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This is a lightweight persistence layer framework, provides a complete database operation solution, through encapsulation and abstraction, simplifies the complexity of database access, but also provides flexibility and scalability for developers. simple, stable and efficient as the goal, some features following:
- Native SQL executor and basic JPA support for single table CRUD;
- execute procedure/function;
- simple transaction;
- prepare sql;
- sql in file;
- dynamic sql;
- interface mapping
java 17+
java 8
- support rabbit-sql autoconfigure;
- compatible with spring jdbc transaction;
- compatible mybatis、spring-data-jpaand so on to use transaction together;
Get some usage from document.
Dynamic sql test:
Xql interface mapper generate:
Plugin marketplace: Rabbit sql and documentation.
There are two ways, Baki interface oriented and xql mapping interface oriented, that are compatible with each other.
Datasource datasource = new HikariDataSource();
BakiDao baki = new BakiDao(dataSource);
XQLFileManager xqlFileManager = new XQLFileManager();
ExampleMapper mapper = baki.proxyXQLMapper(ExampleMapper.class)
Supports registered xql file mapping(BakiDao#proxyXQLMapper
) to interface which annotated with @XQLMapper
, do some sql operation by invoke dynamic proxy method, e.g query .
select * from test.guest where id = :id;
insert into test.guest(name, address, age)values (:name, :address, :age);
public interface ExampleMapper {
List<DataRow> queryGuests(Map<String, Object> args);
@XQL(value = "queryGuests")
Optional<Guest> findById(@Arg("id") int id);
@XQL(type = SqlStatementType.insert)
int addGuest(DataRow dataRow);
By default, all methods behaviors are depends on method prefix and sql name mapping to method name if matched, otherwise use @XQL(value = "sql name",type = SqlStatementType.insert)
annotate method to specify the sql name and modify the default query behave, methods must follow the rules:
Sql type | Method prefix |
select | select | query | find | get | fetch | search |create |
insert | insert | save | add | append |create |
update | update | modify | change |
delete | delete | remove |
procedure / function | call | proc | func |
Argument type:
- Argument dictionary:
- Argument List: Each argument annotated with
Return Type | sql Type(Type) | Remark |
List<DataRow/Map<String,Object>/<JavaBean>> |
query | |
Set<DataRow/Map<String,Object>/<JavaBean>> |
query | |
Stream<DataRow/Map<String,Object>/<JavaBean>> |
query | |
Optional<DataRow/Map<String,Object>/<JavaBean>> |
query | |
Map<String,Object> |
query | |
PagedResource<DataRow/Map<String,Object>/<JavaBean>> |
query | @CountQuery (optional) |
IPageable |
query | @CountQuery (optional) |
Long , Integer , Double |
query | |
<JavaBean> |
query | |
DataRow |
query, procedure, function, ddl, plsql, unset | |
int/Integer |
insert, update, delete |
If the method annotated with special annotations, method will not mapping to xql file sql name, it just execute by the itself:
Basic interface to access database.
baki.query("select … where id = :id").arg("id", "1")
flowchart LR;
A[#quot;select ...#quot;] --> Baki["query()"];
B[#quot;&my.users#quot;] --> X[XQLFileManager];
X --> Baki;
click X href "#XQLFileManager" "go to defenition"
Except accept sql statement, also support accept sql by name, name start with
to get sql from sql file manager.
- Stream-query
try(Stream<DataRow> fruits = baki.query("select * from fruit").stream()){
Query will not truly execute until invoke Stream terminal operation(e.g.
), use jdk7 try-with-resource to release connection when query complete.
- Paging
Default pageable query will auto generate paging statement and count statement by database.
Built-in support oracle, mysql, postgresql, sqlite, mariadb, db2, or extends class com.github.chengyuxing.sql.plugins.PageHelperProvider
and set to BakiDao get support.
