👋 Hi, I'm chand kaurati Fullstack Developer | JavaScript | React | Node.js |
Welcome to my GitHub profile! I am a passionate fullstack developer with experience in building responsive, scalable, and performant web applications. I love working across both frontend and backend, solving problems, and learning new technologies along the way.
🚀 About Me 🔭 I’m currently working on Crpyto landing page and learning Next Js. 🌱 I’m currently learning MySQl, Prisma, nextjs, Mongo Aggrigation. 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on open-source projects that align with my skillset. 💬 Ask me about JavaScript, React, Node.js, APIs, or anything tech-related! 📫 How to reach me: kauratichand786@gmail.com | chandkaurati@outlook.
💼 My Skill Set Frontend:
React, Redux, TypeScript HTML5, CSS3, Tailwind CSS Responsive Design, Animations
Backend: Node.js, Express.js RESTful APIs, Prisma Databases: MongoDB, MySQL
Other Technologies: Version Control (Git & GitHub) Docker, CI/CD 🛠️ Tools & Technologies
Languages:JavaScript, TypeScript, SQL
Frameworks & Libraries: React, Express.js, Next.js, Tailwind CSS
Databases: MongoDB, MySQL,
DevOps: Docker, GitHub Actions
Cloud Platforms: Firebase
📫 Let's Connect! LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chand-kaurati-669082256/ Email: chandkaurati@outlook.com
⚡ Fun Fact: I’m always curious about emerging technologies and how they can be used to solve real-world problems!