A nice OBS tally light system using nodejs & arduino
The server is connected with the obs instance through the obs websocket plugin
For a source to be recognised as a camera, it is needed to follow the specific name formatting: CAMERANAMEHEREINCAPS_CAMERAID
for example, the main camera (id 0) will be named: MAIN_0
The camera with id 0 is triggered everytime a source in caps followed by _0 is shown in a scene
The client is connected through websocket (socket.io) to the server (
Each client is assigned an id (check in the server part what the id means) and communicate with an arduino-like controller through serial console (autodetect COM port, self reconnect)
The arduino controller waits for data from serial console and change colors following recieved instructions from the client
- Nodejs 16.9.0 or superior (not tested below)
- An arduino like microcontroller with 2 leds (red & green) + resistor in needed
- The system can run from the main host computer but is designed to run across different computers in a network
- First make sure to download the repository
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Rename config.example.js to config.js and fill it according to your needs:
- for the server part provide the list of camera(s) and the obs websocket platform
- for the client part provide the server ip adress and the camera id attached to this telly light
- connect the arduino to the computer running the client, make sure it is running this script and setup your leds following the scheme before
If you need any help with this system or have a question regarding it, feel free to join and communicate with me on my discord server.