Does "Central Jersey" exist??
For many years, the question of the existence of a "Central Jersey" has been a subject of much contention among Garden State residents. As a non-native New Jerseyan who's never eaten "pork roll" or "taylor ham", I wouldn't dare feign the hubris to settle this debate -- but I can certainly share some data.
The analysis below uses data on dialects, demographics, occupations, income, education, and NFL loyalties. Using a statistical model, I test for the existence of a third, central region.
The question is not necessarily whether a clear and distinct cultural identity uniquely defines a Central Jersey. Rather, it may be better to ask whether the boundary between the North and South is fuzzy enough and large enough that there could be a Jersey that is neither too New York nor too Philadelphia -- but perhaps.. just right?
This repository contains code for data processing and model. Front-end code is stored in the "apps.chansoos" repository.
See page:
- Census
- Dialects
- Wawas vs Dunkins (via Foursquare API)
- Pork Roll vs Taylor Ham ( surveys)
- NY Giants/Jets vs Philadelphia Eagles ( surveys)
- Density, Correlations, PCA
- Maps
- Logistic Regression Model Building
- Trees