Wanted something to capture APRS-IS packets for our specific ANSRVR Group. Use PERL and CPAN module Ham::APRS::FAP (http://search.cpan.org/dist/Ham-APRS-FAP/).
It will be a collection of PERL scripts.
ansrvr-grp-cap.pl : grab packets for an ANSRVR group (specfied on command line) and display the CQs.
ansrvr-grp-2rss.pl : grab packets for an ANSRVR group and create / append to an RSS feed. Display CQs.
ansrvr-packets2rss.pl : take date from packets file (generated by ansrvr-grp-cap.pl) and create a rss file.
ansrvr-rss2packets.pl : take a rss file and create a packets file. (utility)
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