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For spring security zero to master

Course github

Section 1 Getting Started

Creating Spring Projects

can create a spring project at

  • most basic project uses spring web (web server default is tomcat), and dev tools
  • can add in spring security for security starter

Diff with vs without spring security spring security

Adding Lombok

  • for slf4j logging annotation

and exclude from the build


Spring Security Out of the Box

  • as soon as you add the spring security dependency, without doing anything it will start intercepting calls
  • will show a login screen, user: user, password is printed in the console

6 Static Credentials

common application properties yaml vs properties files

7 Why Use Spring Security

  • app security is very complex
  • always new exploits, frameworks update and patch known vulnerabilities
  • spring security is built by security experts, allowing us to secure our app for with very minimal configuration
  • open source
  • protects against common exploits
  • Supports RBAC
  • Supports various types of auth, JWT, OAuth2, OpenID, Username and Password etc...

8 Servlets VS Filters

s vf

  • servlet is created internally by spring
  • filter is used to intercept every request to the application
  • acts a middleware in between client and servlet/business logic

9 Spring Security Architecture

spring security architecture

  1. user enters credentials
  2. Filters create authentication object such as the UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken
  3. Authentication object handed to the authentication manager
  4. Authentication Manager, which is implemented by ProviderManager checks available authentication provider
  5. Authentication Providers decide if user is valid
  • can be many authentication providers
  • can write logic in authentication providers to decide how to authenticate
  • Authentication manager will try all authentication providers, not just one
  • Can leverage spring security classes UserDetailsManager and UserDetailsService
  1. Whatever PasswordEncoder bean encodes passwords as to not store in plain text
  • works with UserDetailsManager/Service to decide if the user should be authenticated
  1. Sends response back to authentication manager
  2. Forwards back to security filters
  3. With an update Authentication Object, the filters store it in the security context
  • store authentication status, session id etc...
  • this is why user doesn't have to log in again
  1. Final yes/no response sent back to end user

security components

11 Spring Security Sequence Flow

sequence flow sequence flow


  • sprinsecuritybasic/src/main/java/com/eazybytes/sprinsecuritybasic/

  • optional in this setup as spring scans components in THIS and sub packages, however if we split our app out into a package outside springsecruitybasic then would need to annotate

Section 2 Default Security Configurations

17 Default Spring Security Configuration

  • spring security protects all paths by default
  • this is configured in the defaultSecurityFilterChain bean

default chain

  • http.authorizeRequests().anyRequest().authenticated(); - says authorize any request made to the backend

  • from the comments

The default configuration for web security. It relies on Spring Security's content-negotiation strategy to determine what sort of authentication to use. ** If the user specifies their own SecurityFilterChain bean, this will back-off completely and the users should specify all the bits that they want to configure as part of the custom security configuration **.
  • if we create a bean of securityFilter chain then our custom auth will be taking place

18 Adding Custom Authentication Configuration

  • can permit all or choose which paths need authentication

  • see ./02_section/sprinsecuritysec2/src/main/java/com/eazybytes/config/

19 Denying All Requests

  • could deny all if they want
  • could do this to either test security, go through updates or turn off the services for a period of time


    SecurityFilterChain defaultSecurityFilterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {

20 Allowing All Requests

  • could allow all requests
  • could be done for development environments via conditional beans


    SecurityFilterChain defaultSecurityFilterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {

Section 3 Defining and Managing Users

22 Approach 1 Configuring Users Using InMemoryUserDetailsManager

  • not for production
  • can define multiple users along with their authorities with the help fo InMemoryUserDetailsManager and UserDetails
  • use the withDefaultPasswordEncoder() method, this method is deprecated


23 Approach 2 Configuring Users Using inMemoryUserDetailsManager

  • not for production
  • here we create a bean of NoOpPasswordEncoder, which implements PasswordEncoder, this bean will automatically be picked up by spring

approach 2

24 Understanding User Management Interfaces and Classes

user management

spring security architecture

  • the DaoAuthenticationProvider that comes with spring will look to user the inMemoryUserDetailsManager, JdbcUserDetailsManager and LdapUserDetailsManager
  • the details managers are sample implementations provided by spring security
  • The UserDetails interface allows us to represent the User as a User class that implements the UserDetails
  • When you return a new class of type ...UserDetailsManager, the loadUserByUsername method is called
    • this method returns UserDetails which implements UserDetailsManager which extends UserDetailsService

25 Deep Dive of UserDetails Interface and User Class

  • holds methods for

    1. getAuthorities()
    2. getPassword()
    3. getUsername()
    4. isAccountNonExpired()
    5. isAccountNonLocked()
    6. isCredentialsNonExpired()
    7. isEnabled()
  • sample of this interface are the User Class, we can use this or implement our own userDetails

  • this object is readOnly, there are no setters, once the object is created through the constructor it is immutable

auth vs user details

  • identify if authentication is successful or not inside the authentication providers
  • AuthenticationProvider will convert the userDetails into the Authentication Token, after fetched from the database and authenticated
  • this is done by default in the, authenticate method, if authenticated then it called the createSuccessAuthentication method witch takes in an auth token, user and returns back a populated authentication token

26 Deep Dive of UserDetailsService and UserDetailsManager

  • UserDetailsService, holds the method loadUserByUsername which loads the user from the database
  • only username is loaded, not the password, which we dont want to move over the network
  • UserDetailsServiceis extended by the UserDetailsManager which gives the ability to perform CRUD operations on users
    • offers a userExists() method that tells if that user already exists in the system

27 Deep Dive of UserDetailsManager implementation classes

  • inMemoryUserDetailsManager, JdbcUserDetailsManager and LdapUserDetailsManager are the most commonly used and examples are provided by spring


  • for InMemoryUserDetailsManager the createUser() method is called through the constructor
  • holds the loadUserByUsername() method
  • DaoAuthenticationProvider knows which details manager to invoke by which beans are created
  • InMemoryUserDetailsManager used mostly for dev and demo


  • most common for production
  • spring security assumes a specific table structure, they have programmed queries for this configuration
  • table name must be users
  • there is a default schema included in the class, pointing to a ddl file.
  • can use the users.ddl file to create the database architecture

Group Manager

  • interface
  • implemented by JdbcUserDetailsManager
  • helps create and add users to groups for RBAC


  • not as common
  • still has loadUserByUserName
  • have to have an LDAP server configured

Adding LDAP

  • add following dependencies

28 Creating MySQL DB

  • can just do this in docker

docker pull mysql

docker run --name spring-security-mysql -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=pwd -e useSSL=false -d mysql

Connecting with DBeaver

29 Connecting to DB

  • have to create and seed the database
create database eazybank;

use eazybank;

CREATE TABLE `users` (
`username` VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL,
`password` VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL,
`enabled` INT NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`id`));

CREATE TABLE `authorities` (
  `username` varchar(45) NOT NULL,
  `authority` varchar(45) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`));

INSERT IGNORE INTO `users` VALUES (NULL, 'happy', '12345', '1');
INSERT IGNORE INTO `authorities` VALUES (NULL, 'happy', 'write');