PagedResource<DataRow> resource = baki.query("select ... where id < :id")
.arg("id", 8)
.pageable(1, 7)
- Custom paging
with t as (
select * from test.region
where id > :id limit :limit offset :offset
select * from t;
PagedResource<DataRow> res = baki.query("&data.custom_paged")
.pageable(1, 7)
.count("select count(*) ... where id > :id")
will not wrap sql to generate paging statement of name custom_paged.count statement is required now.
baki.of("{:res = call test.sum(:a, :b)}")
.call(Args.of("res", Param.OUT(StandardOutParamType.INTEGER))
.add("a", Param.IN(34))
.add("b", Param.IN(56)))
If postgresql, you must use transaction when returns cursor.
Implemented JPA annotations: @Entity
, @Table
, @Id
, @Column
, @Transient
, support Lambda style for CRUD, the CRUD logic basically follows the JPA specification.
A simple entity:
@Table(schema = "test")
public class Guest {
@Column(insertable = false, updatable = false)
private Integer id;
private String name;
private Integer age;
private String address;
@Column(name = "count_all")
private Integer count;
// getter, setter
Query supports structure:
select ... from table [where ...] [group by ...] [having ...] [order by ...]
A complete example:
.where(w -> w.isNotNull(Guest::getId)
.gt(Guest::getId, 1)
.and(a ->, Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8))
.startsWith(Guest::getName, "cyx")
.or(s -> s.between(Guest::getAge, 1, 100)
.notBetween(Guest::getAge, 100, 1000)
.in(Guest::getName, Arrays.asList("cyx", "jack"))
.of(Guest::getAddress, () -> "~", "kunming")
.peek((a, b) -> System.out.println(a))
.groupBy(g -> g.count()
.having(h -> h.count(StandardOperator.GT, 1))
.orderBy(o -> o.asc(Guest::getAge))
- Check the currently built SQL structure by method
on the development phase. - Support custom operator(
() -> "~"
) by invoke operator white list.
Select can build complex where nest conditions, the having logic same as where, supports the flatten style and nest style, by default multiple conditions concated by and
where id > 5 and id < 10 or id in (17, 18, 19)
Flatten style:
.where(g ->, 5))
.where(g ->, 10))
.where(g -> g.or(o ->, Arrays.asList(17, 18, 19))))
Nest style:
.where(g ->, 5)
.lt(Guest::getId, 10)
.or(o ->, Arrays.asList(17, 18, 19))))
Notice the and
and or
: adjustments have been made for most common situations:
- all condition will be concat with
in the and group; - all condition will be concat with
in the or group;
((name = 'cyx' and age = 30) or (name = 'jack' and age = 60))
Nest structure:
.where(w -> w.and(o -> o.or(a -> a.eq(Guest::getName, "cyx")
.eq(Guest::getAge, 30))
.or(r -> r.eq(Guest::getName, "jack")
.eq(Guest::getAge, 60))
Use of transactions follows thread isolation:
Tx.using(() -> {
Prepare sql support named parameter style, e.g.
(jdbc standard named parameter syntax, sql will be prepare saftly, parameter name is name
Named parameter will be compile to
, Recommend to use prepare sql for avoid sql injection.
(string template holder, not prepare, use for sql fragment reuse)
2 styles:
: if value type is boxed type array(String[], Integer[]...) or collection (Set, List...), just expand value and replace.${!name}
: name start with!
, if value type is boxed type array(String[], Integer[]...) or collection(Set, List...), expand value and safe quote, then replace.
select ${fields} from ... where word in (${!words}) or id = :id;
.add("fields", Arrays.asList("name", "age"))
.add("words", Arrays.asList("I'm OK!", "book", "warning"));
Special variable type:
, for implements custom format content.
generate sql:
select name, age from ... where id in ('I''m Ok!', 'book', 'warning') or id = ?;
Dynamic SQL depends on XQLFileManager, based on resolve special annotation mark, dynamic compile without breaking sql file standards.
Annotation mark must be pair and follows open-close tag.
