Command line tools for downloading bank data and working with ledger-cli formatted files.
- ledger double entry accounting
- ofxtools
- naiveBayesClassifier
- PyYaml
- PhantomJS for web scraping plugins
# Global options are applied to all sections.
rules_file: /path/to/rule/file/or/directory/.rules.d
paystubs: /path/to/paychecks
CapOne Options:
# Plugin to use for transaction download.
downloader: OFX Download
# Plugin to use for parsing downloaded data.
parser: OFX Parse
# ofxtools config options
fid: '031176110'
appid: QWIN
appver: '2200'
version: '203'
# Used in pyledgertools script
bankid: '031176110' # This seems redundant... but currently necessary.
# Login Credentials for ofx download
ofxuser: your_username
ofxpswd: your_password
# Login credentials for web login
webuser: your_username
webpswd: your_password
# Inherits config from this section:
parent: CapOne Options
# List of words to strip from payee field.
stop_words: ['Debit Card Purchase - ']
# Account type for ofxtools
type: checking
# Quotes needed to avoid issues. Particularly with leading zeroes.
acctnum: '########'
# Ledger account associated with this account
from: Assets:Banks:CapOne360:Checking
# Default account for transactions that can't be categorized automatically.
to: Expenses:Uncategorized
# Ledger file associated with this account.
ledger_file: checking.ledger
parent: CapOne Options
type: savings
acctnum: '########'
from: Assets:Banks:CapOne360:Savings
to: Transfer:Unknown
ledger_file: savings.ledger
- downloader: Plugin to use for downloading transaction data.
- parser: Plugin to use for parsing downloaded data.
Download Options
- ledger_file: Ledger file to check transactions against.
- dtend: Data range end date for downloading data.
- dtstart: Data range start date for downloading data.
- from: Ledger account to apply transactions to.
- to: Default ledger account if transactions not matched (not currently used).
- webuser: Bank webpage login username
- webpswd: Bank webpage login password
OFX Options
- ofxuser: Bank user for OFX download.
- ofxpswd: Bank password for OFX download.
- acctnum: Bank account number
- appid: OFX app id.
- appver: OFX app version.
- fid: OFX fid
- org: OFX organization string.
- type: Account type (checking, savings, investment).
- url: URL for OFX download.
- version: OFX version.