CREATE TABLE `customer` (
  `email` varchar(45) NOT NULL,
  `pwd` varchar(200) NOT NULL,
  `role` varchar(45) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

INSERT INTO `customer` (`email`, `pwd`, `role`)
 VALUES ('', '54321', 'admin');

  • can be used for small or flexible projects but example tables might not be usable for everyone

30 Using JdbcUserDetailsManager

  • have to add dependencies for spring jdbc, mysql and spring data jpa
  • connect with
# dont inject like this in production, should come from devops team

#print sql in the console, not for production
  • will then create the JdbcUserDetailsManager
    public UserDetailsService userDetailsService(DataSource dataSource){
        return new JdbcUserDetailsManager(dataSource);

  • Spring boot creates an object of type data source in memory when we add jbdc information to class path and application properties

  • can have multiple UserDetailsManagers if have multiple AuthenticationProviders

31 Creating Custom Authentication Tables

  • in schema above
  • will have to create your own JPA entity, wont be able to sue the default one

32 Creating JPA Entity and Repo For New Table

  • have to create a repository

  • sprinsecuritysec3/src/main/java/com/eazybytes/repository/

  • have to create a model

  • sprinsecuritysec3/src/main/java/com/eazybytes/model/


  • have to add 2 annotations to spring application if repositories or entities are not in the main package
  • will scan and create beans for the packages
  • if not using the spring security starter must have annotation to turn on web security

33 Create Custom Implementation of UserDetailsService

  • if we are using our own database setup, we must override the default UserDetailsService and write logic for loading the user in the loadUserByUsername method

  • sprinsecuritysec3/src/main/java/com/eazybytes/config/

Multiple UserDetailsService

  • if you have userDetailsService it will confuse the default DaoAuthenticationProvider, can have multiple details services but have to have custom AuthenticationProvider

34 Allowing New User Registration

  • Could override the UserDetailsManager createUser() method
  • see for example sprinsecuritysec3/src/main/java/com/eazybytes/controller/
  • have to permit non authenticated users to hit the /register path
  • this point can create with postman
    "email": "",
    "pwd": "12345",
    "role": "user"
  • successful response will be Given user details are successfully registered

Update Sequence With Custom JBDC User Details Service

s1 s2

Section 4 Password Management and Encoders

35 How Are Passwords Validated In Spring Security By Default

  • default password encoder uses plain text password encoding

  • AbstractUserDetailsAuthenticationProvider - authenticate() method

  • runs some preAuthenticationChecks() such as checking for disabled, expired etc

  • then runs DaoAuthenticationProvider - additionalAuthenticationChecks()

    • additionalAuthenticationChecks() calls the matches() method defined in every password encoder
    • matches takes in the password the user typed and the password loaded from the database
    • if passwords match you are authenticated
    • if not BadCredentialsException is thrown


  • default password encoder
  • doesn't actually encode anything
  • stores passwords in plain text
  • not for production

36 Encoding vs Encryption vs Hashing Part 1


37 Encoding vs Encryption vs Hashing Part 2


38 How to Validate Passwords With Hashing and Password Encoders

validating with hashing

  • password encoders take care of comparing hash strings

39 PasswordEncoder Interface

  • includes:
  1. encode - will put password through corresponding hash/encryption (even it that is none)
  2. matches (true if the same, ie good login)
  3. upgradeEncoding - can encode your password two times, default is false

password encoder interface

40 Password Encoder Implementation Classes part 1

  • not for production


  • default password encoder
  • doesn't actually encode anything
  • stores passwords in plain text
  • not for production, only demo/dev


  • not for production
  • deprecated
  • only implemented to support legacy applications
  • sha-256, 1024 iterations and random 8-byte salt


  • can use in production but not recommended
  • has become less secure over last few years
  • susceptible to brute force attacks

41 Password Encoder Implementation Classes part 2

  • can use in production
  • should have strong password requirements, ie: 8 Chars, letters, numbers and special characters
  • strong password requirements make brute force nearly impossible with any of the following 3 passwordEncoders


  • uses Bcrypt hashing algorithm
  • continually updated based on hardware and best practices
  • utilizes more cpu/resources
  • less susceptible to brute force
  • secure
  • most commonly used


  • advance version of BCryptPasswordEncoder
  • uses both cpu and ram
  • makes brute force attacks more difficult due to resource restriction
  • more secure


  • newest based on latest hashing algorithm
  • uses both cpu, ram and multiple threads
  • make brute force tougher due to resource restriction
  • also can slow down our application due to resource needs
  • most secure

42 Register New User With ByCrypt Password Encoder

  • create a passwordEncoder bean with the BCryptPasswordEncoder
    public PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder(){

      return new BCryptPasswordEncoder();
  • passwords are not hashed when the creating an new user ex: 04_section/sprinsecuritysec4/src/main/java/com/eazybytes/controller/

  • by default does 10 rounds of hashing but this can be configured

  • could change options if wanted to utilizing different constructors of BCryptPasswordEncoder

  • min rounds is 4, max is 31, default is 10

  • could pass a salt if we had one

  • from javadoc of BCryptPasswordEncoder

Implementation of PasswordEncoder that uses the BCrypt strong hashing function. Clients can optionally supply a "version" ($2a, $2b, $2y) and a "strength" (a.k.a. log rounds in BCrypt) and a SecureRandom instance. The larger the strength parameter the more work will have to be done (exponentially) to hash the passwords. The default value is 10.
  • see difference ins stored passwords

store pwd

  • plain text passwords will no longer with when BCryptPasswordEncoder is enabled

  • BCryptPasswordEncoder knows this is not a BCrypt encoded password

  • will give error in console

2023-01-03T17:37:21.975-05:00  WARN 54197 --- [nio-8888-exec-7] o.s.s.c.bcrypt.BCryptPasswordEncoder     : Encoded password does not look like BCrypt

43 Login With ByCrypt Password Encoder

  • if using the default DaoAuthenticationProvider then no additional configuration is needed. DaoAuthenticationProvider will pick up the BCryptPasswordEncoder bean and handle calling functions for password comparison

  • could define your own password encoder by implementing PasswordEncoder interface but not recommended

Section 5 Authentication Providers

44 Why create our own authentication provider

  • the default authentication provider is DaoAuthenticationProvider
  • this is a flexible class that allows us to change UserDetailsService as well as PasswordEncoder, however it does not support all use cases
  • we may want to create our own authentication logic ie: only allowed age or countries
  • may want multiple authentication providers

custom ap

45 Authentication Provider methods

  • authenticate() method actually kicks off the authenticate process

    • returns an authentication token with a user that is either authenticated or not
  • supports() - tells which type of authentication objects are supported

    • called inside the ProviderManager, which implements the AuthenticationManager interface, to check if the current authenticationProvider supports the type of authenticationToken that is passed in
  • DaoAuthenticationProvider supports UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken out of the box

