GoMaze is a simple maze generator and solver written in Go. It randomly generate the maze and uses Dijkstra algorithm to find the minimum path between 2 points.
The library used to render the maze and manage inputs is ebitengine, a simple 2D game engine written in Go. The minimum path is calculated using the graph library.
go run cmd/main.go
-h int
height of the maze (cells number) (default 20)
-w int
width of the maze (cells number) (default 20)
- Click on the maze with the left mouse button to set the start and the ending point.
- Press R on the keyboard to generate a new maze.
To find the minimum path between 2 points, the program uses the Dijkstra algorithm. Every walkable cell of the matrix (representing the maze), have been added to a graph. The weight of the edges is the distance between 2 cells, which is always 1. The algorithm will find the shortest path between the 2 points by exploring the graph.
This is an example of the generated graph: