lifestyle, and business. Subscription starting at $99/year or $19/month.
NPTEL "The National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning." Peer-reviewed educational resources in STEM and other fields; more than 56,000 hours of video content.
FutureLearn "Learn 100% online with world-class universities and industry experts. Develop your career, learn a new skill, or pursue your hobbies with flexible online courses." A digital education platform offering courses in STEM, business, humanities, and more from accredited and respected institutions and organizations. Jointly owned by The Open University.
Open Source Society University Open-source, community-driven university offering free, self-taught education in computer science, bioinformatics, and data science.
Khan Academy Free, world-class education in math, science, humanities and more.

Calculators, Solvers, and Data Analysis

Website Description
WolframAlpha Compute answers and find knowledge on almost anything. Math, physics, chemistry, life sciences, technology, music, art, and more.
Symbolab Math education and problem-solving tool. Solutions, graphs, practice and more.
Photomath Scan math problems and get step-by-step explanations and solutions. Arithmetic to calculus supported. Available on Google Play and App Store.
fxSolver A problem solver for engineering and scientific equations.
Cymath Math problem solver.
Mathway Math problem solver from Chegg.
Origin Data analysis and graphing software. Free and pro versions available.
Desmos Graphing, scientific, matrix calculators, and more. You can do a lot of cool stuff in it.
R Free software environment for statistical computing and graphics.
OmniCalculator A huge collection of calculators for problems in chemistry, conversion, food, everyday-life, math, and more. 1289 free calculators in total.


Website Description
32 Free Online Courses and Certificates A list of free courses and certificates you can earn in 2020, by Web Employed
40 High Paying Trade School Degrees and Jobs 2020 A list of trade school degrees and jobs that pay very well in 2020, from Online Schools Center.
Slader Step-by-step solutions for textbook problems
Scholly The ultimate student success platform: personalized scholarship search, document proofreader
Github Education GitHub Education helps students, teachers, and schools access the tools and events they need to shape the next generation of software development. Developer Pack with discounts, Github campus experts, teacher toolboxes and more.
Github Student Developer Starter Pack Learn to ship software like a pro. There's no substitute for hands-on experience. But for most students, real world tools can be cost-prohibitive. That's why we created the GitHub Student Developer Pack with some of our partners and friends: to give students free access to the best developer tools in one place so they can learn by doing. The Modern JavaScript Tutorial
MDN Web Docs Web docs, references, and guides for (web) developers. By Mozilla. Official transfer and articulation system for California's public colleges and universities
CLEP Exams Get college credit for what you know by taking CLEP exams. Topics covered: Composition and Literature, World Languages, History and Social Sciences, Science and Mathematics, and Business. Administered by the College Board. (Each exam is $89.)
MathWorld Online reference for mathematics. (Free)
OpenCourser MOOC Search engine, accessing over 16,000 courses from edX, Coursera, and others
UNiDAYS A catalog of student discounts in fashion, beauty, food & drink, health & fitness, lifestyle, technology, sports & media, and more.
McNair Scholars Program "A US Department of Education TRIO Program." "The McNair Scholars Program is a federal TRIO program funded at 151 institutions across the United States and Puerto Rico by the U.S. Department of Education. It is designed to prepare undergraduate students for doctoral studies through involvement in research and other scholarly activities." Resources on programs, conferences, research, communities, and more.
Open Culture Huge catalog of open, free-access resources, including online courses, movies, audiobooks and ebooks, MOOCs, and more.
Federal TRIO Programs "The Federal TRIO Programs (TRIO) are Federal outreach and student services programs designed to identify and provide services for individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds. TRIO includes eight programs targeted to serve and assist low-income individuals, first-generation college students, and individuals with disabilities to progress through the academic pipeline from middle school to postbaccalaureate programs."
Sophia "Low-cost, self-paced courses for college credit in a fresh and fun learning environment." 33 colleges and universities are partnered to guarantee credit transfer. Their courses are ACE Credit recommended and DEAC-approved, but beyond the partnered schools, credit acceptance is not guaranteed. Membership starts at $79 per month. Courses in business, English and composition, humanities, STEM, and more.
HyperPhysics Educational website about physics, featuring articles in astrophysics, quantum physics, acoustics, mechanics, and more. Hosted by the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the Georgia State University.
Top 35 Tutition-Free Colleges A list of "tuition-free" colleges that offer large scholarships to students from low-income families.
OhioLink A partnership between 116 academic libraries in Ohio, offering access to over 46 million books, 100 electronic research databases, over 100,000 ebooks, and more.
RateMyProfessors "Rate My Professors is the largest online destination for professor ratings. Users have added more than 19 million ratings, 1.7 million professors and over 7,500 schools to Rate My Professors."
Mathematics Genealogy Project "The intent of this project is to compile information about ALL the mathematicians of the world. We earnestly solicit information from all schools who participate in the development of research level mathematics and from all individuals who may know desired information." / Peter Smith Resources on logic, learning logic. Guide to learning logic, free books, exercises, and more.