  • other auth tokens provided by spring

  1. TestingAuthenticationToken
  2. AnonymousAuthenticationToken
  3. RememberMeAuthenticationToken

auth provider details

46 Implementing Custom Authentication Provider

  • since we created our own custom AuthenticationProvider, we no longer need a userDetailsService. If wa wanted to make our custom AuthenticationProvider depend on a userDetailsService, like the default DaoAuthenticationProvider then we could use on, but not necessary as this logic is now in our EazyBankUsernamePwdAuthenticationProvider, which is talking directly to the CrudRepository via DI

  • example : sprinsecuritysec5/src/main/java/com/eazybytes/config/

47 Testing our Custom Authentication Provider

  • EazyBankUsernamePwdAuthenticationProvider.authenticate() is called by the spring security ProviderManager
  • after authentication is completed based on logic in the authenticate() method the ProviderManager does some cleanup including deleting the credentials we were comparing against
  • can also have an event published (an use this to send a push notification/email)

48 Spring Security Sequence Flow with Custom AuthenticationProvider

Provider Manager implements AuthenticationManager, they are interchangeable

flow with custom authentication provider

  • SpringSecurityFilter and AuthenticationManager do their own job, we do not override those

  • we changed the authenticationProvider and its methods (which are called by the AuthenticationManager), incorporating the database call into our custom EazyBankUsernamePwdAuthenticationProvider. Since we were no longer using the default DaoAuthenticationProvider, and incorporated the CustomerRepository logic, we did not need a UserDetailsService/ UserDetailsManager

  • Also overrode the PasswordEncoder to use the BCryptPasswordEncoder

flow with custom authentication provider

Section 6 Cors and Csrf

  • Starting in this section we will start using the Angular UI to talk to our backend

49 Setting up Separate UI

  • directions for setting up are ./angular_ui/bank-app-ui/

51 Creating new DB for schema

  • run the following schema
use eazybank;

drop table `users`;
drop table `authorities`;
drop table `customer`;
drop table accounts;

CREATE TABLE `customer` (
  `customer_id` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `name` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  `email` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  `mobile_number` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
  `pwd` varchar(500) NOT NULL,
  `role` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  `create_dt` date DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`customer_id`)

INSERT INTO `customer` (`name`,`email`,`mobile_number`, `pwd`, `role`,`create_dt`)
 VALUES ('Happy','','9876548337', '$2y$12$oRRbkNfwuR8ug4MlzH5FOeui.//1mkd.RsOAJMbykTSupVy.x/vb2', 'admin',CURDATE());

CREATE TABLE `accounts` (
  `customer_id` int NOT NULL,
  `account_number` int NOT NULL,
  `account_type` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  `branch_address` varchar(200) NOT NULL,
  `create_dt` date DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`account_number`),
  KEY `customer_id` (`customer_id`),
  CONSTRAINT `customer_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id`) REFERENCES `customer` (`customer_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE

INSERT INTO `accounts` (`customer_id`, `account_number`, `account_type`, `branch_address`, `create_dt`)
 VALUES (1, 18657645, 'Savings', '123 Main Street, New York', CURDATE());

CREATE TABLE `account_transactions` (
  `transaction_id` varchar(200) NOT NULL,
  `account_number` int NOT NULL,
  `customer_id` int NOT NULL,
  `transaction_dt` date NOT NULL,
  `transaction_summary` varchar(200) NOT NULL,
  `transaction_type` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  `transaction_amt` int NOT NULL,
  `closing_balance` int NOT NULL,
  `create_dt` date DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`transaction_id`),
  KEY `customer_id` (`customer_id`),
  KEY `account_number` (`account_number`),
  CONSTRAINT `accounts_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`account_number`) REFERENCES `accounts` (`account_number`) ON DELETE CASCADE,
  CONSTRAINT `acct_user_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id`) REFERENCES `customer` (`customer_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE

INSERT INTO `account_transactions` (`transaction_id`, `account_number`, `customer_id`, `transaction_dt`, `transaction_summary`, `transaction_type`,`transaction_amt`,
`closing_balance`, `create_dt`)  VALUES (UUID(), 18657645, 1, "2022-12-24", 'Coffee Shop', 'Withdrawal', 30,34500, "2022-12-24");

INSERT INTO `account_transactions` (`transaction_id`, `account_number`, `customer_id`, `transaction_dt`, `transaction_summary`, `transaction_type`,`transaction_amt`,
`closing_balance`, `create_dt`)  VALUES (UUID(), 18657645, 1, "2022-12-25", 'Uber', 'Withdrawal', 100,34400,"2022-12-25");

INSERT INTO `account_transactions` (`transaction_id`, `account_number`, `customer_id`, `transaction_dt`, `transaction_summary`, `transaction_type`,`transaction_amt`,
`closing_balance`, `create_dt`)  VALUES (UUID(), 18657645, 1, "2022-12-26", 'Self Deposit', 'Deposit', 500,34900,"2022-12-26");

INSERT INTO `account_transactions` (`transaction_id`, `account_number`, `customer_id`, `transaction_dt`, `transaction_summary`, `transaction_type`,`transaction_amt`,
`closing_balance`, `create_dt`)  VALUES (UUID(), 18657645, 1, "2022-12-27", 'Ebay', 'Withdrawal', 600,34300,"2022-12-27");

INSERT INTO `account_transactions` (`transaction_id`, `account_number`, `customer_id`, `transaction_dt`, `transaction_summary`, `transaction_type`,`transaction_amt`,
`closing_balance`, `create_dt`)  VALUES (UUID(), 18657645, 1, "2022-12-28", 'OnlineTransfer', 'Deposit', 700,35000,"2022-12-28");

INSERT INTO `account_transactions` (`transaction_id`, `account_number`, `customer_id`, `transaction_dt`, `transaction_summary`, `transaction_type`,`transaction_amt`,
`closing_balance`, `create_dt`)  VALUES (UUID(), 18657645, 1, "2022-12-29", '', 'Withdrawal', 100,34900,"2022-12-29");

CREATE TABLE `loans` (
  `loan_number` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `customer_id` int NOT NULL,
  `start_dt` date NOT NULL,
  `loan_type` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  `total_loan` int NOT NULL,
  `amount_paid` int NOT NULL,
  `outstanding_amount` int NOT NULL,
  `create_dt` date DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`loan_number`),
  KEY `customer_id` (`customer_id`),
  CONSTRAINT `loan_customer_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id`) REFERENCES `customer` (`customer_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE

INSERT INTO `loans` ( `customer_id`, `start_dt`, `loan_type`, `total_loan`, `amount_paid`, `outstanding_amount`, `create_dt`)
 VALUES ( 1, '2020-10-13', 'Home', 200000, 50000, 150000, '2020-10-13');

INSERT INTO `loans` ( `customer_id`, `start_dt`, `loan_type`, `total_loan`, `amount_paid`, `outstanding_amount`, `create_dt`)
 VALUES ( 1, '2020-06-06', 'Vehicle', 40000, 10000, 30000, '2020-06-06');

INSERT INTO `loans` ( `customer_id`, `start_dt`, `loan_type`, `total_loan`, `amount_paid`, `outstanding_amount`, `create_dt`)
 VALUES ( 1, '2018-02-14', 'Home', 50000, 10000, 40000, '2018-02-14');

