This project is an API inspired by the requirements of the Payroll code challenge written by Wave Financial for their Full-Stack Engineer applicants. See Wave Software Development Challenge for more details.
This API has four endpoints:
- One endpoint to register an account and another to login
- Another endpoint to upload a csv file containing timekeeping data for employees
- A final endpoint to retrieve a report containing payroll information based on a bi-monthly pay cycle
The API also features user authentication and permissions for both endpoints.
PostgreSQL is required to accommodate the DecimalFields used in this project. SQLite3 does not support this model field.
Beyond the assumptions already outlined in requirements in the link above, the API assumes that:
- Only a staff account is capable of creating job groups (for now - changes coming soon!)
- Job groups have been created in the database in advance of uploading a csv file.
- Clone the repository
git clone
- Install the requirements (virtual environment recommended)
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Configure a PostgreSQL server in
- Make all migrations
python migrate
- Create a superuser
python createsuperuser
- Log into /admin and add job groups
The endpoint to register an account can be accessed via a POST request to the '/register' url.
The endpoint to sign in can be accessed via a POST request to the '/login' url.
The endpoint to upload a file can be accessed via a POST request to the '/upload' url.
The endpoint to retrieve payroll information can be accessed via a GET request to the '/retrieve' url.