Website Description
Noba Project High-quality and flexible psychology textbooks and materials for free
Bookboon Free textbooks for university students
OpenStax Free, flexible textbooks - in the format your students need
Open Textbook Library Open (free) textbook library from the University of Minnesota
SlugBooks Cheap College Textbooks with price compare
Chegg Cheaper college textbooks, study resources, and more Compare textbook prices from all the best online stores at once.
Wikibooks Open-content textbooks from Wikimedia Foundation (of Wikipedia).
ZLibrary: Books The world's largest ebook library. 5.3 million of ebooks available for free download in almost every format. Includes many books still in copyright. A mirror of Library Genesis.
Collection of Springer textbooks Springer had at one point offered many of their books for free. This free access is now closed, however, but this collection might be useful for someone looking for books in specific subjects.


Website Description
ANKI An intelligent flash card app that uses spaced-repetition as a foundation of learning. Synchronize between devices, extend with add-ons, and use across any platform - Windows, Mac, Linux, and mobile. (Free.)
Quizlet Flashcards and tools. Collections of flashcards exist for topics in humanities, languages, math, science, and more.
Notion All-in-one workspace, with collaboration features and more. Create custom databases, journal systems, web pages, and more. Templates, blogs, wikis, and websites. Available in-browser, or on Mac and Windows. Free for personal use.
PTable An online periodic table with interactive and dynamic features. See element properties, electron distributions, isotopes, and compound information.

YouTube Educators

A list of YouTube Educators segmented by their subject(s).


Website Description
James Cook Lectures on algebra, calculus (1-3), algebraic topology, linear algebra, topology & analysis, abstract algebra (1-2). Differential equations, number theory, lie theory, complex analysis, mechanics.
Professor Macauley Lectures on advanced linear algebra (graduate level), discrete mathematical structures, advanced engineering mathematics, visual group theory, differential equations, and calculus II.
Michel van Biezen Videos on basics, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, pre-calculus and calculus (1-3), differential equations, and linear algebra. Also has videos on physics, chemistry, astronomy, mechanical and electrical engineering.
Simmy Sigma Linear algebra, algebra, integration, and videos on engineering, geomatics, hydrology, and fluid mechanics.
singingbanana Jim Grime, the mathematician from Numberphile.
blackpenredpen Math teacher doing videos on calculus (1-2), algebra, differential equations, and miscellaneous math (on many topics).
3Blue1Brown Grant Sanderson. Approachable mathematics with emphasis on theory. Videos on the essence of linear algebra and calculus, neural networks, and differential equations. Miscellaneous math too.
Mathologer Math exploration and explanation. Videos on geometry, irrational and transcendental numbers, infinite sums, fractions, numbers and theory, topology.
Professor Dave Explains Easy and simple explanations of topics in calculus, trigonometry, algebra, geometry at the high school / lower-class undergraduate level.
patrickJMT Thousands of videos in math and physics.
solve midnighttutor Decade old videos on pre-calculus, calculus, rocket science, dimensional analysis, fractions.
ukmathsteacher GCSE, A Lvel maths videos and worksheets. Statistics, calculus.
slcmath@pc Videos on linear algebra and integral calculus
Bill Shillito Higher mathematics
Insights into Mathematics Math foundations, linear algebra, history of mathematics, ancient mathematics, old Babylonian math, terminology, probability and statistics, math education, geometry, topology, rational trigonometry, algebraic calculus, advanced math
The Organic Chemistry Tutor Algebra, trigonometry, precalculus, statistics, calculus. Also videos on chemistry, physics, biology, and other science.
Bill Kinney Numerical methods, applied statistics, probability, differential equations, linear algebra, abstract / modern algebra, field theory, Galois theory, complex analysis, calculus, financial mathematics, real analysis
GVSUmath College algebra, precalculus, calculus, math games, discrete structures, linear algebra
The Math Sorcerer Proofs, probability, calculus, differential equations, abstract algebra, advanced calculus, complex analysis, topology, linear algebra, principles of mathematical induction, functions, sets, relations, set theory, number theory, statistics, college algebra, trigonometry, inspiration and advice
John Kinny-Lewis High school math, calculus, geometry, complex numbers, mathematical induction, algebra
Professor Leonard Precalculus, differential equations, calculus (1-3), statistics. Full course lectures.
Anil Kumar Calculus, precalculus, GCSE math, vectors. Discrete math, algebra.
Harold Walden Elementary math, calculus, proofs. Some videos on physics.
Eddie Woo Calculus, applied calculus, algebra, precalculus, math-related video
Flammable Maths Competitive math, geometry, calculus, number theory, linear algebra, differential equations, random problems and improvised session math.
ProfRobBob Precalculus, algebra, calculus, statistics, vectors, linear algebra, geometry
MathDoctorBob Basic math, algebra, precalculus, linear algebra, calculus, abstract algebra, topology, differential equations, real analysis, logic, mathematical induction
Steven Brunton Data science, linear algebra, Fourier analysis, engineering mathematics, fluid dynamics, dynamical systems, scientific computing, singular value decomposition