INSERT INTO `loans` ( `customer_id`, `start_dt`, `loan_type`, `total_loan`, `amount_paid`, `outstanding_amount`, `create_dt`)
 VALUES ( 1, '2018-02-14', 'Personal', 10000, 3500, 6500, '2018-02-14');

CREATE TABLE `cards` (
  `card_id` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `card_number` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  `customer_id` int NOT NULL,
  `card_type` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  `total_limit` int NOT NULL,
  `amount_used` int NOT NULL,
  `available_amount` int NOT NULL,
  `create_dt` date DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`card_id`),
  KEY `customer_id` (`customer_id`),
  CONSTRAINT `card_customer_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id`) REFERENCES `customer` (`customer_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE

INSERT INTO `cards` (`card_number`, `customer_id`, `card_type`, `total_limit`, `amount_used`, `available_amount`, `create_dt`)
 VALUES ('4565XXXX4656', 1, 'Credit', 10000, 500, 9500, "2022-12-31");

INSERT INTO `cards` (`card_number`, `customer_id`, `card_type`, `total_limit`, `amount_used`, `available_amount`, `create_dt`)
 VALUES ('3455XXXX8673', 1, 'Credit', 7500, 600, 6900, "2022-12-31");

INSERT INTO `cards` (`card_number`, `customer_id`, `card_type`, `total_limit`, `amount_used`, `available_amount`, `create_dt`)
 VALUES ('2359XXXX9346', 1, 'Credit', 20000, 4000, 16000, "2022-12-31");

CREATE TABLE `notice_details` (
  `notice_id` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `notice_summary` varchar(200) NOT NULL,
  `notice_details` varchar(500) NOT NULL,
  `notic_beg_dt` date NOT NULL,
  `notic_end_dt` date DEFAULT NULL,
  `create_dt` date DEFAULT NULL,
  `update_dt` date DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`notice_id`)

INSERT INTO `notice_details` ( `notice_summary`, `notice_details`, `notic_beg_dt`, `notic_end_dt`, `create_dt`, `update_dt`)
VALUES ('Home Loan Interest rates reduced', 'Home loan interest rates are reduced as per the goverment guidelines. The updated rates will be effective immediately',

INSERT INTO `notice_details` ( `notice_summary`, `notice_details`, `notic_beg_dt`, `notic_end_dt`, `create_dt`, `update_dt`)
VALUES ('Net Banking Offers', 'Customers who will opt for Internet banking while opening a saving account will get a $50 amazon voucher',

INSERT INTO `notice_details` ( `notice_summary`, `notice_details`, `notic_beg_dt`, `notic_end_dt`, `create_dt`, `update_dt`)
VALUES ('Mobile App Downtime', 'The mobile application of the EazyBank will be down from 2AM-5AM on 12/05/2020 due to maintenance activities',

INSERT INTO `notice_details` ( `notice_summary`, `notice_details`, `notic_beg_dt`, `notic_end_dt`, `create_dt`, `update_dt`)
VALUES ('E Auction notice', 'There will be a e-auction on 12/08/2020 on the Bank website for all the stubborn arrears.Interested parties can participate in the e-auction',

INSERT INTO `notice_details` ( `notice_summary`, `notice_details`, `notic_beg_dt`, `notic_end_dt`, `create_dt`, `update_dt`)
VALUES ('Launch of Millennia Cards', 'Millennia Credit Cards are launched for the premium customers of EazyBank. With these cards, you will get 5% cashback for each purchase',

INSERT INTO `notice_details` ( `notice_summary`, `notice_details`, `notic_beg_dt`, `notic_end_dt`, `create_dt`, `update_dt`)
VALUES ('COVID-19 Insurance', 'EazyBank launched an insurance policy which will cover COVID-19 expenses. Please reach out to the branch for more details',

CREATE TABLE `contact_messages` (
  `contact_id` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  `contact_name` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  `contact_email` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  `subject` varchar(500) NOT NULL,
  `message` varchar(2000) NOT NULL,
  `create_dt` date DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`contact_id`)
  • other scripts to create account number for other users
INSERT INTO `accounts` (`customer_id`, `account_number`, `account_type`, `branch_address`, `create_dt`)
VALUES (2, 123456, 'Savings', '123 Main Street, New York', CURDATE());

53 creating A New User With Postman

  • can post to localhost:8888/register
    "name": "John Doe",
    "email": "",
    "mobileNumber": "1234567890",
    "pwd": "12345",
    "role": "user"
  • there is a sign up link in the UI but it is not configured

54 Cors Error

  • Cross Origin Resource Sharing
  • when making requests across origin

55 Introduction to Cors

  • have to configure if we want to talk cross origin
  • default is to block this

56 Options to Fix Cors

  • sprinsecuritysec7/src/main/java/com/eazybytes/config/

  • The browser sends a preflight request to the server and this is where origin data is communicated

  • can use the @CrossOrigin annotation

  • could explicitly configure it to an endpoint or to '*'

  • It may not be feasible to do this for every single controller in an application

  • can configure globally using spring security instead inside the defaultSecurityChain

57 Fixing Cors Using Spring Security

  • configuration is fed into HttpSecurity
  • can see configuration: sprinsecuritysec6/src/main/java/com/eazybytes/config/

58 Demo of CSRF Protection from Spring Security

  • Cross Site Request Forgery

  • Spring security blocks updates to post/put operations that update data by default

  • could turn it off with http().csrf().disable() , not for production

  • if this is on and not configured and posts will get a 401, have to explicitly say who is allowed to post/put

59 Example CSRF Attack

  • also known as XSRF

60 Solutions for CSRF Attacks

  • using a secondary secure CSRF token that is injected in a header by the app, to ensure th request is not being forged

61 Ignoring CSRF Protection For Public API endpoints

  • can use to expose certain public endpoints beyond csrf protection
csrf().ignoringRequestMatchers("/contact", "/register")
  • use to be ignoreAntMatchers()

62 Implementing CSRF Token Solution

  • by default spring CookieCsrfTokenRepository will create a token with the name XSRF-TOKEN

  • Sinec Spring v3 we need a OncePerRequestFilter to create the header on each request

  • what is once per requests filter

  • sprinsecuritysec7/src/main/java/com/eazybytes/filter/

Part 1 - Backend

  • sprinsecuritysec6/src/main/java/com/eazybytes/config/
//-------------------- CSRF--------------------------
                //tell spring security these are public apis, but will protect all other endpoints
                //csrf process against malicious posts/puts so don't need notices as it only gets
                .csrf().ignoringRequestMatchers("/contact", "/register")

                // create a CSRF token and send it as a cookie,  and with withHttpOnlyFalse(), it allows the UI to read the cookie via JavaScript
                //filter responsible for injecting the cookie
                .and().addFilterAfter(new CsrfCookieFilter(), BasicAuthenticationFilter.class)


