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Peak and valley features

Aditya P. Apte edited this page Mar 19, 2018 · 3 revisions

Peak and Valley features

The peak feature is based on the IBSI definition in section 4.2.2. the mean intensity is calculated within a neighbourhood for every voxel in the ROI intensity mask. The highest and the lowest intensity peak values represent the peak and valley respectively. The user can specify the radius in the three orthogonal axes. The radius can be defined in voxel as well as physical units.

Example function call:

% Define the scan index
scanNum = 1;

% Define the structure index
structNum = 1;

% Define the neighborhood radius in x,y,z directions
radiusV = [1 1 1];

% Define the units for neighborhood radius 
units = 'vox';

% Call the feature calculator
peakValleyFeatureS = getImPeakValley(structNum,...
    scanNum, radiusV, units);

Note that scan and structure matrices can be passed directly as follows:

peakValleyFeatureS = getImPeakValley(maskM,...
    scanM, radiusV, units );
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