Website Description
Michel van Biezen Videos on mechanics, sound and waves, thermodynamics, electricity and magnetism, optics, and modern physics. Also has videos on math, astronomy, chemistry, and engineering.
lasseviren1 Introductory videos on mechanics and electricity and magnetism.
learnfluidmechanics Videos on fluid mechanics.
Lectures by Walter Lewin Prof. Lewin's famous physics lectures on classical mechanics, electricity and magnetism, and vibrations and waves. (MIT Physics 1-3 lectures.)
Doc Schuster Topics in AP Physics: mechanics, electricity and magnetism, waves and sound, thermodynamics, modern physics, optics,
Professor Dave Explains Easy and simple explanations of topics in classical physics, modern physics, and astronomy and astrophysics at the high school / lower-class undergraduate level.
AK Lectures Videos in classical and modern physics, and in biochemistry.
DrPhysicsA A Level Physics, GCSE Physics, magnetism and electricity, thermodynamics, classical mechanics, nuclear physics, quantum mechanics, particle physics, atomic physics, special and general relativity, and cosmology.
AbrahamPhysics Concise videos in mechanics
patrickJMT Thousands of videos in math and physics.
The Organic Chemistry Tutor General physics, videos in math and chemistry.
Thomas Kim Physics demonstrations, DIY
PhysicsHelp Graphing motion, motion mechanics, vectors, relative velocity, forces, Newton's Laws, simple machines, circular motion, projectiles, collisions, momentum, energy, work, planetary mechanics, electricity, electromagnetism, waves, light, and sound, optics.
Gregory Johnson AP Physics 1 and 2.


Website Description
Michel van Biezen Videos on equilibrium, moments, center of gravity, distributed loads, centroids, trusses, beans, cables (mechanical eng.); basic laws, circuit analysis, Op amps, capacitors, inductors, RC and RL circuits, Laplace transform, Fourier transform, and Fourier series (Electrical eng).
Jeff Hanson Algebra, thermodynamics, solids, statics.
Josua Meyer Lectures on heat transfer by professor and departmental head of Mechanical and Aeronautical engineering at the University of Pretoria.
Darryl Morrell Instructional videos in engineering topics: signals, systems, circuit analysis, Fourier analysis, Laplace transform, and mechanics.
Simmy Sigma Vector statics, fluid mechanics, geomatics, structural analysis, and hydrology.
Engineer Clearly Chemical engineering, statics, mass transfer and separation, some videos in biology and probability.
LearnMechE From the faculty of the University of Colorado - Boulder. Engineering computing (statistics, numerical analysis), fluid mechanics, heat transfer, thermodynamics.
LearnChemE From the faculty of the University of Colorado - Boulder. Engineering computing (statistics, numerical analysis), fluid mechanics, kinetics/reactor design, thermodynamics, material and energy balances.
Randall Manteufel Videos in engineering statics, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer.
Ron Hugo Mechanical engineering, thermodynamics, heat transfer, fluid mechanics.
Practical Engineering Demonstrations in engineering: soil mechanics, hydraulics, civil engineering, mechanical engineering, power grids, etc.
Brett Tallman Professional engineer. Videos in engineering dynamics, statics, mechanics; and videos in quantum mechanics.
Structurefree Statics, mechanics, dynamics; structural engineering.
Steven Brunton Fourier analysis, engineering mathematics, fluid dynamics, dynamical systems, scientific computing, singular value decomposition, Laplace transforms.
Scott Ramsay Solids, material science; structure of matter, crystalline structure.
RE-Lecture Materials science, statics, kinetics, vibrations.
katkimshow Power electronics, control, photovoltaics, electrical engineering.
Rick Hill System dynamics, control, mechanics.
John Rossiter Videos on modeling, analysis, and control.
Brian Douglas Control systems
Gordon Parker Mechanical engineering; modeling, dynamics, control, Laplace transforms, control.
Benjamin Drew Dynamics, control


