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Scott Merrill edited this page Feb 11, 2025 · 18 revisions

Administrators Documentation

You are here in order to run your own VTT instance. This documentation is based on using Ubuntu-based systems.


Use requirements.txt to setup python.


All configuration of your VTT are performed through environment variables.

Variable Name Purpose Default Value
VTT_APPNAME display name of this instance pyvtt
VTT_TITLE display name of this instance <VTT_APPNAME>
VTT_PREFDIR path of preferences directory ''
VTT_LOG_LEVEL log verbosity setting INFO
VTT_DOMAIN domain used to construct links localhost
VTT_PORT TCP port on which to listen 8080
VTT_SSL whether to use SSL for this instance False
VTT_REVERSE_PROXY whether this instance is behind a reverse proxy False
VTT_LIMIT_TOKEN size limit for uploaded tokens, in megabytes 2
VTT_LIMIT_BG size limit for uploaded background images, in megabytes 10
VTT_LIMIT_GAME total size for any game, in megabytes 20
VTT_LIMIT_MUSIC size limit for uploaded music files, in megabytes 10
VTT_NUM_NUSIC maximum number of music file uploads permitted 5
VTT_CLEANUP_EXPIRE how long in seconds before considering a game stale 2592000
VTT_CLEANUP_TIME local time at which to purge stale games 03:00
VTT_LINKS_GITHUB URL to GitHub repository
VTT_WEBHOOK_DISCORD_URL Discord webhook URL to which to post status messages
VTT_WEBHOOK_DISCORD_USER Discord user ID to use with Discord webhook URL

Cleaning the database

To cleanup the database from expired records, stop the VTT, run and restart the VTT then.

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