Basic transaction service that accepts messages from RabbitMQ in JSON format, stores them in a database, and exposes an API for retrieving them.
- Install Leiningen 2.0.0 or above
To start a web server for the application, run:
lein run
- Go to the RabbitMQ admin panel and check the right exchange: http://docker-ip:15672/#/exchanges/%2F/transactions
- Fill in the following:
- Properties:
content_type -> application/json
- Payload: Valid json with the following schema:
- Properties:
"evse_id": "790838973-00002",
"started_at": "2017-05-03T14:21:06Z",
"ended_at": "2017-05-04T14:21:06Z",
"volume": 17.453634968809,
"user_id": "John",
"price": 3.5
- Click Publish message
Make sure to add the following to your Leiningen project definition: [com.novemberain/langohr "3.5.0"]
The following code illustrates how to publish messages to the transactions
(ns myns
[langohr.core :as rmq]
[ :as lch]
[langohr.basic :as lb]))
;; Don't change this
(def exchange "transactions")
;; Connect to RabbitMQ and create a channel
(defn connect-and-create-channel []
(let [conn (rmq/connect {:uri "your-amqp-queue"})]
(lch/open conn)))
;; Publish a message (routing-key can be left empty for fanout exchange
(defn publish-message [ch msg]
(lb/publish ch exchange "" msg {:content-type "application/json"}))
;; Shut the whole thing down
(defn shutdown [ch conn]
(rmq/close ch)
(rmq/close conn))
Many things:
- Store more transaction details
- Permissions
- ...