Lite client for CUAHSI/WaterML 1.1 Web Service with PostgreSQL database interface
file config/default.json
defaultwmlserver.url: Default endpoint of CUAHSI/WaterML Server (default: '')
requestdefaults.proxy: HTTP proxy for SOAP client (define if required)
requestdefault.timeout: HTTP SOAP request timeout (milliseconds, default 20000)
requestdefaut.connection: HTTP SOAP connection type (default 'keep-alive')
options.port: nodejs server port (default 3000)
dbsettings.database: PostgreSQL database name (default 'odm') PostgreSQL database host (default 'localhost')
dbsettings.user: PostgreSQL database user name (default 'wmlclient')
dbsettings.password: PostgreSQL database password (default 'wmlclient')
run sudo apt install postgresql nodejs: will install PostgreSQL and node.js
run psql -f sql/odm.sql: will create user wmlclient and database odm
edit config/default.json or create config/local.json
nodejs index.js
Server will start listening on localhost:3000 (or the specified port)
###Using the graphical interface
- Browse to localhost:3000/wmlclient/sites
- Set CUAHSI/WaterML endpoint url (or leave default) and optionally set bounding box in geographical coordinates
- Click on "Enviar consulta". You'll see the search results in a list.
- Click on the desired site on the list. You'll be redirected to localhost:3000/wmlclient/siteinfo
- Available variables for the selected site will be automatically shown on a list. Click on the desired variable. You'll be redirected to localhost:3000/values
- Choose a time period for the desired time series and click on submit button.
- You can download any result list in native format (WML) or in JSON
###Using HTTP/GET
- /sites
*request parameters:
- endpoint url
- north real
- south real
- east real
- west real
- accion "downloadraw"|"download"|"insert" (download WML, download JSON o insert into database, if omitted returns HTML page)
- /siteinfo
*request parameters:
- endpoint url
- site string (site code)
- accion "downloadraw"|"download"|"insert" (download WML, download JSON o insert into database, if omitted returns HTML page)
- /values
*request parameters:
- endpoint url
- site string (site code)
- variable string (variable code)
- accion "downloadraw"|"download"|"insert" (download WML, download JSON o insert into database, if omitted returns HTML page)