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Installation via Anaconda for MESS

Lion Krischer edited this page Feb 16, 2015 · 3 revisions

Installation of Anaconda Python/ObsPy for MESS

Please go to, download and run the Anaconda installer for Python 2.7:

Note: On Mac/Linux, at the end of installation please confirm "yes" when asked if Anaconda Python should be prepended to your PATH environment variable.

Fortran compiler

To install ObsPy you currently need a C and a Fortran compiler (does not apply on Windows*). A C compiler should already be available or, in the case of OSX, is a requirement for the package managers. On Linux use the package management system of your distribution, on OS X best use Homebrew or MacPorts. The package name is potentially gfortran, e.g.

# Debian and Ubuntu (derivates)
$ sudo apt-get install gfortran

# CentOS/RedHat/Fedora
$ sudo yum install gcc-gfortran

# (Open)SUSE
$ sudo zypper install gcc-fortran

# OSX with Homebrew
$ brew install gcc

*Anaconda for Windows ships with C and Fortran compilers, however compiling on a 64bit Windows may require a small patch by changing line no. 331 in AnacondaInstallDir\Lib\site-packages\numpy\distutils\fcompiler\ to pass #raise NotImplementedError("Only MS compiler supported with gfortran on win64").

Additional packages

These two packages are missing from the default Anaconda distribution. flake8 is needed for running the tests and basemap is an optional dependency for plotting data on maps.

$ conda install flake8 basemap

Install ObsPy

After successful installation of the Anaconda Python Environment please install ObsPy:

Windows: Click Start > Programs > Anaconda > Anaconda Command Prompt..

Mac/Linux: Open a terminal..

Then type the following command:

easy_install obspy==0.9.2

After successful installation you should be able to start the IPython Notebook (from inside the Anaconda Command Prompt or Terminal)..

ipython notebook

The IPython Notebook should open in a new browser window or tab:

Click on "New Notebook", type in the following commands and run the command cell (either click on arrow symbol or type CTRL-Enter).