This is an example GRPC application that runs as an ECS service on a custom ECS cluster with traffic routed via the internet through an Application Load Balancer.
This is my attempt at re-creating the demo from the following blog post
Like the post, I adopted the route guide grpc example from the official grpc repo and adapted it as follows:
Added an option to the file to allow for secure channel communication. Default is False
Added an option to the to allow for mutual TLS with the client. Default is False.
When running locally, use the Makefile to generate the libs from the protobuf and to generate the certs and build the docker container:
# create a .env file with an aws profile name and ecr repo link
source .env
make build-protobufs
make cert
make build-docker
To run locally:
# to use TLS auth
python --secure
python --secure
The terraform scripts provision the following resources:
- ECS Cluster
- Application Load Balancer
- Fargate ECS Service
- Custom VPC with 2 public subnets and 2 private subnets ( ALB need at least 2 subnets )
To provision:
terraform -chdir=terraform init
terraform -chdir=terraform plan -var-file=config.tfvars -out myplan
terraform -chdir=terraform apply myplan
terraform -chdir=terraform output
Get the load_balancer
output and export it as HOST
env var which will be read by the client.
If all goes well with running against AWS, one should see the following output:
export HOST=<DNS A record of ALB from terraform output>
python --secure
-------------- GetFeature --------------
Feature called Berkshire Valley Management Area Trail, Jefferson, NJ, USA at latitude: 409146138
longitude: -746188906
Found no feature at
-------------- ListFeatures --------------
Looking for features between 40, -75 and 42, -73
Feature called Patriots Path, Mendham, NJ 07945, USA at latitude: 407838351
longitude: -746143763
Feature called 101 New Jersey 10, Whippany, NJ 07981, USA at latitude: 408122808
longitude: -743999179
Feature called U.S. 6, Shohola, PA 18458, USA at latitude: 413628156
longitude: -749015468
Feature called 5 Conners Road, Kingston, NY 12401, USA at latitude: 419999544
longitude: -740371136
To remove all AWS resources:
terraform -chdir=terraform destroy -var-file=config.tfvars
ALB has end-to-end support for HTTP/2 TLS so there's no need to enable HTTPS as protocol in the Target Group between the ALB and containers
In this example we are using full HTTPS connections from ALB > gRPC service and back. The blog post shows a version where the protocol from ALB > gRPC is HTTP only, even though it uses HTTPS as a listener.
If one tries to establish a client connection as per the blog post, it will fail with "SSL:Verify" errors.
I suspect the reason is the blog post also uses a custom domain registered with Route53 and the same domain is in the certificates registered via the certificate manager.
So perhaps thats why the client works without specifying any root certificates for verification ...
To use a self signed cert on ALB, we need to sign the cert with
set to bothlocalhost
. This can be adjusted to suit...Note that this is by no means a secure way of running a production service. The server keys are unencrypted and really should use a KMS service to provision the certificates dynamically at run time...
Also the certificate should be issued to a domain, and we can create an Route 53 Alias record that points to the DNS A record of the ALB ...
If running with mutual client / server TLS on, we need to enable HTTPS for healthcheck else ALB fails...
To inspect the generated TLS certs we can use openssl:
openssl x509 -in server.crt --text
Example of ECS Fargate service on private subnet with ALB
aws --profile <myprofile> elbv2 modify-listener --listener-arn <listener_arn> --certificates CertificateArn=<certificate_arn>