-- #if :user <> null
-- #else (optional)
-- #fi
-- #switch :name
-- #case 'a', 'b', c
-- #break
-- #case 'd'
-- #break
-- #default
-- #break
-- #end
-- #choose
-- #when :id >= 0
-- #break
-- #default
-- #break
-- #end
-- #for item,idx of :list delimiter ',' open '' close ''
-- #done
For expression syntax:
Keywords: of
item[,index] of :list [|pipe1|pipeN|... ] [delimiter ','] [open ''] [close '']
means optional;item
is current value,index
is current index;:list
is iterator, it can be following some pipes to do something special;delimiter
is a separator for concat each item,,
is default;open
is a prefix which will pe prepend to result if result is not empty;close
is a suffix which will be append to result if result is not empty.
Data's key is starts with :
A simple expression syntax following:
!(:id >= 0 || :name | length <= 3) && :age > 21
Operator | Means |
< | less than |
> | great than |
>= | great than or equal |
<= | less than or equal |
==, = | equal |
!=, <> | not equal |
~ | regex find |
!~ | regex not find |
@ | regex match |
!@ | regex not match |
Support logic symbol:
; -
Support nest bracket:
; -
Support data type: string(
), number(12、3.14), boolean(true
); -
Built-in constants:
, empty string、empty array、empty collection);
use custom pipe to implement more features.
Syntax look like :id | upper | is_id_card | ...
flowchart LR;
A[abc] --upper--> B[ABC];
B --is_id_card--> C[false];
C --pipeN--> D[...]
-- get value by name through length pipe and compare with number 3
:name|length <= 3
Implement com.github.chengyuxing.common.script.IPipe
interface and add to XQLFileManager to use pipe.
Built-In pipes:
- length: get length of string value;
- upper: convert to upper case;
- lower: convert to lower case;
- pairs: map convert to pairs
; - kv: object or map convert to keyValues
Here is about dynamic generate named parameter sql, named parameter will be prepare compile to ?
to keep safe.
for is useful at sql in
statement, it can be build prepared sql:
select * from test.user where id = 1
-- #for id of :ids delimiter ', ' open ' or id in (' close ')'
-- #if :id >= 8
-- #fi
-- #done
To maintain sql syntax integrity, highlighting syntax errors does not occur in ides with syntax checking, and the following equivalent writing is recommended:
select * from test.user where id = 1
-- #if :ids != blank
or id in (
-- #for id of :ids delimiter ', '
-- #if :id >= 8
-- #fi
-- #done
-- #fi
{"ids": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]}
example above will be generate sql and variables:
select * from test.user where id = 1
or id in (
"_for": {
"id_0_0": 1,
"id_0_2": 3,
"id_0_1": 2,
"id_0_10": 11,
"id_0_11": 12,
"id_0_4": 5,
"id_0_3": 4,
"id_0_6": 7,
"id_0_5": 6,
"id_0_8": 9,
"id_0_7": 8,
"id_0_9": 10
For a few special places to explain:
- If for loop result is not empty,
meansor id in(
will prepend to result,close
will append to result; - Variable starts with
in sql means it's a named parameter which will prepare compile;
for work with update
statement sets part:
update test.user
-- #for set of :sets | kv delimiter ', '
${set.key} = :set.value
-- #done
where id = :id;
"id": 10,
"sets": {
"name": "abc",
"age": 30,
"address": "kunming"
example above will generate sql and variables:
update test.user
address = :_for.set_0_0.value,
name = :_for.set_0_1.value,
age = :_for.set_0_2.value
where id = :id
"id": 10,
"_for": {
"set_0_2": {
"key": "age",
"value": 30
"set_0_1": {
"key": "name",
"value": "abc"
"set_0_0": {
"key": "address",
"value": "kunming"
is a map, it convert toList<KeyValue>
by pipekv
, so it can be work with for expression;
Concat different sql statement by database name:
select * from test.user
where id = 3
-- #if :_databaseId == 'postgresql'
-- #fi
-- #if :_databaseId == 'oracle'
-- #fi
- Built-In variable
is current database name.
A little important details you need to know.
Default implement of interface Baki, support some basic operation.
If XQLFileManager configured , you can manage sql in file and support dynamic sql;
Default named parameter start with
, it can be customized by specific propertynamedParamPrefix
, e.g.where id = ?id
if pageable query not support your database, implement custom page helper provider to property
get support.
