This repository has been archived by the owner on Dec 13, 2022. It is now read-only.
Centreon Web
July 30, 2021
- [Authentication] Improve centreonAuth.SSO.class for OpenId connection
- [Administration] LDAP search fails
- [Configuration] Changing a Remote Server's IP address converts it into a simple Poller
- [Configuration] Editing service template removes relations with servicegroups
- [Configuration] Only first servicegroup linked to a service template is exported
- [Core] Unserialize in CentreonUtils is blocked by QualityGate
- [Core] Update copyright date
- [Graph] Can't get a graph with autologin key
- [LDAP] Fixed LDAP auto-sync is always skipped
- [LDAP] LDAP's My account issue
- [Platform Topology] CLAPI's add Instance doesn't add a poller into the platform_topology table
- [Platform Topology] JSON Schema isn't validated in the POST endpoint
- [Platform Topology] Removed unused variable in
- [Resources Status] No route found for "GET /centreon/api/beta/monitoring/resources/undefineds/133"
- [i18n] Fix typo in error message