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Automated Bootstrap Orchestration Tool for Elastic

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AUTOBOT (Automated Bootstrap Orchestration Tool)

AUTOBOT is an automated deployment solution for Elasticsearch clusters combining Anisible for Elastic installation & configuration, and CloudFormation for AWS infrastructure provisioning.

The Ansible playbook is designed to be used independently from CloudFormation: you are welcome to ignore the CloudFormation aspects of this project without any consequence. Additionally, the Ansible playbook is written for Debian/Ubuntu linux, but the "Configuration: Ansible" section of the readme below explains what to modify to support other linux flavors, as well as environments with restricted network access (local package installs).

⚠️ Note: This project is intended for development, testing, and demonstration purposes. Not recommended for production deployments.


AUTOBOT automates the deployment of a complete Elasticsearch cluster with:

  • dedicated master nodes
  • hot nodes for active data
  • frozen nodes for historical data
  • Helper node (also Ansible controller) running:
    • Kibana for visualization
    • (TO DO) MinIO for S3-compatible storage
  • Load balancer for cluster access (CloudFormation only)
  • Private DNS zone for service discovery (CloudFormation only)


Configuration: Ansible

Note: The elastic user password is dropped into ~/.elasticsearch/elastic_password.txt on the Ansible controller

  • Automated Elasticsearch installation and configuration
    • The playbook is designed for Debian/Ubuntu with internet connectivity to enable adding the Elastic repo & 'apt install'
      • The 8.x version of Elastic/Kibana that is installed can be modified in the elasticsearch & kibana task main.ymls
      • In order to install a non-8.x version, you'll need to modify the common task's main.yml (search for "8.x")
    • The common/elasticsearch/kibana tasks have commented-out sections for local package installation in restricted environments
    • If you are using a non-Debian/Ubuntu flavor, search for "apt" and "systemd" and update those functions are per your non-debian OS
      • roles/common/tasks/main.yml
      • roles/elasticsearch/tasks/main.yml
      • roles/kibana/tasks/main.yml
  • HTTP & Transport certificate management (Self-Signed by the initial master node)
  • Cluster bootstrap and node enrollment
  • Kibana setup and integration
  • MinIO deployment and configuration (TO DO)

Infrastructure: AWS CloudFormation

  • VPC with public subnets
  • EC2 instances:
    • Master/Data nodes: m6i.16xlarge
    • Helper node: t3.xlarge (runs Ansible, Kibana, MinIO)
  • Application Load Balancer
  • Route 53 private hosted zone
  • S3 bucket for frozen indices
  • Security groups and IAM roles

Utilities: Tuning & Removal

  • playbook/utils/remove-es.yml can be used to remove all elastic components from the cluster. It does not undo OS changes made by tuning.yml
    • remove-es.yml assumes debian/ubuntu and installation/removal via apt, as well as systemd. If your environment doesn't match this, you'll need to update this file
  • playbook/utils/tuning.yml is not executed as part of the default playbook.yml - it should be run AFTER playbook.xml is complted
    • tuning.yml should also be updated as per your specific environment - it has guidance in the comments at the top of the file, like:


  • Python 3.x
  • Ansible 2.9+
  • SSH Keypair authentication support (See Step 6 in Quick Start below)
  • For CloudFormation automation, you'll also need:
    • A valid EC2 key pair
    • AWS CLI configured with appropriate credentials
    • Your IP address for security group configuration

Quick Start

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
cd autobot
  1. (Optional - if using CloudFormation) Customize the CloudFormation template:
  • Find/Replace all $username$ $project$ values as per your environment.
  • Update/Remove all Tag Keys as per your environment
UserData sections of EC2 Instance Configurations:
--filters "Name=tag:Name,Values=$username$-$project$-kibana-node"  <---- UPDATE THIS

        - Key: Name
          Value: $username$-$project$-vpc  <---- UPDATE THIS
        - Key: division
          Value: field
        - Key: org
          Value: sa
        - Key: team
          Value: amer-strat
        - Key: project
          Value: $username$-$project$  <---- UPDATE THIS
  1. (Optional - if using CloudFormation) Deploy the CloudFormation stack:
aws cloudformation create-stack \
  --stack-name autobot-elastic \
  --template-body file://cloudformation.yaml \
  --parameters ParameterKey=KeyName,ParameterValue=YOUR_KEY_NAME \
               ParameterKey=AdminIP,ParameterValue=YOUR_IP_CIDR \
  --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
  1. (Optional) Update playbook/roles/elasticsearch/tasks/main.yml with custom values as needed
  • Find the stanza "Set certificate password fact" and change es_cert_pass if you want a custom value
    • Note if you change es_cert_pass here, you also must change it in playbook/roles/kibana/tasks/main.yml with the same value
  • Find the stanza "Set s3 secret key fact" and change s3_client_secret_key to match your s3 provider (minIO, others) spec
  • Find the stanza "Set s3 access key fact" and change s3_client_access_key to match your s3 provider (minIO, others) spec
    - name: Set certificate password fact
        es_cert_pass: "elastic2024"
    - name: Set s3 secret key fact
        s3_client_secret_key: "sample_secret_key"  <---- UPDATE THIS