Default: false
Auto load xql file manager config by database name.
If true
, find the suitable xql-file-manager-*.yml
by database name, database name depends on jdbc driver DatabaseMetaData#getDatabaseProductName().toLowerCase()
E.g. current database is oracle, it will be load xql-file-manager-oracle.yml
first if exists, otherwise load xql-file-manager.yml
Custom sql interceptor, default:
(sql, args, metaData) -> true
Custom prepared sql statement parameter value handler, default:
(ps, index, value, metaData) -> JdbcUtil.setStatementValue(ps, index, value)
Default: null
Global paging help provider that implements this class to override or extend if the built-in does not satisfy the current database.
Default: null
When the dynamic sql is parsed, secondary processing is performed before it is actually executed.
Default: null
SQL Execution observer to view the execution of each sql, such as the execution time.
Default: null
XQL file manager, support unified management of SQL, according to the SQL name to obtain SQL execution, parsing dynamic SQL, support interface mapping, etc.
Default: 1000
The JDBC low-level batch operation executes the number of data submitted each time.
Prepared SQL named parameter prefix, used to mark the prepared parameter placeholder, and finally compiled to ?
Default: page
Internal paging Query Page number Default parameter name.
Default: size
Internal paging Indicates the default parameter name for querying the number of entries per page.
Default: 0
Query timeout handler, when the query times out, will throw an exception, the specific implementation effect depends on the JDBC driver: Statement#setQueryTimeout(int)
Default: null
The query cache manager caches query results to improve performance, increase concurrency, and reduce database stress.
Make a reasonable automatic cache expiration policy to prevent data from being updated in time.
The JPA entity query where condition builds a custom action whitelist to support other trusted, non-built-in operators.
SQL file manager extends standard sql annotation implement more features, for support dynamic sql and expression scripts logic judgment without breaking standard sql structure, also it's more powerful SQL file resolver.
you can get sql syntax highlight, intelligent suggestions and error check when using sql develop tools cause support sql file with extension .sql
, dba developer work with java developer together so easy.
Supported file extension with .sql
or .xql
, you can write any standard sql annotation in file, format reference template.xql
💡 Recommend use .xql
file to get plugin supports.
Every managed sql file must follows "k-v" structure, e.g.
/*#some description...#*/
/*#some more
select * from test."user" t ${part1};
/*part 1*/
where id = :id
order by id;
Sql object description formatter is
/*#some description...#*/
; -
Sql object name formatter is
, sql object supports nest sql fragment by using${fragment name}
holder; -
Sql fragment name formatter is
, sql fragment supports nest sql fragment by using${fragment name}
holder to reuse, as above examplemy.sql
:select * from test."user" t where id = :id order by id;
new XQLFileManager()
If source root
contains file what is namedxql-file-manager.yml
, optional properties will be init by this file.Default options:
tag use for merge list to path string.constants: # base: &basePath pgsql files: # use !path tag merge list to "pgsql/other.xql" # dt: !path [ *basePath, other.xql ] # other: another.xql pipes: # upper: org.example.Upper delimiter: ; charset: UTF-8 named-param-prefix: ':' database-id:
Sql file mapping dictionary, key is alias, value is sql file name, you can get sql statement by alias.your_sql_name
when sql file added, as above example: my.sql
Custom pipe dictionary, key is pipe name, value is pipe class, for dynamic sql expression's value, get more dynamic sql expression's features by implement custom pipe;
Sql file "k-v" structure delimiter default ;
, follows standard multi sql structure delimiter by ;
, but there is a condition, if you have plsql in file e.g. create function...
or create procedure...
, it will be multi sql statement in one sql object, you need specific custom delimiter for resolve correctly:
- e.g. (
) double semicolon.
String template constant pool. If there is a template placeholder for ${name}
in the SQL, look it up from the constant pool and replace it if found.
Encoding used to parse XQL files, default: UTF-8
It mainly works with plug-in parsing to perform named parameter dynamic SQL.
The main effect is that the plug-in parses parameters when executing dynamic SQL.