Part 2 - Frontend

  • have to handle reading and return the cookie in javascript on the frontend
  • angular_ui/bank-app-ui/src/app/components/login/login.component.ts
validateUser(loginForm: NgForm) {
      responseData => {
        this.model = <any> responseData.body;
        this.model.authStatus = 'AUTH';
        // get the cookie and store is in session storage
        let xsrf = getCookie('XSRF-TOKEN')!;

  • retrieve the cookie and set it in session storage
  • angular_ui/bank-app-ui/src/app/interceptors/app.request.interceptor.ts
    //get the token from session storage and put it in the headers
    let xsrf = sessionStorage.getItem('XSRF-TOKEN');
      httpHeaders = httpHeaders.append('X-XSRF-TOKEN', xsrf);  

Basic Authentication

  • with this configuration we now go through the BasicAuthenticationFilter as we post authentication to the /user endpoint
  • the BasicAuthenticationFilter calls the ProviderManager which calls the EazyBankUsernamePwdAuthenticationProvider.authenticate() method, this fetches the user and does the authentication by calling PasswordEncoder.matches() method, if it does match then the UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken constructor si called which creates the auth token and sets authenticated to true
  • the authentication information is encoded on a Authorization Basic: header
  • this is not recommend for production apps as the username and password are not encrypted on the header, they only exist in as base 64

Section 7 Authorization

64 Authentication vs Authorization

65 How Authorities Are Stored In Spring Security

  • authorities are passed to UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken upon creation as an unmodifiable list
  • authorities and roles are very similar and used to create GrantedAuthorities

66 Creating New Table Authorities

  • create an authorities table and use the id as a foreign key for the user
  • see ./database_seed.sql

67 Backend Changes to Load Authorities

  • have to create a new entity Authority to account for new table in db
  • sprinsecuritysec7/src/main/java/com/eazybytes/model/
  • have to map Authority model, @manyToOne to Customer model
  • this will pull authorities based on primary/foreign key from the db and map them to the customer object upon request of the customer

68 and 69 Configure Authorities Inside App Using Spring Security

  • sprinsecuritysec7/src/main/java/com/eazybytes/config/

  • hasAuthority - have to have the exact authority
  • hasAnyAuthority, if they have any of the acceptable ones
  • if neither of above options work use access() which allows us to configure using spring expression language

  • can invoke after requestMatchers

  • requestMatchers replaced antMatchers in spring v 3

  • see example


                // performing RBAC with authorities
                //secure these paths so only authenticated users can access
                .requestMatchers( "/user").authenticated()
                //allow anyone to see this
                .requestMatchers("/notices", "/contact", "/register").permitAll();

Session Management

  • as of spring boot 3 and security 6 we now need to explicitly tell spring to always create new sessions
  • this will create a new session each time the user logs in
  • if you restart the server, must re-login to get a valid JSessionID
                .and().sessionManagement(session -> session.sessionCreationPolicy(SessionCreationPolicy.ALWAYS))

70 Authority vs Role in Spring Security

  • authority is one individual privilege (fine grained)
  • role is a group of privileges/actions (course grained)
  • roles also us GrantedAuthority and SimpleGrantedAuthority
  • when using roles it should awalys start with the ROLE_ prefix as to differentiate between authorities and roles

71 and 72 Configuring Roles Authorization

  • sprinsecuritysec7/src/main/java/com/eazybytes/config/

  • hasRole - have to have the exact authority
  • hasAnyRole, if they have any of the acceptable ones
  • if neither of above options work use access() which allows us to configure using spring expression language
  • DO NOT USE THE ROLE PREFIX IN CODE, spring adds the prefix value


  • new sequence flow with roles

Other methods

  • could use hasIPAddress to really secure the app (may have bee deprecated in version 3)

Section 8 Custom Spring Filters

73 Spring Filters and Simple Use Cases

  • security filters play a vital role inside spring security

  • you could create a custom filter to do whatever you want, such as intercepting and validating requests or adding headers, logging auth data at a certain point, encryption of input data, add MFA, etc...

  • filters are processed in a chain fashion executing sequentially one at a time

  • unless explicitly told, filters can execute in a semi-random order

74 Demo of Built In Filters

  • changes are not for production, will create large security risk
@EnableWebSecurity(debug = true)
  • logging level also turns on logger.isDebugEnabled

75 Creating Custom Filters

  • Filter interface exposes
    • init(): empty by default, runs on creation of filter
    • destroy(): empty by default runs on destruction of filter
    • doFilter(): the main method of a filter, that must be overridden when creating a custom filter
    • doFilterInternal(): another method, which is called by doFilter(), we have to override this in some cases when we cannot overide the normal doFilter(), such as the OncePerRequestFiler

76 77 78 Adding Custom Filters

  • sprinsecuritysec8/src/main/java/com/eazybytes/config/

  • filter chain before modification


  • create the new filter: sprinsecuritysec8/src/main/java/com/eazybytes/filter/

  • also have to add code to defaultSecurityFilterChain to add in the new filter

 //adding custom validation filter before the BasicAuthenticationFilter in the filter chain
 //filter we ant to add, where we want it to go
  .addFilterBefore(new RequestValidationBeforeFilter(), BasicAuthenticationFilter.class )
  • can now see new filter in the filter chain


  • If we wanted to add a logger after authentication to log who logs in

  • sprinsecuritysec8/src/main/java/com/eazybytes/filter/

  • after writing filter have to add it to the defaultSecurityFilterChain

.addFilterAfter(new AuthoritiesLoggingAfterFilter(), BasicAuthenticationFilter.class)
  • now the chain looks like:

  • and in the logs we get
User is successfully authenticated and has the authorities [VIEWLOANS, VIEWBALANCE, ROLE_USER, ROLE_ADMIN, VIEWCARDS, VIEWACCOUNT]


  • adds a filter to run around the same time as the other one passed in, however spring will execute these filters in a random order

  • not used a lot as can be unpredictable

  • here we will log right before or afert the BasicAuthenticationFilter runs

  • sprinsecuritysec8/src/main/java/com/eazybytes/filter/

  • after writing filter have to add it to the defaultSecurityFilterChain

  // adding custom logging filter at the time of the BasicAuthenticationFilter
  .addFilterAt(new LoggingAtAuthenticationFilter(), BasicAuthenticationFilter.class)
  • after adding this filter the chain now looks like:

  • can see all the custom filters we have added so far

79 Generic Filter Bean and OncPerRequestFilter

  • other options for custom filters

Generic Filter Bean

  • abstract class in spring web
  • simple base implementation of Filter
  • superclass for any type of filter
  • can provide access to all the config and init parameters
  • getEnvironment(), getFilterConfig(), getServletContext(), init() - some of the methods exposed by this class, making all these details available to the subclass


  • regular filters are not limited to running once per request, in theory could run many times per request
  • A custom filter that extends OncePerRequestFilter is guaranteed to run only 1 time per request
  • extends GenericFilterBean
  • business logic should be inside the doFilterInternal() method
  • other useful methods - shouldNotFilter(), can decide to not filter certain requests
  • example: sprinsecuritysec8/src/main/java/com/eazybytes/filter/
  • BasicAuthenticationFilter extends OncePerRequestFilter
  • recommended for use over regular filter due to guarantees that it only runs 1 time

80 Regex Matches For Applying Path Restrictions

  • all methods in this image have been replaced by requestMatchers() in spring v3 / spring security v6
  • examples of request matchers

Section 9 Authentication With JWT

81 JSESSIONID and Issues With It

  • JSESSIONID : tells spring whether user is valid
  • this is a simple token, good for what it does but wont help with communication between services
  • does not hold any user data
  • saved as a cookie in the browser, which is tied to the session
  • invalidated if the server is restarted

82 Advantages of Token Based Authentication

  • could be a plain string or more complex structure like a JWT
  • usually generated on Login
  • token is sent on every request to the backend server through a header, which the server then has to validate
  • backend server usually smart enough to understand it has to validate the token

Advantages of Tokens

  • especially useful to purge tokens if there is a security breach
  • helps execute single sign on, and stateless authentication by passing the validated token to different services

83 84 Deep Dive of JWT

  • uses base64 encoding
  • header - stores metadata in the token, ie: algorithm, type etc
  • body - can store any data about the user/issuer here
  • signature - can be used to validate the token
  • should be validated on each request as to avoid tampering
  • to easily decode jwt's use
  • no database needed as token is stored in browser and comparison is recomputed in the app

Validating JWTs

  • if all communication is within your LAN/Firewall validation still recomended but not required as someone would have to breach the network to modify the JWT
  • if you are communicating outside your network you must validate the signature of your JWT to ensure no one has tampered with it
  • backend will regenerate the signature hash using it's secret and compare it to the received JWT to see if the JWT has been tampered with in transit

85 Configuring App to Use JWTs

  • sprinsecuritysec9/src/main/java/com/eazybytes/config/


  • must add the following dependencies
			<artifactId>jjwt-jackson</artifactId> <!-- or jjwt-gson if Gson is preferred -->

Security Configuration

  • must turn off JSESSIONID generation by setting sessionCreationPolicy to STATELESS
.and().sessionManagement(session -> session.sessionCreationPolicy(SessionCreationPolicy.STATELESS))
  • then have to configure backend to expose an Authorization header to the frontend
  • in the cors configuration have to add

86 87 Security Filters and JWTs

  • sprinsecuritysec9/src/main/java/com/eazybytes/config/

Generating JWT

  • write a filter to generate the JWT
  • only want the JWT generated on initial login


  • filter will be added after the BasicAuthenticationFilter, so we can verify the user us valid and then create the token

.addFilterAfter(new JWTTokenGeneratorFilter(), BasicAuthenticationFilter.class)

Validating JWT

  • sprinsecuritysec9/src/main/java/com/eazybytes/filter/
  • write filter to validate token
  • we want this to run on all authenticated requests except initial login
  • will be executed before the BasicAuthenticationFilter, to validate the incoming JWT before getting to the authentication filter
 .addFilterBefore(new JWTTokenValidatorFilter(), BasicAuthenticationFilter.class)

88 Client App Changes to Handle JWT

  • it is the clients responsibility on each request to save the token in the browser on login
  • angular_ui/ui-section-9/src/app/components/login/login.component.ts
 window.sessionStorage.setItem("Authorization", responseData.headers.get("Authorization")!);
  • also the clients responsibility to send token back to backend on request -angular_ui/ui-section-9/src/app/interceptors/app.request.interceptor.ts
     let authorization = sessionStorage.getItem("Authorization")
       httpHeaders = httpHeaders.append("Authorization", authorization)

89 Validating the JWT is Working

  • with changes from this section should now see

    1. JWT is stored in session storage with the key Authorization
    2. Only the XSRF-TOKEN is created and stored in cookies, there should be no more JSESSIONID as we turned that off

    if you still have a JSESSIONID there is a good chance it is cached

  • now the filter chain holds our new JWT filters

90 Validating JWT Expiration

  • If the JWT is expired the backend will throw an ExpiredJWT exception and the user should log back in
  • the logic to check for this should be in our JWTTokenValidationFilter

Section 10 Method Level Security

  • compliments RBAC, does not replace

91 Introduction to Method Level Security

  • method security must be enabled with @EnableMethodSecurity, as it is disabled by default
  • allows for fine grained access control

92 Details About Method Invocation Authorization

  • accepts spring expression language as well as any role and authority methods

  • post authorization is used to validate the data being returned from the method

  • PermissionElevator.hasPermission() allows much more fine grained authorization

  • uses spring AOP at runtime to intercept method calls and ensure users have the correct permissions

93 Method Level Security with PreAuthorize

  • allows for use of spring expression language
  • most common to be used
  • example sprinsecuritysec10/src/main/java/com/eazybytes/repository/

94 Method Level Security with PostAuthorize

  • allows for use of spring expression language
  • sprinsecuritysec10/src/main/java/com/eazybytes/controller/
  • runs after the method, spring will prevent the anything from being return if the user does not have the correct permissions @PostAuthorize("hasRole('USER')")

95 Filtering with Method Level Security

  • this is not related to Spring Security Filter
  • can filter the method call based on the parameters being passed in
  • filterObject, the method input, should always be of type Collection
  • could say, get this collection but don't return items where the userName = "test"

96 PreFilter Annotation

  • for filtering parameters passed into a method, ie: if they pass in 'test' then throw an error

  • sprinsecuritysec10/src/main/java/com/eazybytes/controller/

 @PreFilter("filterObject.contactName != 'Test'")

97 PostFilter Annotation

  • for filtering returned values from a method, ie: don't return any elements where the name is 'test'
  • sprinsecuritysec10/src/main/java/com/eazybytes/controller/
 @PostFilter("filterObject.contactName != 'Test'")

Section 11 Deep Dive Into Oauth2 and OpenID Connect

  • All theory in this section, no corresponding code
  • if you use microservices/multiple applications it can be better to have an authentication server instead of configuring/maintaining authentication/authorization logic in every application

98 Problem OAuth2 is Trying to Solve

  • by sharing a limited authorization token we can give the 3rd party access to the app without having to trust that application isn't going to mis-use their permissions
  • could revoke these tokens
  • there is a separate OAuth2 server handling the authentication and token creation

Common Accounts Using OAuth

99 Introduction to OAuth2

  • OAuth2 is a standard, there are many different flavors.
  • there is no OAuth2 code
  • different grant types are for different use cases
    • Authorization Code - user accounts
    • PKCE - similar to Authorization code but has a different way for teh client (A Browser based SPA in most cases) to login to the Auth Server, this is becuase in a browser based application it is very difficult to protect the Client Secret.
    • Client Credentials - server to server communication, when there is no user involved
    • Device Code - for IOT such as smart tv
    • Refresh Token - used to refresh the Access Token
    • Implicit Flow (deprecated, will be remove with Oauth2.1)
    • Password Grant (deprecated, will be remove with Oauth2.1)


100 OAuth2 Terminology

  • Resource Owner : the user who owns the resources being accessed
  • Client : the third party app/service trying to interact with the Resource Server on behalf of the Client
  • Authorization Server : responsible for authenticating the Resource Owner
    • Resource Owner has an account on this server
    • also responsible for generating access tokens and redirecting back the the Client after authentication is complete
  • Resource Server : server where the resources the Client wants to consume are located
    • depending on the size of the project the Authorization Server and Resource Server could be the same machine
  • Scopes : granular permissions, very similar to roles/authorities

101 OAuth2 Sample Flow

  • fictional scenario for example

Configuring OAuth2

  1. Must register app as a Client with the Authorization Server
  • when you register as a Client you get a Client ID and Client Secret
  1. on login Client must redirect to the Authorization Server, user credentials are never shared with the Client
  2. Then Resource Owner asked if they consent to sharing resources with Client
  3. If the Resource Owner agrees then an Access Token and Refresh Token are shared with the Client from the Authorization Server
    • Authorization Server decides how long the tokens are good for
  4. Client sends an api requests with Access Token to the Resource Server. The Resource Server verifies the token is valid
    • the Access Token is scoped to only the permissions needed by the Client.
    • the Client cannot update account credentials etc...
  5. Resource Server sends requested resources to Client
  6. most times you will be redirected back to the Client after providing consent

102 Demo of Sample Flow

  • sign up for any account with google, facebook, github etc...

  • example using slack

    • Resource Owner : you
    • Client : slack
    • Authorization Server : run by google
    • Resource Server: run by google
    • Access Token : provided by Authorization Server
  • most real customers may have their own Authorization Server

103 Deep Dive and Demo Authorization Code Grant Type Flow in OAuth2

  • have to choose grant type based on use case
  • use when we have a Resource Owner, a Client and a Resource Server, where the Client wants to communicate with the Resource Server behalf of the Resource Owner
  • more secure and has superseded Implicit Grant,

  1. ClientID and ClientSecret shared from client to Authorization Server

  1. Resource Owner requests login
  2. Client redirects Resource Owner to the Auth Server, also appends important information such as ClientID to tell Auth Server what Client to give access to, Scope for type of access, and Redirect Uri to get back to original Client
  3. Resource Owner logs into Auth Server
  4. Auth Server provides Client with Authorization Code
  5. Client provides Auth Server with Authorization Code, ClientID, ClientSecret, Grant Type and Redirect URI
  6. if all checks out Auth Server provides Client with Access Token, in the form of a JWT
  7. Client requests resources on from Resource Server on behalf of the Resource Owner and sends the Access Token to authenticate
  8. Resources returned to the Client from the Resource Server


oauth playground

105 Deep Dive and Demo Implicit Grant Flow in OAuth2

  • Deprecated, not to be used for production
  • will be removed from OAuth2.1

  • less secure because there is no way to send the ClientSecret in get requests outside of the Url. This would exposing the client credentials it to the world
  • The url also contained the Access Token , exposing it via query params
  • No way to reliably prevent a malicious user from stealing the Acces Token


oauth playground

106 Deep Dive of Password Grant Type Flow in OAuth2

  • also know as Resource Owner Credentials Grant

  • no recommended for production

  • in this case Resource Owner credentials are given directly to the Client

  • the Client then posts the Resource Owner credentials, ClientID and ClientSecret to the Authorization Server

  • Authorization Server sends back an Access Token to the Client which the Client can then use to access the Resource Server on behalf of the Resource Owner

  • could be used if all the parties are part of the same organization, LAN

  • being removed in Oauth2.0+


oauth playground

107 Deep Dive of Credentials Grant Type Flow in OAuth2

  • this is for server to server communication only
  • only have a Client, Auth Server and Resource Server, no user
  • grant_type will be 'client_credentials'
  1. Client sends request to Auth Server, it states there is no end user and provides ClientID and Client Secret
  2. Auth Server, provides Access Token to Client
  3. Client sends request to Resource Server with the Access Token
  4. If all is good, the Resource Server sends back resources to the Client

108 Deep Dive of Refresh Token Grant Type Flow in OAuth2

  • inside the response after a successfully authenticating, there is usually a Refresh Token
  • The Refresh Token will used to refresh the Access Token after x amount of time
  • Client uses the Refresh Token to request a new Access Token from the Auth Server, if the Refresh Token is valid then a new Access Token is provided
    • does not require end user to login again
  • it is the job of the Client application to implement this refresh token configuration

109 How Resource Server Validates Tokens Issue by the Auth Server

Approach 1 Communication

  • Resource Server must reach out to Authorization Server with the provided Access Token to validate that token on Client requests

Approach 2 Common Database

  • store all valid tokens in a common database and check if the Access Token is present

Approach 3 Certificates

  • Resource Server has the public key of Access Server, it can use the public key to validate any Access Tokens
  • most common and recommended approach

110 Introduction to OpenID Connect

  • not a grant type flow
  • OIDC is a wrapper around OAuth2

  • OIDC (Open ID Connect) sits on top of OAuth2 for authentication, and brings standards for sharing identity details
  • there is no way with OAuth2 to know details about the client, ie: username, email etc...
  • The Authorization Server is smart enough to know that if openid exists in the Scope, then it returns both an Access Token and ID Token

  • With Access Token and ID Token we now have IAM, a more advanced concept implemented by Keycloak and other OAuth2 providers


oauth playground

Section 12 Implementing OAuth2 Using Spring Security

  • using a separate app for this section only - ./12_section/springsecOAUTH2GitHub

111 Registering Client Details With Github

  • will use Github as OAuth2 Auth Server

  • the spring boot app will be the Client in this scenario

  • sign into Github -> settings -> developer settings -> OAuth Apps -> Register New Application

  • Github supplies us with a ClientID and we have to generate the ClientSecret
  • could add logo if you want

112 Using Github OAuth2 Server With Spring Boot

  • 12_section/springsecOAUTH2GitHub/src/main/java/com/eazybytes/springsecOAUTH2GitHub/config/

  • must include the oauth2 client dependency

  • passing ClientID and ClientSecret through env vars in the application properties

Environment Varaibles

  • have to add to either bash profile
export github_client_id=myid
export github_client_secret=mysecret
  • or to the evnironment variables in the intellij configurations
  • edit configurations -> modify options -> environment varaibles
    • must be seperarted by ;

113 Running Spring App with Github OAuth2

  • If configured correcttly you should be redirected to the github login page and see you are logging in at teh request of the Client , you provide you credentails and then verify you want to give the Client access to your informtaion. Github will then redirect you back to the Client and provide and access key. if configured correctly you should be redirected to github login page, be able to login, grant your app access to your github account and be redirected
  • good for small apps but, limits your control and does not allow for creation of roles/scopes/users etc...