Website Description
Michel van Biezen Videos on atoms, ions, thermochemistry, acids and bases, Lewis Structures, solutions, and organic chemistry. Videos also on topics in physics, math, astronomy, and engineering.
Peter Cavnar Videos in cell biology and biochemistry by professor of biology at the University of West Florida.
Kevin Ahern The complete set of lectures from Kevin Ahern's biochemistry courses and workshops at Oregon State University.
AK Lectures Biochemistry, proteins, membranes, pathways, metabolism, cell biology. Some videos in physics.
Fundamentals of Biochemistry Videos on topics of biochemistry. Translation, protein folding, proteins, DNA, RNA, cycles, metabolics, etc.
ChemistNate Videos in high school and university chemistry. Organic chemistry, equilibrium, gases, structures, kinetics, reactions, titration, electrochemistry
Broad Institute Speeches on genetics, biochemistry from Eric Lander's Institute
Leah4sci Videos on organic chemistry: concepts and mechanisms.
The Organic Chemistry Tutor Structures, bonds, charges, VSEPR Theory, bond theory, atomic orbitals, acids and bases, nomenclature, compounds, projects, stereochemistry, etc.
Tyler DeWitt AP, IB, college-level chemistry help. Main topics: Significant Figures, Scientific Notation, Density, Stoichiometry, Nuclear Chemistry, VSEPR Theory, Atomic Structure, Covalent and Ionic Bonding, Thermochemistry, and Gases
Frank Wong Organic chemistry topics; nomenclature, orbitals, resonance, reactions, etc.
Moof University Biochemistry; cycles, trends, configurations, compounds and bonding basics, general biochemistry topics, glycolysis and fermentation, lipoproteins, advanced biochemistry / medical biochemistry for medical students.

Biology and Medicine

Website Description
Demystifying Medicine A variety of educational videos on medicine and related topics.
Professor Dave Explains Easy and simple explanations of topics in biochemistry, general biology, anatomy and physiology, and biopsychology.
PHRM203 Videos and lectures in general pharmacology. Basic cell functions, cellular physics, endocrinology, neurotransmission, drug effects, etc.
Professor Fink Videos and lectures in pharmacology, human physiology and anatomy, hematology
Future Doc House Medical lectures, microbiology, immunology, infectious disease
Health Ed Solutions / Andrew Wolff Pathophysiology, nervous system, physiology, acute care
Ken Stedman Virology, molecular biology.
Nikolay's Genetics Lessons Genetics from beginner to intermediate and advanced topics; bioinformatics, immunology.
Craig Savage AP Biology, general biology: genetics, evolution, ecology, DNA and protein synthesis, cells, photosynthesis, etc.
Armando Hasudungan Videos in medicine: dermatology, pathophysiology, anatomy, hematology, neurology, cardiology, microbiology, etc. Very good drawings and diagrams.
Handwritten Tutorials Videos with drawings of medical topics: cellular respiration, spinal pathways, renal anatomy, hematology, pharmacokinetics.
Dr. Najeeb Lectures Lectures on medicine and related topics.
Dr. Been Medical Lectures Lectures on medicine and related topics.
iBiology Techniques Topics on techniques in advanced biological research: synthetic biology, cytometry, microscopy
Vincent Racaniello Videos and lectures in topics of virology and microbiology.

