An Elm client for Phoenix Channels using ports.
This can be used to connect to Phoenix Channels using a very similar API to that of
It is compatible with Elm 0.19 as it does not use an Effects Manager and uses ports to communicate with the phoenix.js library.
In addition to the installation steps below please see Migration Guide
Install the package in the normal way:
elm install chazsconi/elm-phoenix-ports
As ports are required for this and Elm does not permit publishing port modules in packages, you also need to install the
Elm and JS ports code. You can do this via npm
(or similar) direct from github.
N.B. Ensure the version number usedin the package.json
reference matches the version of the installed Elm package.
In package.json
add the dependency from github:
"dependencies": {
"elm-phoenix-ports": "github:chazsconi/elm-phoenix-ports#2.0.0",
In elm.json
add the source directory for the ports module.
"source-directories": [
You need to initialise the Elm Phoenix Ports JS code by passing your elm app object in your launcher. For example
import * as elmPhoenix from "elm-phoenix-ports"
var app = elmXingbox.Elm.MyElmApp.init({flags:{}});
To enable debug logging you can pass a 2nd parameter to the init
elmPhoenix.init(app, {debug: true});
As there is no effects manager in Elm 0.19, the library has its own messages and model that you need to delegate in the update
Declare a new message with your existing messages and store Phoenix
's model in your own model
import Phoenix
type Msg
= NewMsg Value
| PhoenixMsg (Phoenix.Msg Msg)
type alias Model =
{ myModelField : String
, phoenixModel : Phoenix.Model Msg ()
Declare a phoenixConfig
with your PhoenixMsg
, the socket
you want to connect to, a getter
and setter
for the phoenix model in your model, and the channels you want to join along with what to do when
messages are received. The library code will open the socket connection and join the channels.
import Phoenix
import Phoenix.Socket as Socket
import Phoenix.Channel as Channel
import Phoenix.Config
import PhoenixPorts
phoenixConfig =
-- getter
-- setter
(\phoenixModel model -> { model | phoenixModel = phoenixModel })
|> Phoenix.Config.withStaticChannels channels
-- N.B. Do not suffix the endpoint url with `/websocket` as this is automatically added by `phoenix.js`.
endpoint =
-- The parameter is your model and can be used to dynamically configure the endpoint if required.
socket _ =
Socket.init endpoint
-- Static channels to connect to. See advanced usage for connecting to channels dynamically.
channels =
[ Channel.init "room:lobby"
-- register an handler for messages with a "new_msg" event
|> Channel.on "new_msg" NewMsg
Pipe your main update
function to Phoenix.updateWrapper
, initialise the phoenixModel
, delegate PhoenixMsg
to Phoenix
in your update
, and set the subscriptions:
import Browser
import Phoenix
import PhoenixPorts
main : Program Flags Model Msg
main =
{ init = init
, view = view
, update = update |> Phoenix.updateWrapper phoenixConfig
, subscriptions = subscriptions
init : Flags -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init flags =
( { myModelField = "Hello"
, phoenixModel =
}, Cmd.none )
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
PhoenixMsg phoenixMsg ->
Phoenix.update phoenixConfig phoenixMsg model
NewMsg value ->
subscriptions model =
Phoenix.subscriptions phoenixConfig
In order to push a message to a channel you can do this:
import Phoenix
import Phoenix.Push as Push
import Json.Encode as JE
pushMessage =
let push =
Push.init "room:lobby" "set_status"
|> Push.withPayload (JE.string "away")
Phoenix.push phoenixConfig push
If you need to join or leave channels dynamically (e.g. in the example of a chat app the user can choose the rooms to join),
you need to define a ChannelsModel
which defines the parameters needed to build the list of channels. Your phoenixModel
be parameterised with this instead of ()
type alias Room = String
type alias ChannelsModel =
{ rooms: List Room }
type alias Model =
{ myModelField : String
, rooms : List Room
, phoenixModel : Phoenix.Model Msg ChannelsModel
When building the config, use Phoenix.Config.withDynamicChannels
instead of Phoenix.Config.withStaticChannels
.Pass a
function and a channelsModelBuilder
function. The channelsModelBuilder
will be run on every iteration of
the main update
function so ensure it is efficient.
channelsModelBuilder model =
{ rooms = model.rooms }
phoenixConfig =
-- getter
-- setter
(\phoenixModel model -> { model | phoenixModel = phoenixModel })
|> Phoenix.Config.withDynamicChannels channels channelsModelBuilder
This can be then used to dynamically join channels as the channelsModel
will be passed as a parameter
channels channelsModel =
[ Channel.init "room:lobby"
|> Channel.on "new_msg" NewMsg
] ++ Channel.init channelsModel.rooms
Warning - Do NOT put Json.Encode.Value
s into your channel model. As an optimisation, the library compares the passed channels model with the version from the previous functional call and then only calls the provided channels
function if the model has changed. This comparison is done with ==
and due to an issue in Elm, comparing a model with a contained Json.Encode.Value
can cause a runtime exception. (See elm/core#1058).
If you do need to have Json.Encode.Value
s in your channel model you can use Phoenix.Config.withChannelsModelComparator
to build the config and provide a safe comparator for your channels model in place of the default (==)
Warning - If you want to leave all channels (e.g. when showing an error page to the user)
do not remove Phoenix.subscriptions
from your subscriptions
function as this will have no effect.
Instead, return an empty list of channels from the channels
If you have an app with several pages, you may have a design with a main update
function that delegates to an update
function in child pages. If these
child pages need to trigger a Phoenix.push
you will need to pass the Phoenix.Config.Config
to these child pages, but due to complex type of this config
you will probably get into a mapping nightmare.
To simplfy this, you can create a minimum version of the config needed for Phoenix.push
(which has a much simpler type) by using Phoenix.Config.toPushConfig
passing the full config. The type generated by this can then be passed to Phoenix.push
. It also has a mapping function Phoenix.Config.mapPushConfig
Please see
Please see the example chat room app in the example
- Not all features from the
are implemented. - Only one socket can be connected to at a time. If you need more than one you should be able
to have multiple instances of the
although this has not been tested.
Because there is no Effects Manager available in Elm 0.19, the main update
function is wrapped using Phoenix.updateWrapper
to construct the channels if the model has changed. If it has, then the channels
function is evaluated.
Any new channels are joined, and any old ones are left by making calls to ports. The JS objects that represent the channels
are stored in the model along with their state. When phoenix.js
receives an event this is passed back to Elm via a port, which
triggers events in the main app.
In this way, a similar API to saschatimme/elm-phoenix
is retained, without consumers of the library having
to explicitly join and leave channels.
This encapsulates all the config required and simplifies the wiring.
An alternative would have been to put this information in the Socket
often you will want to have your socket constructed dynamically from your model - e.g. adding a user token as
a connection parameter. However the config should not need to be parameterised and thus is easier to use
without having to pass around the socket or model.
Contributions are welcome!
Thanks a lot to Sascha Timme for the original version of this library which I used happily and extensively with Elm 0.18 for several years and has a great API design which I wanted to keep.
If you use the package in your project, it would be nice to know
- Implement missing features (See NOT YET IMPLEMENTED markers)