The Pet Vaccination Tracker is a command-line interface (CLI) application built with Python that helps pet owners keep track of their pets' vaccinations. The CLI script serves as the entry point to the application, providing users with various options to manage owners, pets, and vaccines.
The script provides a user-friendly interface for interacting with the Pet Vaccination Tracker. Upon running the script, users are presented with a main menu that allows them to navigate through different options:
- Owners Menu: Create, delete, display, and find owners by name.
- Pets Menu: Create, delete, display, and find pets by name or owner ID.
- Vaccines Menu: Create, delete, display, and find vaccines by type or pet ID.
- Exit: Terminate the application.
Users can input their choices using the corresponding numerical options and follow the on-screen prompts to perform desired actions.
Handles operations related to owners, such as creating, deleting, displaying, and finding owners by name.
Handles operations related to pets, such as creating, deleting, displaying, and finding pets by name or owner ID.
Handles operations related to vaccines, such as creating, deleting, displaying, and finding vaccines by type or pet ID.
Displays the main menu options to the user.
Displays the owner menu options to the user.
Displays the pet menu options to the user.
Displays the vaccine menu options to the user.
Represents an owner of a pet. Includes attributes such as name and ID.
Represents a pet. Includes attributes such as name, species, breed, birthdate, and owner ID.
Represents a vaccine administered to a pet. Includes attributes such as type, date administered, next due date, and pet ID.
The Pet Vaccination Tracker uses an SQLite database to persist data. The database schema is defined in the file, and tables for owners, pets, and vaccines are created upon initialization of the application. Each model class is mapped to its corresponding table in the database for seamless data management.