General Science and Technology

Website Description
Nottingham Science General videos in chemistry, physics, university education; behind the scenes of Periodic Videos.
Periodic Videos Topics in chemistry.
Numberphile Videos about numbers, number theory in mathematics
Computerphile Videos on computation and computer science topics
DeepSkyVideos Astronomy and interesting celestial objects.
Sixty Symbols Astronomy, astrophysics, physics.
FavScientist Videos on favorite scientists.
BackstageScience Lab explorations and behind-the-science of the "UK's most amazing science facilities."
Technology Connections In-depth video explorations and explanations of topics in technology; "Brown; color is weird", "Fans; High is next to Off on purpose", "How to design an actually good toaster with lessons from the 1940's", "Chest Freezers; What they tell us about designing for X".
Bruce Yeany Practical and applied science, and demonstrations.
Physics Girl Physics, astrophysics
engineerguy Clear, concise videos on engineering and engineered stuff.
Justin "Sci Higg" Higgins Environmental science, astronomy, physical science, and the basics of science; at the high school level.
FreeScienceLessons GCSE Science, A Level science videos; biology, chemistry, physics.
Dusty Porter / Think Tutorial Technology tutorials from Windows 10 to "How to setup your Gmail account"

Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences

Website Description
Gregory B. Sadler Ancient philosophy, contemporary philosophy, core concepts, religion, ethics, lectures in philosophy, modern philosophy. Over 1,000 videos on philosophy, philosophers, and related topics.
Mark Thorsby Contemporary philosophy, Nicomachean Ethics, Formal Logic, Ethics, History of Modern and Ancient Philosophy, Phenomenology, Critical Thinking, Social and Political Philosophy
Daniel Bonevac Philosophical concepts, history of Christian philosophy, business ethics, intro to philosophy, organizational ethics, Analytical philosophy, ideas of the 20th Century. Professor of Philosophy at the University of Texas in Austin.
Christopher Anadale Nietzsche, Nicomachean ethics, Plato, writing and reading philosophy, Kant, Christian philosophy, St. Thomas Aquinas.
Eric Dodson Topics in philosophy, psychology, existentialism, comedy, phenomenology. He has lectures on existential psychology, human science, and humanistic psychology
Mark Felton Historical documentaries in military history and the Cold War.
Drachinifel Naval history, with in-depth videos on historical warships, battles, and more.
Economics Explained Topics in economics, country economics, virtual economics, economical topics.
wordsoftheworld "Modern language and culture experts discuss the history and use of some familiar words. Featuring academics from The University of Nottingham's School of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies."
bibledex Topics in the study of the Bible.
Baumgartner Restoration Art conservation, painting conservation; methods, theory, work.
Adam Ragusea Food history and science; criticism, recipes.
Grant Abbitt Videos on game design and game art. "The Bob Ross of Blender."

Video Essayists

Website Documentary
Sideways Music, theory, and music in movies.
Like Stories of Old Philosophical film analysis, life lessons
The Critical Drinker Media analysis, sarcasm, film criticism


Resources for media, including books, articles, videos, etc.


Website Description The Internet Archive. A non-profit library with millions of free books, movies, software, music, websites, and more. Runs the Wayback Machine, which allows you to explore more than 458 billion archived web pages.
Wikipedia The free encyclopedia, with over 6 million articles and in dozens of languages. From the Wikimedia Foundation.


Website Description
Project Gutenberg A library of over 60,000 free ebooks.
Standard Ebooks "Free and liberated ebooks, carefully produced for the true book lover." High-quality ebooks. Library includes 401 ebooks, covering many of the best and most essential books to humanity.
OpenLibrary Online library catalog, with over 20 million records, providing access to over 1.7 million scanned versions of books. Apart of the Internet Archive. Books to Borrow A collection of books that can be borrowed by registered users for two weeks at a time. Books can be read online or with Adobe Digital Editions (DRM software). Catalog includes almost 1.7 million books.
ZLibrary: Books The world's largest ebook library. 5.3 million of ebooks available for free download in almost every format. Includes many books still in copyright. A mirror of Library Genesis.
Wikisource Free library of free-content textual sources. Books include those out-of-copyright, such as Walden, or, Life in the Woods by Henry David Thoreau. You can download as PDF, EPUB, or MOBI. (From Wikimedia Foundation.)
Early Modern Texts Early modern philosophical texts made easier to read while maintaining the main arguments, doctrines, and lines of thought. Prepared by Jonathan Bennett, a professional scholar. Includes from Francis Bacon to Montaigne to Mary Wollstonecraft.
Calibre Ebook manager available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. Read, create, and edit ebooks.
Goodreads Largest book recommendation site. Great for finding reviews of books. Catalog has over 2.6 billion books. Owned by Amazon.
Goodbooks Book recommendations from successful people, like Bill Gates and Warrent Buffet. 8,500+ recommendations.


