The latest version of the application has been deployed on streamlit cloud, and can be accessed through this link.
PDFWhisperer is a chatbot designed to extract and process information from PDF files, and to enable interactive chat sessions with the content of the PDFs. This project includes components for:
- PDF parsing
- Managing chat sessions
- Implementing a processing chain to facilitate user interactions with PDF content
Purpose: This project is a hands-on learning experience for exploring and mastering Generative AI tools and technologies. This project gives a hands-on experience on building Gen AI applications using retrieval augmented generation (RAG).
- Install the dependencies using the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Fill the .env file with the required credentials. Sample file:
- Run the application using the following command:
streamlit run
- PyMuPDF: Used for efficient PDF parsing.
- Langchain: Utilized for implementing the chatbot functionality.
- Streamlit: Powers the frontend interface.
- Groq cloud, Openrouter, Cohere: for accessing LLMs
There are various ways to expand the project, such as:
- giving the llm access to internet using function calling
- converting the llm chain into an agent, allowing it to make its own decisions
- adding the ability to chat with multiple pdfs at once
Thanks for checking out the repository, feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn.