FakeNewsStream is a real-time streaming application designed to detect and display potentially fake news articles. It leverages Redpanda for message streaming, OpenAI's GPT-4 for fake news detection, and WebSockets for live updates to the frontend.
Check out the demo video for how to build this yourself using this code.
- Real-time Data Streaming: Fetches new posts from Reddit and processes them in real-time.
- Fake News Detection: Uses OpenAI's GPT-4 to evaluate the likelihood of news articles being fake.
- WebSocket Integration: Provides live updates to the frontend for the latest fake news.
- Redpanda Integration: Utilizes Redpanda for efficient message streaming and processing.
- go-proxy: Contains the code for consuming messages from Redpanda and broadcasting them via WebSockets.
- configs: Configuration files for creating pipelines within Redpanda for both the Reddit data stream and for evaluating news.
- frontend: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files for the frontend interface.
This project is licensed under the Unlicense. See the LICENSE file for details.
For more information, email chandler@chandlermayo.com