Website Description Free distribution and open-access archive of over 1.7 million scholarly articles in physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance, statistics, electrical engineering and system science, and economics. Presented by Cornell University.
Sci-Hub Open source, pirated science articles.
ZLibrary: Articles The world's largest ebook library. 77 million of articles available for free download. A mirror of Library Genesis.
National Library of Medicine Resources and publications from medicine. Hosts the National Center for Biotechnology Information, which provides access to biomedical and genetic information.
Footnotes to Plato Articles appraising the works and legacies of the great thinkers and philosophies.
Ten Greatest Essays, Ever Lists of the ten greatest essays from Krause Essay Prize winners.
Oxford Academic Oxford University Press Academic is an the online portal for all OUP academic journals. See latest issues of journals, advanced articles, submit to journals, purchase journals, and even read free, open-access articles from journals. Subjects include: Arts and Humanities, Law, Medicine and Health, Science and Mathematics, and Social Sciences.
Zotero "Personal research assistant." Collect, organize, cite, and share research.
Google Scholar "a freely accessible web search engine that indexes the full text or metadata of scholarly literature across an array of publishing formats and disciplines."

Music and Audio

Website Descriptions
Listen Notes The best podcast search engine. Features over 1.5 million podcasts. Subscribe to podcasts, download them, and even embed them in websites, and more. An API is available for developers.
LibriVox Free public domain audiobooks
Audacity Free, open-source cross-platform software for editing and recording audio.
foobar2000 Advanced freeware audio player for Windows.
Audio Router Routes audio from programs to different audio devices. Similar to CheVolume, but free.
Reaper Digital audio workstation - a complete production application, offering full multitrack audio and MIDI recording, editing, processing, mixing, and mastering toolset. Supports a range of hardwork, digital formats and plugins, and can be extended, scripted, and modified. (Free)
LMMS Free, cross-platform tool for making music. Includes ready-to-use content. Available on Linux, Windows, and Mac.
Music Player Daemon Flexible, powerful, server-side application for playing music. Libraries and plugins can extend it. Can work over networks.
Mopidy An extensive music server written in Python. Play music from local disk, Spotify, Soundcloud, and more. Edit playlists from phones, tablets, or any computer.
Musescore Create, play, and print beautiful sheet music. Professional music notation software, completely free, easy-to-use, powerful, open-souce, accepts input from MIDI keyboards, and can transfer to other problems. Supports a variety of instruments. Available on Windows, Mac, and Linux.
VLC Media Player Free, open-source, cross-platform multimedia player and framework.
Live Music Archive From Over 200,000 recordings of live music available for free.
Shazam "A mobile app that recognizes music and TV." App will identify music that is playing around you. What song is this? Find out now!


Website Description
Explore Live cams of animals, landscapes, and more. Also have over 250 original films, and 30,000 photographs from around the world.
DocumentaryHeaven An online catalog of documentaries for dozens of categories from war to philosophy to history.
VLC Media Player Free, open-source, cross-platform multimedia player and framework.
Handbrake Open source video transcoder. Convert videos from nearly any format to a select of modern, widely supported codecs.
DaVinci Resolve Professional video editing software that supports 8K editing, color correction, visual effects, and audio post production, and more. Available on Mac, Windows, and Linux. (Free.)
OBS Studio Streaming and recording software for free. Available on Windows, Mac, and Linux.
Plex TV Stream TV shows and movies on Plex, for free.


Website Description
Space Engine "A realistic virtual Universe," travel between stars and systems, land on objects, real celestial objects like our solar system, manipulate physics, and explore a procedural generated universe based on "real scientific knowledge."
lichess Learn and play chess, watch others play, interact in a chess community, analyze games, and more.
Steam Platform for buying, playing, discussing, and creating video games.
Unity Unity’s real-time 3D development platform lets artists, designers and developers work together to create amazing immersive and interactive experiences. (Available for Windows, Mac, and Linux.)

