A weather app made in Flutter using Open Meteo (https://open-meteo.com/) API.
Home | Settings | Location search |
Just copy and install the weather-app-release.apk on your Android device.
- App changes theme (dark/light) according to night/day.
- Detects current user location and gets weather data (Open Meteo Weather Forecast API)
- Show current temperature and condition
- Shows hourly temperatures and conditions for the next 24h
- Shows 7-day forecast with max and min temperatures and conditions
- Allows search for a specific location (uses Open Meteo Geocoding API)
- Saves user selections (in SharedPreferences) for current location and units
- Uses beautiful Lottie animations to show current weather conditions
$ flutter run
And select your device or emulator.
Build a release APK for Android:
$ flutter build apk --release
Discover the connected devices:
$ fluter devices
Select a device ID to run as release:
$ flutter run -d [device_id] --release
- Carlos E. Torres (cetorres@cetorres.com)