    - name: Set s3 access key fact
        s3_client_access_key: "sample_access_key"  <---- UPDATE THIS
  1. Generate or modify inventory.ini:
  • If you created your cluster manually, you should customize the sample playbook/inventory.ini with your cluster hostnames & private key file at the bottom
  • You must include the "ansible_host=" prefix as specified in the sample playbook/inventory.ini
  • If your cluster was built with Cloudformation in steps 2&3 above, run the provided script utils/ to generate inventory.ini based on EC2 tags
    • You'll need to replace "your-project" in with the project name you used in the CloudFormation template
    • You may need to chmod it to be executable
Modify this line in inventory.ini with the full path to your private key file:

ansible_ssh_private_key_file=/home/ubuntu/.ssh/your-key.pem   <---- UPDATE THIS
  1. Set up SSH access on helper node:
  • Update the utils/config with your private key file name and inventory hostnames/IP-ranges
  • Copy the config file and priate key to the Ansible (helper) node, and set permissions
# ~/.ssh/config
# This is a ssh config file that's used to allow Ansible to perform automation tasks to the cluster
Host *.elastic.internal
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/your-key.pem <---- UPDATE THIS
    User ubuntu
    StrictHostKeyChecking no

Host * *.compute.internal ec2-* 10.* 3.* 18.*  <---- UPDATE THIS
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/your-key.pem   <---- UPDATE THIS
    User ubuntu

# Copy SSH config and key to helper node
# From the "utils" subdirectory of the playbook:
scp -rp config your-key.pem ubuntu@<HELPER_NODE_IP>:/home/ubuntu/.ssh/  <---- replace "your-key" and <HELPER_NODE_IP>
chmod 600 /home/ubuntu/.ssh/config /home/ubuntu/.ssh/your-key.pem  <---- replace "your-key"

# Test SSH Keypair authentication from your client machine to the Anisble helper node:
ssh -i your-key.pem ubuntu@<HELPER_NODE_IP>  <---- replace "your-key" and <HELPER_NODE_IP>
ssh ubuntu@<MASTER_NODE_INTERNAL_IP>  <---- replace <MASTER_NODE__IP>
  1. (Optional) Customize the location where Elastic will store its data
  • By default, and as specified in /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml, Elastic will store data in: /var/lib/elasticsearch/
    • If you have a different location in mind (like a dedicated data array), you should modify playbook/roles/elasticsearch/tasks/main.yml:
# playbook/roles/elasticsearch/tasks/main.yml:

    - name: Create initial elasticsearch settings
        dest: /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml
        content: |
          # Elasticsearch configuration
 /var/lib/elasticsearch   <------ Change this value to the folder you want Elastic to store its data in
          path.logs: /var/log/elasticsearch
  1. Deploy with Ansible:
cd playbook
ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini playbook.yml
  1. (Recommended) Environment Tuning:
cd playbook
ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini utils/tuning.yml
  1. (Optional) Remove Elastic Components:
  • utils/remove-es.yml was written for Debian/Ubuntu OS with apt & systemd usage
    • You may need to modify as per your environment
cd playbook
ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini utils/remove-es.yml


Helper Node

  • Acts as Ansible control node
  • Runs MinIO server for S3-compatible storage
  • Runs Kibana for visualization
  • Handles certificate management

Master Nodes

  • Dedicated cluster coordination
  • Certificate authority
  • Cluster state management

Hot Nodes

  • Active data storage
  • Search and indexing

Frozen Nodes

  • Historical data storage
  • Integrated with MinIO for cost-effective storage


  • Private VPC network
  • Security groups limiting access to specified IP
  • Internal TLS/SSL encryption
  • Authentication enabled by default
  • Private DNS for internal service discovery

Access Points

After deployment, you can access:

  • Elasticsearch: https://<load-balancer-dns>:9200
  • Kibana: https://<helper-node-dns>:5601
  • MinIO Server: http://<helper-node-dns>:9000
  • MinIO Console: http://<helper-node-dns>:9001

Stack Management

View stack status:

aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name autobot-elastic

View stack events (troubleshooting):

aws cloudformation describe-stack-events --stack-name autobot-elastic

Clean up resources:

# Remove the CloudFormation stack
aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name autobot-elastic

# Wait for stack deletion to complete
aws cloudformation wait stack-delete-complete --stack-name autobot-elastic

Project Structure

├── cloudformation.yaml     # AWS infrastructure template
├──   # Script to generate Ansible inventory
├── playbook/
│   ├── inventory.ini      # Ansible inventory
│   ├── playbook.yml       # Main playbook
│   └── roles/
│       ├── common/        # Common configurations
│       ├── elasticsearch/ # Elasticsearch setup
│       └── kibana/        # Kibana setup
├── utils/
│   ├── config             # .ssh/config example
│   ├── remove-es.yml      # Cleanup playbook
│   ├── tuning.yml         # OS Tuning playbook


Feel free to submit issues, fork the repository, and create pull requests for any improvements.


MIT License


Automated Bootstrap Orchestration Tool for Elastic






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