Encyclopedias and Related

Website Description
Wikipedia The free encyclopedia, with over 6 million articles (on English edition) and in dozens of languages. From the Wikimedia Foundation.
Commons A collection of over 63 million freely usable media files. Images, sounds, videos.
Wikivoyage Free travel guides.
Wiktionary Free dictionary. Over 6.3 million English definitions, and support for other languages including German, Spanish, French, and more.
Wikinews Free news source from every region of the world, even Antarctica!
Wikiquote Free collection of quotes, with over 37,000 articles in the English edition.
Wikisource Free library of free-content textual sources. Books include those out-of-copyright, such as Walden, or, Life in the Woods by Henry David Thoreau. You can download as PDF, EPUB, or MOBI.
MediaWiki Collaboration and documentation platform that helps you to collect and manage knowledge. Community driven.
Wikispecies Free species directory, with over 700,000 articles.
Wikibooks Open-content textbooks collection, with over 3,000 books and 87,000 pages in the English edition. Subjects include computing, math, humanities, science, and more.
Wikiversity Free learning resources, projects, and research for all levels, types, and styles of education from pre-school to university, including professional training and informal learning. English edition includes over 27,000 resources. Subjects includes arts, humanities, mathematics, medicine, science, social sciences, technology, and more.
Wikidata Free and open knowledge base, acting as central storage for structured data of its Wikimedia sisters. The base includes over 88 million data items.
Wikiart Visual art encyclopedia. Features over 250,000 artworks by 3,000 artists in 8 languages.
Artcyclopedia Art encyclopedia. Over 9,000 artists listed. 2,900 art sites indexed. 160,000 links.
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (SEP.) Well-maintained and rigorous reference for philosophy, with over 1600 entries, from Stanford University.
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (IEP.) Open access to detailed, peer-reviewed information on key topics and philosophers in all areas of philoosphy. By the University of Tennessee-Martin.

Photography, Digital Arts, and Modeling

Website Description
Unsplash Free images. "Over 1 million free high-resolution images brought to you by the word's most generous community of photographers."
Pexels Free stock photos and videos, by talented creators.
Pixabay Over 1.8 million free stock image and video, for free.
Krita Professional and open source painting program; made by artists who want affordable tools over everyone. Available for Windows, Linux, and Mac.
Gimp "GNU Image Manipulation Program." The free and open source image editor. Available for Windows, Linux, and Mac.
Paint.NET Image and photo editing software for Windows. Active and growing community who provide tutorials, help, and plugins. Comparable to GIMP but not available for top OS.
Fusion 360 Integrated CAD, CAM, and CAE software. 3D design and modeling software. Available on Windows and Mac, and is from Autodesk.
Inkscape Powerful and flexible vector illustration software. Available for Linux, Windows, and macOS.
Draftsight Free 2D and 3D design software, with capabilities for modeling, prototyping, and more. Available for Windows and macOS. Create diagrams anywhere for anyone, right in the browser or on desktop. Open source and free. No registration required.
OpenSCAD Free 3D CAD modeling software, available for Linux, Windows, and macOS.
Darktable "darktable is an open source photography workflow application and raw developer. A virtual lighttable and darkroom for photographers. It manages your digital negatives in a database, lets you view them through a zoomable lighttable and enables you to develop raw images and enhance them." Available for Linux, Windows, and Mac. (Free.)
IrfanView Fast and compact imagine viewer for Windows.