Section 13 Implementing OAuth2 with Keycloak

114 OAuth2 in EazyBank App

  • will be demoing client credentials, authorization code and pkce grant types

115 Introduction to Keycloak Auth Server

  • an authorization server
  • other commmon ones are okta and amazon congnito
  • open source
  • very stable and continually updated
  • maintained by RedHat

116 Installing Keycloak and Setting Up Admin Account

  • download the ZIP and extract it
  • openkJDK getting started docs
  • cd to dircttion and run bin/ start-dev --http-port 8180, runs keycloak in dev mode at port 8180
  • create and admin user then go to the admin console
  • this version will use an h2 in memory db
  • if you use the keycloak in this repo, usernam admin, passsword admin

117 Creating KeyCloak Realms

  • Realm: space in auth server, should have different realms for dev, staging, prod etc..
  • create a new realm called eazybankdev

118 Creating Client Credentials

  • can create a client through the UI, in a real world situation, would have to reach out to the maintainer of the keycloak server and go through some sort of review before being added as a Client
  • clients tab -> new client ->
    • type: OpenID Connect
    • clientID: eazybankapi
    • turn on client authentication
    • right now we are only testing server to server communication, there is no Resource Owner involved, so uncheck Standard Flow and Direct Access Grants, and check Service Account Roles (this will enable client credentials grant type)
    • cliendID: eazybankapi, clientSecret: can be found under the credentials tab of the client

119 Setting Up EazyBank Resource Server

  1. have to add the maven dependency for OAuth2 resource server

<dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-oauth2-resource-server</artifactId> </dependency>

  1. then have to configure http to use
  • sprinsecuritysec13/src/main/java/com/eazybytes/config/

// telling spring this will now act as an OAuth resource server // it will receive access tokens in the form of JWT's and use the jwtAuthenticationConverter class to get the granted authorities .and().oauth2ResourceServer().jwt().jwtAuthenticationConverter(jwtAuthenticationConverter);

  1. then have to add to application.proprties, where the url is your realm uri

  2. Have to implement a class/method to convert the roles (which are strings) in the JWT to GrantedAuthorities so spring knows how to handle them

  • sprinsecuritysec13/src/main/java/com/eazybytes/config/

120 Getting Access Token From Keycloak with Client Credentials Grant Type

  • have to get the Access Token from the Authentication Server, under the client

  • sent a post request with required headers to Keycloak, this returned us back an Access Token, in the form of a JWT, upon successful Client Authentication

  • must incluce the scope of openid at the minimum

  • this is an example post our server may make to an Authentication Server

  • under the Realm Roles Tab, create a role with the name USER and ADMIN

  • have to assign these roles to the client now.

    • go to clients and eazybankapi
    • eazybankapi is a service account so click the 'service accounts roles' tab and add the roles required
    • now will have the roles in your JWT
    • can decode at

121 Passing Access Token to Resource Server Through Postman

  • can take the JWT from the previous step and pass it to the Resource Server, eazbank backend in this case and we should be authorized by this line in the security configuraiton
  • here the jwtAuthenticationConverter, which we set as our won custom implementation of KeycloakRoleConverter converts the strings in the 'realm-access' key to granted authorities which can then be read by spring to authorize the user


Authorization Code Grant Type

  • not for javascript single page applications

122 Authrorization Code Grant Type with EazyBank

123 Creating Client and User Details in KeyCloak

  • have to create a new client in keycloak,

    • 'easzybankclient'
    • 'client authenticaiton' on
    • 'standard flow' checked
    • uncheck 'Direct Access Grants'
  • after creating the client you must also add the valid redirect uri under client settings.

  • dont have one for this section

  • have to create a user under the Users tab in the keycloak console

124 Testing Authorization Code Grant Type with Postman

  • Resource Owner is redirected by the Client to the keycloak authroization endpoint
  • in this case that is http://localhost:8180/realms/eazybankdev/protocol/openid-connect/auth
  • in this case only test with postman, as frontend app is configured for pkce
  • There is a potman collection json file in the root, import this into postman, can use this to mock this work flow, inside the authorization code folder, read the directions descriptions

also includes postman request for client credentials, jwt and creating basic users

125 126 Authorization Code with PKCE

  • we have an angular app and a spring boot app, we need to implement the Authorization Code flavor PKCE.
  • this is becuase with regular Authorization Code there is no good way to hide the client secret value in the code by looking at the source code in the browser

  • removes the need for use of client secret, for SPA's that are browser based and public facing we should now use the code_verifier and code_challenge to authenticate the Client

  • designed to protect the authorization work flow

  • recomended approach

  • going to be combined with Authorization Code in Oauth2.1

  1. Resource Owner requsts access to resource onc Client

  2. Client tells Resource Owner to talk to Auth Server

  3. Resource Owner is redirected to Auth Server, where they login in with their credentials, and pass along the

    • client_id
    • redirect_uri
    • scope - always have to cinlude openid
    • state - protect against csrf
    • response_type - shoudl be code
    • code_challenge_method - what algrorithm was used
    • code_challenge, which was generated by the Client
  4. Auth Server provides Client with and one time Authz Code

  5. Client responds to the Auth Server and provides the client_id, Authz Code , and code_verifier which the Auth Server can then use to calculate the code_challenge and validate the request

  6. Auth Server provides the Client with an Access Token

  7. Client requests resources from the Resource Server and sends along the Access Token

  8. Resource Server provides Client the resources


oauth playground

127 Creating Public Facing Client Details in Keycloak Server

  • create a new Client
  • client authentication should be off becuase we do not want to be fore to share the client secret with the Auth Server
  • only keep Standard Flow checked
  • must add the valid redirect uri to the client settings, http://localhost:4200/dashboard
  • can also add a logout route if you want, http://localhost:4200/home in this case
  • add a web origin of http://localhost:4200 or you will be blocked by cors
  • under the client advanced menu set Proof Key for Code Exchange Code Challenge Method for s256

128 Implementing PKCE Authorization Code Grant Type in Angular UI Part

  • have to implement this inside the angular application

Part 1

  1. have to install keycloak angular npm package, already included in the package.json
  2. inside the angular.json, have to allow som dependencies
"allowedCommonJsDependencies": [
  • alot of change dont ie ui in terms of path arguments, configuration, can find the working application in ./angular-ui/ui-section-13
  • in short needed to complete steps above, set up keycloak auth guard in the app module and protect the routes in the app routing module, via the new auth.routeguard
  • also had to create login and logout methods and wire them to the buttons in the UI


  • In this PKCE configuration we have configured our frontend to authenticate with an Auth Server, get the response and when sedning an api request to the backend we attatch the JWT as an Authorization header. Then in the backend we get the JWT and strip the roles off, turn them into Granted Authorities, and store them in the security context of the logged in user

131 Important KeyCloak Features

  • Comes with alot of features out of the box
  • Can provide your own custom login page under realm settings -> themes
  • Provides an admin rest api for completing all admin tasks
  • Can provide deafult client scopes, so they are alawys returned to the user, could also set to optional or none
  • Can create own client scopes
  • Offers groups/roles
  • Can see/manage all active sessions
  • Can log events
  • Can define password policies under the Authentication tab
  • Can leverage identity providers for social login
  • Supports integration with Kerberos and Ldap

132 Social Login Integration with Keycloak Server

  • Cocial login with github

  • Identity providers tab -> github -> provide client id and client secret

  • have to add the uri provided by keycloak as the callback uri in github

  • Also ensure your homepage url in github us accurate

  • Social login does not automaticaly assign roles by default


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