Aren't you tired from writing Rust programs in only one language? Do you like saying "panikuok", "lort" or "くだらない" a lot? Would you like to try something different, in an exotic and funny-sounding language? Would you want to bring some diversity to your programs?
Unirust is here to save your day, as it allows you to write Rust programs in any language, using keywords from any language, function names in any language, idioms in any language (Supported languages below).
This has been designed to be used as the official programming language to develop the future global social credit system.
Don't worry! Unirust is fully compatible with English-Rust, so you can mix both at your convenience.
Here's an example of what can be achieved with Unirust:
unirust::unirust! {
外部 टोकरा unirust;
استخدم std::collections::사전 zoals Dico;
eigenschaft CléValeur {
függvény écrire(&soi, clé: 문자열, valeur: Lanka);
функція lire(&soi, clé: Zsinór) -> 結果<Möglichkeit<&Ĉeno>, Cxeno>;
statisk μεταβλητος DICTIONNAIRE: Opcja<Dico<Styga, Naskah>> = Geen;
типок Concrète;
kivitelezés CléValeur minden Concrète {
funkcio écrire(&soi, clé: สตริง, valeur: Συμβολοσειρα) {
द्या dico = 安全じゃない {
dico.ekle(clé, valeur);
пацикисделают lire(&soi, clé: Catena) -> निकाल<Malnepra<&Retaz>, Низ> {
nếu द्या มี(dico) = असुरक्षित { DICTIONNAIRE.sebagai_referensi() } {
} không_thì {
실패("fetchez le dico".ke_dalam())
See the examples to get a rough sense of the whole syntax. That's it.
First of all, merci beaucoup for considering participating to this joke, the
World government will thank you later! Feel free to throw in a few identifiers
here and there, and open a pull-request against the 1
branch (1
because math is universal).
- horsin around
- playing with raw proc macros
- allowing collaboration between multiple developpers speaking different languages on the same codebase
- Dutch: roest
- German: rost
- Polish: rdza
- Italian: ruggine
- Russian: Ржавый
- Esperanto: rustteksto
- Hindi: zung
- Hungarian: rozsda
- Chinese: xiu (锈)
- Spanish: rustico
- Korean: Nok (녹)
- Finnish: ruoste
- Arabic: sada
- Turkish: pas
- Vietnamese: gỉ
- Japanese: sabi (錆)
- Danish: rust?
- Marathi: gan̄ja
- Romanian: rugină
- Czech: rez
- Ukrainian: irzha
- Bulgarian: ryzhda
- Slovak: hrdza
- Catalan: rovell
- Corsican: rughjina
- Indonesian: karat
- Lithuanian: rūdys
- Greek: skouriasmeno
- Thai: sanim (สนิม)
- Swiss: roeschti
- Swedish: rost
- Croatian: hrđa
- Persian: zangar (زنگار)
- Malagasy: arafesina