Website Description
Typora A minimal markdown editor. Distractions free, seamless live preview, WYSIWYM. Support for images, headers, lists, tables, code fences, mathematics, diagrams, inline styles and more. Accessible and customizable. Available for macOS, Windows, and Linux. (Free, and was used to make this list!)
LibreOffice Free and powerful office suite, with a clean interface and feature-rich tools. Word processor, spreadsheets, presentations, diagrams, databases, formula editor, charts, and more.
Zotero "Personal research assistant." Collect, organize, cite, and share research.
Google Apps Suite Free, cloud software accessed in the browser. A suite featuring word processor, spreadsheets, presentations, diagrams, and more. Made by Google.
Zoho Cloud software accessible in the browser. Apps for sales and market, email and collaboration, including document apps, finance, IT and help desk.
LaTeX A document preparation system. High-quality typesetting, including features for the production of technical and scientific documentation.
Obsidian "A second brain, for you, forever. Obsidian is a powerful knowledge base that works on top of a local folder of plain text Markdown files." Make and follow connections between files, and view graphs of it. Plugins available. Available for Windows, macOS, and Linux. (Similar to Roam, but without the cost.)
Notion All-in-one workspace, with collaboration features and more. Create custom databases, journal systems, web pages, and more. Available in-browser, or on Mac and Windows. Free for personal use, with a generous offer.
Web of Science An index of science researchers, offices, libraries, publishers, journals, and more. Requires sign-up and institutional licensing. "The world’s largest publisher-neutral citation index and research intelligence platform."
Cite This For Me Citation tool, from Chegg. Support for Harvard, APA, MLA, and more citation forms.
Overleaf "LaTeX, evovled. "The easy to use, online, collaborative LaTeX editor. Overleaf is used by over six million students and academics at 3,600 institutions worldwide." Free for personal, individual use
Grammarly Advanced grammar and spell check using an "AI-powered writing assistant," by Browser extension or their document editor.
Hemingway Editor A simple writing app to make your "writing bold and clear." It highlights and tracks adverbs, passive voice use, complex phrases, and hard-to-read sentences.

Life, Health, and Related

Resources for life: finding jobs and services, eating well, filing taxes, location, etc.

Websites Description
Budget Bytes Budget meals, recipes, meal prep and plans, and more. Vegetarian and vegan options too, as well as traditional options. Meal costs included with recipes. Started in 2009.
UCLA MARC Meditatons Free, guided mediations from UCLA's Mindful Awareness Research Center (MARC). 107 minutes of mediations, with transcripts. Eight English and 4 Spanish meditations. Free videos on more than 2,000 health and nutrition topics, presenting the latest research in nutrition and health. Presented by Michael Greger, M.D. FACLM, the author of How Not to Die and How Not to Diet.
IRS Free Tax Filing If you make $69,000 or below, you can file your taxes for free using "Free File Online Product." Those making more can file for free by filling out their forms themselves.
Flipp App Find coupons and deals for items from over 2000 retailers.
FutureMe "Write a letter to the future."
CamelCamelCamel Free Amazon price tracker, monitoring millions of products, and alerting you when prices drop. Find the best time to buy.
Skiplagged Find the best rates on flights and hotels. "Our flights are so cheap, United sued us... but we won." "Find flights the airlines don’t want you to see. We’re exposing loopholes in airfare pricing to save you money."
SurviveNature "Techniques for staying alive in every natural environment": island, forest, jungle, desert, snow, and ocean environments.
Aunt Bertha Search tool for finding free and reduced cost services like medical care, food, job training, and more. (United States.)
Freecycle Find free stuff from locals near you. Pickup directly from locals. (Worldwide.)
Craigslist Online, regional classifies. Find stuff for sale, events, services, and more. (Worldwide.)
Bored Solutions Feeling bored? Here's a big list of things to learn, make, or do.
What3Words Gave every 3m square in the world a unique, 3-word address to provide highly-accurate locations. Provide locations to exact places, like entrances to buildings and more.

Other Tools and Apps

Useful tools and fun apps.

Website Description
FlightRader24 "A global flight tracking service that provides real-time information about thousands of aircraft around the world. It tracks in real-time 180,000+ flights from over 1200 airlines, flying to over 4,000 airports."
Virus Total "Analyze suspicious files and URLs to detect types of maleware, and automatically share them with the security community." Send morse code messages to others. Advanced wind and weather radar app. See realtime wind speeds, precipitation, temperature, and more across the world.
10 Minute Mail Get a disposable, temporary email.
LEGO Studio "Build, render, and create instructions" of your LEGO projects and MOCs. Integrated with BrickLink. Available for Mac and Windows.
Snipping Tool Windows 10's built-in Snipping Tool provides useful features for screenshots.
Greenshot "A light-weight screenshot software tool for Windows," with various screenshot, annotations, and export features.
Discord Free communication app.
TeamViewer Remote access and visual support app. "Control, manage, monitor, and repair computers, mobile devices, network machines and more – from anywhere, anytime."
PhilosopherAI An AI that'll generate text related to a prompt, such as a topic, sentence, or question. Uses the GPT-3 language model by OpenAI.
VNC Connect "Simple and secure remote access and support" software; a "screen sharing software that lets you connect to a remote computer anywhere in the world, watch its screen in real-time, and take control as though sitting in front of it."


A list of free resources







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